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  • in reply to: It’s been a year… #37030

    Love you, too, Pam!! I know from your posts how compassionate & caring you are & I send my very best wishes to you as you mark this sad milestone.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Getting Back On Track #37022

    I hope you & Marc are having a good Easter, Jeff. It’s GREAT to hear he’s pain-free.

    My best wishes to you both.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Thank You!!!! #37040

    I’m so very glad you found us, Jeff – just as I’m so very grateful I found you all, too. Like you, I would have been totally lost without CCF.

    My best wishes to you & Marc.


    Julia x

    in reply to: Soooooo tired today! #36992

    My sister gets very, very fatigued a few days after chemo, Rick & there’s no real consistency about when it hits her, either.

    I hope you get your bounce back very soon.

    Julia x

    in reply to: New to this disease and the board #36994

    Dear Caregiver, I’m sorry I can’t answer your question but I’m sure there are others on here who can – & will – give more info. I wanted to come on & say hello, though, & to welcome you to this wonderful “family”. You won’t be alone on here.

    My very best wishes to you, your sister, brother-in-law & niece.


    in reply to: Palliative Care in Cancer/NCI #36976

    Thank you, that means a lot to me – particularly as I’m constantly trying to assess “will this help or will it make things worse?” & am never sure if the path I choose is the right one.

    But I suppose the reality is that none of us knows – not only is there no expiration date stamped on the soles of our feet, but we don’t get handed a user manual with this diagnosis either …

    in reply to: Good News #36979

    Oh that is SO wonderful, Dawna!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Julia :-D x

    in reply to: Palliative Care in Cancer/NCI #36974

    Thank you, Marion. My local authority copied my sister in on a letter recently, where palliative care was referred to as “end of life” care.

    I went MAD at that definition & splurged my fury out in a very terse letter to them …

    (… end result, they sent a doctor round to see her & apologise to her personally – YAY!!!)

    in reply to: My dad is getting worse #36484

    I’m thinking of you, Matilda, & sending hugs & healing thoughts. xx

    in reply to: future obituary #36967

    There’s a new member on the Facebook fan page who wrote: “didn’t know what this was, so I looked it up”. When I read it, I thought, “Wow – we’re really raising awareness, one person at a time”.

    I think you’ve made a wonderful suggestion, Kathy. I hope that day will be far, far in the future.


    in reply to: Newbie #36897

    I hope your dad recovers from the infection quickly, Merilee. I don’t think you’re being self-centred at all – & even if you were, why shouldn’t you be, with all you’re having to cope with??

    Best wishes are winging their to you from London … x


    in reply to: Mom’s not doing good #36938

    Dear Alie – you & your mum are firmly in my heart.


    in reply to: Denial #36956

    A very big WELCOME to this wonderful site from me, too, Tina. I’m sorry I cannot help with the issues you’re coping with – other than to echo Pam’s Number One Rule – but I want you to know you will always find friends here. This is a wonderfully caring & supportive family & we are here for you.

    Please take care of yourself.

    Julia x

    in reply to: How can I be a widow? #36920

    Jolene – thank you for this link; I hope it will help Debby & I know it will help me.

    I am so sorry, too, for the awful series of losses you’ve had to cope with. I was aware of how recently you’d lost your beloved dad, but I had no idea of your additional losses of mother & mother-in-law. I’m very glad you are getting support & I am very grateful to you for continuing to give support at what must be such an incredibly painful time for you, too.

    Julia x

    in reply to: skincancer #36946

    I’m sorry I can’t answer your question, Moontje, but I hope someone will come on soon who may be able to help. Have you tried the “search” function, too? There’s a lot information to be found in the “back-room” (I can’t think of the right word!!)

    My very best wishes to you & Tom.


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