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  • in reply to: what a great February! #57730

    I am 3 months off of chemo. Tumor is still shrinking. Shrinkage is slowing down, but the chemo is still working! And the side effects are decreasing a bit, too. My feet still sting and burn, but everything is getting better.
    Let’s keep the good news coming! I’m loving all the posts this month!

    in reply to: looking for advice 2nd opinion #56915

    I’m so sorry your sister had a reaction so quickly. Tell her gloves work wonders. Of course, it’s hard to cook with gloves on, but you CAN get stuff out of the fridge with gloves on. Room temp drinks for everything! Or warm. I actually still ask for drinks without ice, and often drink room temp liquids at home. After 4 months of it, I’m used to them.
    I hope it goes away rather quickly. I got thru the first treatment without reacting, but the second one I reacted. It left in a few days, though. It will build up, tho, and take longer to go away. Just remember the scarf and gloves on treatment days.

    in reply to: Going to New York today #57661

    No. The pump is filled with glycerol/ine now. Has to be filled every 6 weeks. I only got to use it 3 times. Dr. Kemeny is worried that I had those health issues after we started using it. So she’s fearful about giving me that chemo again. It’s FUDR, which is really strong.
    And wouldn’t the meal be a great thing for the insurance co. to cover?? Maybe we can figure out a way! :)

    in reply to: Going to New York today #57659

    I love your sense of humor. You can almost always give me a chuckle!!
    To clear up my bingo card, here’s the link Grover posted a couple of weeks ago. It’s a great way to figure out what all the docs are talking about. I actually printed out the one image and brought it with me yesterday for my surgeon to draw on. His pictures are too basic and didn’t show me what I needed to know! Now I think I know too much! :D
    I know, you can never know too much about your health.


    in reply to: Doing well after 2 years! #56798

    Good luck today! I’m sending prayers your way for a good clean scan!


    in reply to: Clean Scan (officially) #57576

    What great news!! Keep posting your good news and giving us all hope!! I want to this great news every year!!

    in reply to: Going to New York today #57656

    Thanks everyone.
    I saw the doctors yesterday: sort of a united front. My onc gave me the good news that the tumor is STILL shrinking, although very little this time. To remind you, I haven’t had chemo in 3 months as of today. And the sack of bile is only about 3cm, down from 7! She wondered where my drain was. I said we hadn’t touched it. She was very surprised it shrunk that much without help. So good news all around!
    My onc said things are stable and she’s afraid the sack of bile was caused by the chemo thru the pump, so no chemo again. She said the best thing to do is watch. She could give me Gemzar but my blood numbers, although in the normal range, are barely in the normal range after 3 months. And Gemzar alone probably won’t do much to the tumor.
    My surgeon, on the other hand, had a lot to say. My tumor started in a bile duct and sort of meandered to the top of my liver. There isn’t anything noticeable in the bile duct anymore, but he feels that is what caused the sack (guessing games!). His course of action is surgery, but not right now. What he wants to do is to cut off the left side of the liver from blood flow by doing another embolization. If anyone has seen the image Grover linked to, I brought that in for Dr. Fong. There’s a large vein/artery (I always mix them up) coming up into the middle of the liver then branching out. He wants to close off the left side: into 2 & 3, with glycerin or something. That will cause the right side: 6 & 7, to work harder and “grow”.
    My tumor is in 1, 4a and 8. And the sack is in 2 & 3. So after the right side gets stronger, he will remove lots of the liver. 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, and parts of 5 and 8. Leaving me with part of 5, part of 8, all of 6 & 7.
    I haven’t looked yet: wonder if anyone else has had this done before resection? And what are the side effects I can expect? I’m figuring fatigue will be a big side effect, until the right side catches up and takes over.
    Kind of scary, but at least this makes sense. I just don’t want to lose my “feeling good” health! I just keep saying this all beats the alternative.

    After the appointments, I had dinner with an old friend I’ve known basically since we were 8 or 9. She works in Times Square. Since I didn’t get done until 4:30, I went to her office and we stopped at a local place for dinner and “catch up”. Good times!


    in reply to: sugars effect on cancer #57682

    I would say she should eat a healthy diet. And vegetables and fruits are definitely a part of that. One thing she should start doing as her blood levels fall is make sure her veggies and fruits are CLEAN! Wash them thoroughly. Get paranoid about it. In other words, wash the knife when cutting cantaloupe, onions, anything with a skin. And wash them first before cutting.
    I’m still paranoid even tho I’ve had 3 months since chemo ended. My bloods are in the normal range but haven’t gotten very high. I still wash all my fruits and veggies, even going so far as to throw out grapes that come out of the bag unattached. You never know what germs can get in that little hole.
    I’m paranoid, but healthy, and want to keep it that way.
    As for the sugars, maybe eating ice cream is a “no-no”. But she needs a healthy diet and her strength more than anything.

    in reply to: insurance denying radioembolization #57618

    I can’t help you there, but I hope they cover it without too much fuss. Tell them you really really like having CC and can’t WAIT to try another procedure. Maybe sarcasm will work?? :rolleyes:
    So far my insurance has covered most, but lately I’ve noticed my onc visits are a lot more than my $50 deductible. I need to find out what’s up myself.


    in reply to: What Chemo should be used for me? #56303

    Derin: Have a great time!! Sounds like you’ve barely slowed down. I hope the chemo stays as a “small nuisance”. I don’t think I’ve done as much in the past year as you’ve done this past month. Just reading your posts make me tired! :D

    Enjoy the dance with your daughter and keep posting. It’s making me feel like a lazy bum!! :)


    in reply to: First bit of good news #57500

    Wonderful news! I hope the good news continues! Make sure you keep us posted and let us know how great he does with the new treatment! I have a good feeling this will work.


    in reply to: Preliminary reading of my 2 year scan #57495

    Congratulations on your great news! Don’t feel bad about posting: I know all these posts give me hope that one day I, too, can say something like “18 months out and clear, so far!!” It gives me so much hope when I read all this good news lately.

    I am sending prayers your way that you get good news about your scare. It’s hard not to over-analyze, especially for cc patients, since we’ve had to do most of our background work ourselves.

    I thank God every day that I found this site! You all give me strength, hope and more information than I can possibly understand.


    in reply to: 16 months and clear #57511

    Congratulations on your good news!! I hope to hear much more from you in the future.

    in reply to: Doing well after 2 years! #56786

    Thank you Phoebe, for posting! I love to hear how many years people are cancer free. It definitely gives me hope!


    in reply to: looking for advice 2nd opinion #56900

    Sending good thoughts and prayers that the chemo works for your sister.


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