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  • Litvak

    Hi Marshbri,

    I’m glad you found this community (even though I wish you wouldn’t need it).

    I was in a very similar situation: my 63 year old mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma last year. Sadly, she passed this week (I always hated seeing posts that start with death, sorry), but I want to give you some hope and a little bit of know how I accumulated:

    1. Get genomic testing ASAP. Like arrange it by the end of this week. There are incredible advances in targeted therapies and immunotherapies. And they’re are your best hope. I don’t know what are the best options in USA, but here in Lithuania, Foudnation One is probably the fastest, easiest and accepted everywhere. I needed to pay for the test out of pocket, but maybe your insurer will cover it.

    2. When you get your genomic test results. go look for clinical trials for targeted therapies and immunotherapies. There is a bunch of information on this website.

    3. When your mom will start treatment, the things she will be able to eat will be very limited. After trial and error, I found out that my mom could eat the following: turkey meat, beetroot soup,  yogurts, soured milk (don’t know if you have this in the USA). berries, bananas, bread, buckwheat, and non-alcoholic beer and vine.

    4. There are a bunch of supplements everyone is taking: Vitamin D, turkey tail mushrooms, CBD, and at least one supplement that is good for your cardiovascular system. I don’ know if they actually help, but I felt bad when I found out everyone is using them and I haven’t already bought them for my mum.

    5. Be there for your mom. This will be very new for her and very hard. She will need support.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Litvak.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Litvak.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Litvak.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Litvak.
    in reply to: YELIVA – ABC294640 Trial #99437

    Hi Fred,

    maybe the results regarding the effectiveness of YELIVA are in?

    – MB


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