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  • lalupes

    Thanks, Percy.

    in reply to: Good bye my sister #62799

    Dear BAP

    I’m so very sorry to hear your sister has died. I lost my sister, too, 6 weeks ago and it hurts so much. You are very much in my thoughts. Please keep coming back and let us know how you are. This is such an amazing site, full of such incredibly supportive people who DO understand.

    Julia x

    p.s. Where in London are you??

    in reply to: Missing My Sister #62604

    Dear Terri, I lost my lovely sister a month ago and am just starting to feel as you’re describing. I heard Tom Cruise had been cast as Lee Child’s “Jack Reacher” two days ago and got really upset when I couldn’t talk to Sue about it. She loved those books and it was Sue who introduced me to them. Jack Reacher is a 6’5″ 250lbs ex-Military Policeman – and Tom Cruise … isn’t. She’d have been appalled and we would have had a good laugh about it – yet I really can’t believe something so trivial could set me off crying like that.

    My only advice at this stage is to share your sadness – and the event which triggered the sadness – with others. Like you, I’m keen to hear others’ advice, too.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: This exactly sums up how I’ve been feeling lately #62357

    Pam, my doc recommended ani-depressants a couple of years ago, as I was so stressed/distressed it was sending my blood pressure sky-high. I’m still on them. I also see a counsellor on a regular basis. There is no way I could have coped without help.

    My love to you and Lauren xx

    in reply to: Not the news we were hoping for. #62503

    Dear Pam, I’m thinking of you all and sending love and masses of positive thoughts your way xxxxx

    in reply to: Email from dr. Javle. #62429

    Fabulous, Tiffany!! What a great man. It gives us all hope xxx

    in reply to: This exactly sums up how I’ve been feeling lately #62345

    I love it that I’m cool :). Thank you, Pam, you made my day!!

    It’s so strange how, at times, I feel I’m turning into my sister :/ I’ve been to a couple of (pre-scheduled) birthday parties since she died and have found I’m energising everyone in the room – just like Sue used to do – whereas normally (over the past few years anyway) I would try and fade into a corner …

    I miss her dreadfully, but can feel her presence all around me, so I’m not lonely – yet.

    Janet, yes please – ANY tips to keep my energy up will be most welcome xx

    in reply to: FINALLY!!! #62273

    I love love love good news xxx

    in reply to: One year on #62192

    Beautiful poem, beautiful sentiments. It’s 3 weeks since my sister died and I am “doing okay” but there’s a massive hole in my life.

    in reply to: Susan Wise #62172

    Thank you, Marion. I didn’t realise the York Press had picked up the story. I love that photo.

    Cholangiocarcinoma, your name is continuing to spread out there. You can run, but you can’t hide. You’re going to regret taking our loved ones from us.

    in reply to: Susan Wise: April 1951 – May 2012 #61676

    “Whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched …”
    ― J.K. Rowling

    Today we celebrated my sister, Susan’s life in STYLE; with colours, textures, smells, laughter, tears and very, very much love. Thank you to everyone who came, to everyone who sent messages, cards, mementos and flowers and to everyone who thought of her/us today. Thank you xxx

    in reply to: The end #62076

    Dearest Jose, I have been dreading hearing this news, although I equally dreaded a continuation of your lovely sister’s distress. I am so very sorry for your loss. You did EVERYTHING you could possibly do – what an amazing, loving, strong, steadfast, loyal brother you are.

    your sister and mine were amazing. They still are amazing. They always will be amazing.

    I set off in a few hours, to say a final goodbye to my lovely sister and to celebrate her life with her friends and loved ones. During that celebration, I will raise a glass to celebrate the life of your lovely sister, too.

    With love
    Julia xx

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32414

    Happy Birthday to your mum, Carlos :) A great lady, with a great son.

    I hope the doctors can reassure her.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Doug – forever in my heart and mind. #61933
    Nancy246 wrote:
    “Lying awake at dawn, I remember them,
    With a love that is almost joy I remember them:
    Lost, and all mine, all mine, forever.”
    John Hall Wheelock

    How very, very beautiful. X

    in reply to: Susan Wise: April 1951 – May 2012 #61672

    Thank you all very much. I am lucky to have met you, despite the dreadful circumstances.


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