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  • in reply to: very good news!!!! #85310

    I add my congratulations to your news as well!! I am so happy for you and Tom! Celebrate this victory and take it for all it is worth!!! Tell Tom to keep up the good work. Hugs and prayers…

    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78752

    Thanks Lainy! I love your YIPEEs!! By the way, I will be in your neck of the woods November 6-10th! Hoping for some of your warm weather while we are there!

    Thank you Matt, Darla, Gavin and Judy….I do so appreciate all your support! Slow and Steady does win the race!!

    Dear WMIL from Holland …I am so glad you could view the webinar. I hope that they are able to perfect this treatment and then have it available world wide!! I will definitely keep my eyes and ears open for any future news. I also welcome you to this site and would love to hear more of your story as well! Thank you so much for your support and please know that we are all here to support you as well! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

    Love and hugs to you all,

    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78744

    Hello everyone!

    I made it home from the east coast late Sunday night. My one year post treatment checkup went very well. I met my new fellow at NIH, my husband and I did our best to break him in….we get a new fellow every year and so far I have been so blessed to have had some really great doctors! The scans showed that everything was STABLE, some slight shrinkage to some tumors in my lungs! They said they fully expect it to slow down and that it could stay this way for years! I am so totally okay with that…I can live quite well the way things are. I am due to return in February for my next checkup. My husband grilled them with questions, he always likes to have a plan B, but basically we have to take it one checkup at a time.

    We spent a long time talking with Eric Tran, my research scientist. He is such a great person and I just can’t say enough about him. He told us they are working on some exciting things. I told him to hurry up! We need some more breakthroughs for this disease. I do have hope and confidence that they will continue to make progress.

    When I arrived home, I had an email that stated the official measurements did show that the tumors were slightly smaller than 4 months ago and still on a slow and steady decline! I will take slow and steady any day!! :)

    I just wanted to update everyone and to let you know that I am always thinking and praying for everyone fighting this fight!

    Lots of hugs,

    in reply to: 3rd Annual Jacques Dupont & Becki Mignogna Benefit report #85281

    Thank you so much!! It sounds like it was an incredible event!! People like you guys make a difference for all of us!

    in reply to: GREAT NEWS – MERCK DRUG (Keytruda) is WORKING!! #84657

    Dear Colleen,

    Please give your dear mother a hug for me! I am so happy for you and your family! This is a HUGE success! You know my feeling on immunotherapy… if we can just get the brilliant minds of the world to get it to work for everyone….all would be great!

    Also please thank your mother for her participation in this trial and bringing so much future hope to others!!

    All my best, hugs and prayers,
    Melinda B.


    Dear Colleen,

    Please give your dear mother a hug for me! I am so happy for you and your family! This is a HUGE success! You know my feeling on immunotherapy… if we can just get the brilliant minds of the world to get it to work for everyone….all would be great!

    Also please thank your mother for her participation in this trial and bringing so much future hope to others!!

    All my best, hugs and prayers,
    Melinda B.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80230

    Congratulations and keep up the good work!! Always love good news and reasons for hope! Thank you and take care!!

    in reply to: My Husband Pete #85111

    Dear Janet,

    Sending my prayers to you and your family for peace, strength and comfort during this most difficult time. All my prayers and hugs for you…..Melinda


    Dear Kim,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your mother. I am glad you got to spend some quality time together. Please give your dad a hug for me and one for you as well. You and your family have always been in my prayers and will continue to be!

    You are an awesome daughter for doing this fundraiser…..I wish I had some advice for you! Let me know how I can contribute….would love a t-shirt!!
    Peace, comfort and strength to you… and hugs,
    Melinda B.

    in reply to: Stable but scared~~~ #85094

    Dear Patty,

    I have had several mets to my lungs since very early on in my journey….almost 5 years now. My oncologist treated them and tumors in my liver after resection with chemo. First was Gem/Cis, then Gem alone and then Taxotere. Before I found the immunotherapy trial, I started to get short of breath and I had a chronic cough but that was two years into having them. As of now…I am hoping they still are shrinking. I will find out in two weeks at my next appointment.

    Congrats on treatment break for 11 months! That alone is great news! That is great that Dr. Javle is on top of things, it sounds like you are in great hands! I know it is scary to get any news of new growth but I am so glad that your faith is not shaken, God is with you! Keep up the healthy lifestyle, it always helps. Keep the Faith, hang in there and know we are all here for you!
    Melinda B.

    in reply to: Should we stick with stable? #84584

    I say kick it while it is down….stomp it, demolish it….go get em…..I picture your mom with boxing gloves on pounding the heck out of this stupid cancer!!!
    Melinda B.

    in reply to: needing advice #85033

    Hi Porter,
    I had a PET at beginning of my diagnosis…and then again when mets showed in my lungs 4 months later. Both times it lit up with metabolic activity. I then went until June of this year….over 4 years before they decided to do another one. I think this last one was specifically to see if the spots on my liver were scar tissue or necrotic……and thank God the spots on my liver showed no metabolic activity…..light show in the liver is no longer showing!! The light show in my lungs is still playing but not as brightly as it could be!! For me it was a good peace of mind to know that there was no activity in the liver at this time. I think each doc has their own personal preference. I have heard of people who have had several PET scans throughout their fight. I also think that insurance may play a part in how many they cover in a certain timeframe as well.

    Congrats on good scans and blood work! New normal is good…..just takes time to adjust. I always remind myself when I am tired and think I shouldn’t be…..that it is my sign that I need to rest….at least now I feel that I have more of a reason to be tired than just chemo… living life…and life is hard work and so worth the effort!!
    Take care and God Bless YOU!!
    Melinda B.

    in reply to: Introduction #81903

    Dear Olga,
    I am so sorry for your loss of Norbert. I will be praying for strength, comfort and peace for you and your family. I will also keep your sis in law in my prayers…..hugs and prayers to you.

    in reply to: Could this be a new lesion? #84248

    Mary Beth,
    Praying for continued improvement….and I am a big believer in miracles!!! Never lose hope!!

    in reply to: Need your expertise on chemo brain #84911

    Dear Melinda,

    I feel like Julie described me to the “T” with not being able to find the word I want!! It is so frustrating to me at moments when I want to get something out but can’t!! In the big scheme of things… it is not that big of a deal! Like Cathy, I will continue to blame it on chemo brain because it definitely can’t be a sign of aging!! :) Sending good words and clear thoughts your hubby’s way!!
    Melinda B.

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