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  • in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34521

    Thats great that Toms home Janet

    in reply to: It’s back!! #36317

    Carol,I am sorry you have had this bad news,but congrats on your upcoming marriage.Get married and just live!Dont worry about other sorts of treatments
    just eat plenty of fresh foods and enjoy time with your amazing man Janet

    in reply to: Facebook #36194

    It is a bit mind boggling,Rick

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34508

    That was very poor,that mixup.I couldnt see it happening in the hospital that I work in.You should ask for feedback about what measures have been implemented to improve their checking procedures.
    Good news about the scans,bad news about the infection-I hope Tom has a good response to the antibiotics Janet


    I am glad about the hair

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34498

    I hope so,Margaret.Was he injured when he fell?


    Are you in Western Sydney?I am on the south coast Janet


    I am Janet from your neck of the woods.Major surgery followed by chemo is no picnic and its no wonder your husband is debilitated.You will just have to coast along until the chemo is finished just letting him eat whatever he wants and then when it finishes you can get on with your lives and try and put the cancer behind you because the surgery gives him a good chance.
    You have to realise that this chemo is different from what many on this board are undertaking because it is a mopping up any stray cells scenario rather than palliative chemo and the objectives are different.
    On another note,sometimes yoghurt is tolerated when other dairy is not and thats a great food and good for the gut.

    Of course I know you wont be able to forget it but dont obsess about it and look forward to eating some great meals and having some lovely family outings.What hospital?

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22122

    Pauline,that was great to meet up with Julia,the benefit of living on a small crowded island!It would be lovely to meet up with a few of us,something to think about.My son,Russell is keen to travel to Europe later this year,he is saving up!
    I would like to travel, I cant leave my other son yet but things continue to improve so who knows,maybe it is doable.
    Those Italian neighbours sound like good sorts,you are lucky there.Good luck getting back to work Janet

    in reply to: Marc’s Chemo #35972

    Boy George was amazing in his heyday and Air Supply is a good Aussie band and I love the Church,little river band and Crowded House from that time

    in reply to: Marc’s Chemo #35961

    I think it is very hard to be completely honest and tell the truth about cancer and some doctors shrink from it and tell people what they want to hear and some overdo the realism,occasionally some will get it right.That is complete honesty without removing all hope.The problem is sometimes people only hear what they want to hear and thats why these doctors think they have to overdo the realism but really its better not to overload with information and take it slowly.
    I suspect this was a consultation prior to starting chemo to make sure it was what you wanted to do.Im sure it will get started but you do need some information to make an informed decision Janet

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34458

    Margaret,it is all so hard!!!I was angry too,just in general at nobody in particular.We just struggle on and try to support each other.
    The weight loss is hard to see because it makes our loved ones look so sick and combined with a colour that is not quite right! and the weariness that comes with illness,this is all really,really hard
    Janet x

    in reply to: More Questions for all of you… #35561

    Do you think your mothers condition is deteriorating?Make sure she is monitored closely so you can stop chemo if needed and keep discussing and remaking plans if needed.Your gut feelings are important and need to be listened to,maybe you need some quality time. Good luck Janet

    in reply to: Update on My Dad’s surgery #35617

    You are doing so well,I am an RN and I think how wonderful for your dad that you can take on this technical stuff because it is a lot of responsibility and must be worrying at times.Anyhow it must be terrific for him to be at home Janet

    in reply to: Avastin #35712

    Lauren,the treatment of choice for cc is gemcitabine plus a platinum drug like cisplatin.Realistically all chemo given for this type of cancer is classed as palliative because it is not really a cure but a buying extra time scenario.In some people the chemo doesnt work and in others it will prolong their life and or relieve symptoms.
    Surgery is the only option that can truly be called curativeYou can research on this site,good luck. Janet
    I think it is the word “palliative” that is offputting

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