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  • in reply to: My brother is gone… #31731

    Dear Sandy,
    What a devastating experience for you and your family.The speed at which a person can deteriorate with this particular cancer is hard to comprehend.I went through it with my husband,it was like a fastforward button had been pressed.Its best not to have too many what ifs.My husband was diagnosed during a routine checkup with no symptoms present but still did not last long.
    Even though some people here are doing well and we all hope so much they will continue to do so there are lots of us who have had a similar experience to yours so we really do understand.
    My condolences to you and your family Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22058

    Pauline,I have had that rotten sleep pattern lately too.No trouble getting off to sleep and then awake for a couple of hours from about 3am.Sometimes its light before I get back off to sleep.This can be a problem related to menopause too aparently.It is very disruptive though,particularly when you have to get up early. Janet

    in reply to: It’s not over until the fat man sings, right? #31712

    Wendy,sorry you have had a rough week and bad news with the scan.What a business for you all that travel.Do you have to fly down for the oncologist too or do they come up on a regular basis.
    When do you do the Gawler workshop,is that in Victoria?That should be a more positive experience for you Janet

    in reply to: New York Times Article re: Grieving #31698

    Actually,I feel I am nowhere near “out of the tunnel”-but I am happy I am able to get out of bed and function even if it is at a lesser extent because I really thought I would not be able to. Janet

    in reply to: It’s not over until the fat man sings, right? #31707

    Hi,just a note that the thrush is caused by antibiotics and fixed with an antifungal drop or tablet,Hospice/palliative care are really good for advice and symptom management and should not be regarded as “at the end only type of care”.In this country they are often called on to help with tricky symptoms in a variety of illnesses not necessarily terminal. Janet

    in reply to: Pardon the game of 20 questions #26972

    Thats great Katie,I am glad you are going so well.I am a rather veteran nurse so if you are interested in the profession I am glad Janet

    in reply to: New York Times Article re: Grieving #31695

    Thankyou for posting that article,Marion.I think for many of us including me ,that is our biggest fear,the fear of totally losing it and not being able to function,well it was certainly mine.I was sure that would happen to me and rather relieved when I could still carry on. Janet

    in reply to: Melonhead #31675

    Yes,important communications can be lost on the wrong thread.Those worries-of course you get massive fluid in the peritoneal areas and it kind of falls down and disperses all about below the waist right down to the feet.It will happen to everyone with liver problems to some degree.
    Solutions-peritoneal tapping,diuretics,keeping the legs raised,rest.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22055

    Dear people,
    Well it has been a rollercoaster week for me,even though I am good on the rollerskates.We had the dust storm !! and I have had a lot of liason with Alastairs school about his broken thumb-his final exams are coming up and we have had the music performance etc.
    Now then Joyce,you may need to study that geography,I have done so.I watched a great programme-Stephen Frys American tour and learned plenty.I have googled quite a bit also since coming aboard here.
    We are actually about 100kms(?miles)south of Sydney in a small coastal village with a bit of rainforest escarpment behind us,a narrow coastal strip.

    in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31613

    So sorry for all you new members are struggling with.Because we are all over the world and all different health systems we dont know the ropes but I think your own doctor,GP as we call it here should be able to organize these referrals for you or discuss options,I think lean on them a bit Janet

    in reply to: Need some mental help and lots of prayers! #31591

    Well,after 8 months I have not done much with my husbands things.They are all still in the wardrobe and shoes still in the rack so I have nothing to advise,I think I will get to it when it feels right but I wont stress over itIs your dad ok with it? Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22051

    Well the apointment went ok although I was awake all night worrying over it partly because so much was missing and we had to guestimate and also because I worried that I would become tearry,and I actually didnt.
    We have had really bizarre weather,a freak dust storm that reached the coast,I was woken and told it was raining mud! Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22048

    Hi all
    I am stressed bigtime.Tomorrow I have an apointment to lodge a tax return for myself and Joel,I am sure you have another system or word for it but I have struggled to get together the relevant paperwork and I have been dreading it.Anyhow-TOMORROW its on. Janet x

    in reply to: I can’t believe this is happening so fast #31562

    Kris,yes a very inspiring post.You are doing so well supporting others and telling it really like it is,and yet it is so hard for you too,if you are like me the tears flow as I am typing.The emotions are all so raw and our feelings so complicated.
    Janet x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22047

    Iwas a good roller skater too,Darla and a good ice skater ,I loved the ice rink and I kept my ice skates for years but eventually gave them to the op shop.We had a roller rink near here and I was still ok to skate around with the boys a few years ago Janet

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