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  • ladybug02142004

    I wanted you all to know that you helped me so much with your posts. I blogged in my journal last night about how we are all have different stories to tell, but we are all connected through this horrible disease. We all share very similar fears, and pretty much the same hopes. I am so encouraged by you all, and I am keeping the faith. Thanks so much for taking the time to life my spirits. I shared your posts with Dave, and it meant so much to him.

    Sending out hugs!



    Thanks Darla!

    Hugs to you too!

    in reply to: prayers for kim #29244


    Hope all is still going well for you!! Prayers going out for your family.


    Thanks so much Jan! Means so very much to me!

    in reply to: Recovery from Whipple surgery #29102

    Hello there, my hubby had the whipple surgery April 2nd. He was in the hospital a month, He had several complications from it. He is doing great now. Feel free to ask me any questions as well.

    in reply to: Tomorrow’s The Day #28545

    Praying for the best results!!!!

    in reply to: Hubby had surgery, now I have some worries….. #28067

    Hello everyone, I wanted to give a quick update on my husband Dave. It seemed that he did have the bowel obstruction, and they placed the NG tube back in last Thursday. His white count was still very high, so back in for a CT, and found that he had an infection, and a leak from the small intestine. The MD thinks that the leak will heal itself, however, the bowel backed up into it and caused the infection. They had to open up several staples to drain the infection, as it had “pooled” just underneath the wound. WOW, what a roller coaster!! He has been on high dose of antibiotics, and has lost so much weight from not eating for a week due to the NG tube. The good news is today, the NG tube is out, and it looks to like that the bowel obstruction is clear! He has a wound vac on him, to seal back the wound. He has developed a cough, they took him down for chest ex-rays, and it seems all is ok. MD thinks cough from NG tube irritation, or post nasal drip. Cough concerns me….he can’t talk without coughing. His surgery was 04/02, and he is still in Barnes Hospital in St Louis, no news of discharge, day at a time……Thanks for all the words of encouragement!

    in reply to: Hubby had surgery, now I have some worries….. #28064

    It’s me, Ladybug again, I just heard from the Doc, and it seems that Dave has a small bowel obstruction, most likely caused from the scar tissue. He said that it was bowel that was not able to pass through, and that he needed decompressed. They are putting the NG tube back down his throat into his abdomen to relieve him. They stated this can cause the fast heart rate, distended abdomen, and the high white count, but it sets him back, tube will be there for 2-3 days, and then back to ice chips and water. Anyone have this problem too?

    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28045

    Thanks!! Me too!!! Well, we were told that when he goes back for his follow-up to get the staples out that we would talk about preventive options. I guess the Doc wants to get him strong from the surgery before discussing further steps. Thanks your well wishes mean so much!

    devoncat wrote:
    Welcome Ladybug! (that seems strange as Ladybug is my sister’s symbol!)

    I am so happy your husband got the little beast out and surgery was successful! I love wonderful news. Is your husband going to “tidy up” with any chemo? I wish nothing but the best for you and your husband.


    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28044

    Thanks a bunch for the well wishes!!

    Tess wrote:
    Welcome Ladybug, that is really great news about Dave. Sounds like it was certainly a best case scenario and that things are unfolding smoothly. Here’s wishing you both well wishes, you’ll be in our thougths.


    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28043

    Thank you!! I am hoping to find lots of info about recovery on this site! I will be his caregiver, and could use lots of tips, and thoughts!

    marions wrote:
    ladybug…I would like to follow moon and Lainy in welcoming you to this site. I am wishing for a speedy recovery and many more wonderful postings from you.
    My best wishes to Dave. It is a slow processs recovering from this type of surgery but, well worth the effort.
    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28039

    Thanks for your well wishes! You are so true…this CC is just unreal. I pray so much that all will continue to look up for him. We are blessed.

    Lainy wrote:
    Hello Ladybug and welcome to a place no one wishes to be. That is such monumental news about Dave. This CC is unbelievable and you were so lucky to catch it so quickly. Bravo also to Dave’s doctors. This is a good site with a ton of caring people so don’t be a stranger. Wishing for a really speedy recovery for Dave.
    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28038

    Thank you very much! I am certain I will be on here quite often!

    moon wrote:
    hello ladybug,

    i want to welcome you to this baord,
    it is so great to here that your husbund is okay,and wisch more good news for you and your husbund.

    god bless you moon

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