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  • in reply to: Gemcitabine with 5-FU Push #14829

    Jeff, thanks for the info on the Dr. at Mayo. We do have surgery scheduled for Jan. 24 here at the James, but the Docs there know we are thinking about going somewhere else to get their opinion. We are leaning towards staying here though. They wanted to get him on the surgery schedule though, in case we stayed here. They only do surgeries on Wednesdays – I was kinda shocked at that. This big cancer hospital and only surgeries one day a week?

    I am going to email this Doctor. I have Jack’s (husband) MRI report so I can type that to him.

    Thank you so much for his info. I am truly grateful to all of you who are so willing to help and offer advice and info. With us just starting out this process, I feel so thankful for all of you.


    in reply to: Gemcitabine with 5-FU Push #14826

    Thank you to all that have replied to my post. It is a sense of strength to hear all those kind words from people like you, people I have never met before.

    We need to decided if we should stick with the James here in Columbus or try MD Anderson or Kettering. We did contact MD Anderson and they said they really don’t do “second opinions” – they said if we would go there, they would go ahead like we decided on them already. I don’t know what to do about that.

    We have seen Dr. Martin and Dr. Bloomston here at the James. We really liked them both. Mary, I know you have Dr. Bloomston too. He is the one that told us 9 out of 10 surgeons wouldn’t operate on my husband but him and Dr. Martin, along with Dr. Walker (radiation Doc) would. Dr. Bloomston said there is the chance he might not make it out of surgery. The tumor is big and it’s in a really bad area. We don’t have a choice though. We have to go ahead with the surgery. He said if we didn’t (which we never even considered) he would have 1-3 years. When you are 41 years old with a 12 yr. old and 14 yr. old, it’s a no brainer.

    Mary, have you met with Dr. Martin?

    Joni, how is your husband now and what treatments has he gone though?

    Thank you all again. It’s nice to know I have you guys “out there somewhere!”

    in reply to: Gemcitabine with 5-FU Push #14821

    Jeff, thank you so much for your email. I am looking for all the help, support and info I can get. I think it’s amazing that in March it will be 8 years for you!! From everything I have been reading about this horrible cancer, that is quite amazing. That puts a smile on my face and hope in my heart.

    My husband’s tumor is 5.8 cm X 5.5 cm so it’s big. Our Doctor here at the James at Ohio State said 9 out of 10 surgeons wouldn’t operate on him because of the size. He said he would though. We don’t know if it has spread from somewhere else yet. He is going for a colonoscopy and endoscopy next week. They will also check his lungs. Now we are just praying that it started in the duct and not somewhere else. They said he would have chemo and radiation after.

    I have a 12 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. I don’t want them to have to grow up without their Dad. He is an awesome Dad and is very close to his kids. I don’t know how we would get through that. I am trying to think positively and I am making sure he is but it’s hard when you know what you know about this type of cancer.

    Thank you again for your post. Take care.

    in reply to: Gemcitabine with 5-FU Push #14819


    You mentioned in one of your posts about reviews you have heard about different hospitals and cancer centers.

    Can you give me that info?? We live in Columbus, Ohio and have gone to the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State. My husband was just diagnosed with CC and we aren’t sure if there is a better place for him. It’s so hard to decide on the best place for treatment.

    Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.
    Good luck to you.

    in reply to: Great results from radiation #14962

    Dear Mary,

    I hope your husband continues to do well. Your story gives me great hope for our situation. Do you live in Columbus, Ohio? We do and my husband just got diagnosed at age 41 with CC – your post caught my attention because you mentioned Dr. Bloomston. We have met with Dr. Bloomston and Dr. Martin. Is Dr. Martin involved at all with your husband’s treatment? We really liked both of them and they said they can operate on my husband. They said 9 out of 10 surgeons wouldn’t because of the size of the tumor.

    We asked them who the best liver surgeons in the country are and they said the Docs at MD Anderson in Houston and Sloan Kettering in Manhattan. We have contacted MD Anderson and they said they really don’t do second opinions. Once they take you as a patient, they are under the assumption that they will be treating you. We do have his surgery scheduled for Jan. 24 at the James. We just want to go to the “best” place but how do you know what the best is????

    Anyway, I just wanted to know if you were also dealing with Dr. Martin and what you have thought of your whole experience at the James. We are just in shock here with all of this and any info you can give me would be a great help.

    Thank you.

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