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  • in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33430

    What sort of hat are you wearing, Lisa? I found a trilby recently, which would look very fetching. :)

    Shame about the cold, though. xx

    in reply to: My Dad #33665

    My very best wishes & a very BIG welcome to you, Cinnamin. Getting this diagnosis is such a MASSIVE shock for both patient & family. Like so many others here, I found that once the shock starts to subside, the fighting spirit takes over. It sounds like your fighting spirit is already up & running, which is wonderful.

    I send you all the luck there is for your meeting tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes.


    in reply to: CC Stability for Now #33673

    I’m so sorry I can’t answer your questions, Mom’s Daughter, but I can & do send you a BIG WELCOME to this wonderful site.

    As Lainy said, you’ll get lots of help here.

    My very best wishes are winging their way to you & your mum.


    in reply to: Surgery aborted due to pancreatitis #33652

    Hello Gerry

    I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this delay & frustration, but I’m glad you’ve had the great news that it’s operable when the inflammation clears.

    I send loads of good luck for your chemo treatment. Do you know, yet, which drugs you’ll be getting?

    All the best

    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33612

    Dear Gavin, I’m so, so sorry to hear your news; this is a post I did not want to appear on the boards, although it was becoming clear that it would not be long before it did. You have given me such strength as you journeyed through this with your dad & I am so grateful to you for sharing the journey with us.

    My heart goes out to you & your mum & family. I, too, hope the grieving process soothes the pain of your loss & that your wonderful memories will soon outweigh the sadness.

    My very, very best wishes. I wish I could say more.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: CCF Wristbands #31522

    Lots of love winging its way to you, Tanoland. You take lots of care of yourself.


    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33527

    I’m so glad my message helped you, too, Pam; you’ve helped me such a lot in my journey, too.


    in reply to: CCF Wristbands #31521

    How are you, Tanoland? I hope you are doing well.

    I was in the Onc’s waiting room with my sis on Monday & met another pair of sisters; one with CC, the other supporting her. They hadn’t heard of the CC Foundation so I whipped a couple of wristbands out of my bag & thrust them at them together with a spare leaflet, which Stacie had put in the envelope when I received my wristbands. The gesture made me happy, made the other couple happy & made my sister very proud. Win-Win-Win!!!

    I hope the other ladies do come on here & get the support I’ve been getting from you lovely lot.


    in reply to: Latest scan results #33504

    Dear Kris, I send my very, very best wishes to you & Hans for your meeting on Thursday; my sister’s been told her chemo is palliative only, too & it shocked her but – like you – she’s now saying “whatever the doctors may be saying – I fight on!!” I’m glad the doctors are making it clear that NO ONE is giving up. You are so clearly a wonderful person with a terrific fighting spirit. We’re all behind you, cheering you on in your fight.

    & – as Ashley said – WELL DONE YOU on kicking Leroy right out of your nodes!!

    Love Julia xx

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33525

    She’s well tucked up in your heart, Sharon, & always will be. Your post brought tears to my eyes with its loving gentleness.

    I hope you feel able to go to Florida & that your mum will still be here when you get back. My very best to you all.

    Julia xxx

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33298

    What a lovely memory & a lovely post, Gavin. I hope today brings more smiles & contentment.


    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33292

    I think of you & your family a lot, Gavin. I hope your dad got a good sleep last night & is feeling better today.

    Julia x

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33523

    I’m thinking of you, too, Sharon. My very, very best wishes are coming your way.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Introduction #33492

    Grrrrrr to you insurers!! I’ll be rooting for your Onc!!

    in reply to: The journey starts #33047

    Hello Tom & Tom!!

    Tom F: Good Luck with your chemo today – I’ll let you know how my sis gets on tomorrow. She had her blood test yesterday, so I hope her bloods are okay. The Onc did say yesterday that she’ll have to have her treatment pushed back a week because they aren’t seeing patients between Christmas & New Year & they can’t start her next chemo cycle (which was due to start on the 30th) until she’s had her next Onc visit (which now won’t be until the 4th). The Onc said there’s absolutely no problem about the delay & she should just treat it as “an extra week’s holiday”. Hopefully, you won’t be delayed either but, if you are, they don’t seem to be unduly concerned about it.

    Tom from Denton: A big WELCOME & Good Luck with your continued treatment.


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