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  • in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71367

    Hi Lainy,

    Thank you for your kind words. I’m trying to stay positive but it’s so scary when they tell me how bad it is and I don’t feel that sick. I am jaundiced and I don’t have much of an appetite but all in all I don’t feel as sick as they say I am.

    Please pray that they can get the stent in on Monday and it will bring my bilirubin down enough so I can get the aggressive chemo and have a chance to survive.

    Thank you again for all you words of encouragement.

    Hugs & Love,

    in reply to: Lauren’s 2nd Surgery News #72011


    Praise The Lord!!! I’m so happy to hear the good news!!! I hope you and Lauren were able to sleep comfortably last night. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you both.

    Hugs and Love,

    in reply to: MRI abdomen/CT chest scheduled for tomorrow #71949


    I hope all went well today and am sending positive vibes your way!!!


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71427

    Hi Everyone,

    I met with the IR today. Bilirubin still going up – it’s now 22.1. Also, not such good news about the tumor in my bile duct in my liver. It is growing rapidly and I have complete blockage. Half of my liver is completely dead and the other half is diseased and the IR is not sure he can get the stent in or if he does that it will drop the bilirubin enough for me to get aggressive chemo. Without the chemo they give me about a year or two to live.

    He wants to try to put in two stents. He won’t know if he can even put in one until he gets in there. If he can’t put any stents in then he will do the external drain. With either, he’s still not sure if it will lower my bilirubin enough.

    Procedure is schedule for this coming Monday, 5/20.

    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I so want this procedure to be successful. I want to live.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71431

    Thanks Pam & Gavin,

    I did well yesterday with last SBRT treatment and feeling good today. I have my appt tomorrow with the IR and will find out if they’ll be doing a stent or drain and also when it will be done. Bilirubin was up again yesterday 19.7.

    Staying positive!!!


    in reply to: Chronic Hives #71931

    Hi Lisa,

    I’m so sorry you are still feeling so lousy. I’m praying the dermatologist will help relieve your itching.

    Hugs & Love,

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70261


    Lauren will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow. Positive thoughts being sent your way!


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71423

    Thanks Pam. I’m sitting waiting to be called in for my last SBRT treatment. Then have appt with IR on Wednesday regarding drain or stent. Looks like it will be a drain but I’m still hoping for a stent.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71421

    Hi Kris,

    Hopefully the bloating, tingly feeling will subside. Happy thoughts for June 17th!!!

    If I’m doing ok in June, I would love to meet with you. I don’t eat much at this point but maybe that will be different in June. I truly hope so!!!

    Definitely send that troll my way!!!!!!!!! I need him badly!!!!


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71419

    Thanks Kris. How are you doing in the clinical trial?

    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71417

    Thanks for the inspiration Lainy. I am still scared with the bilirubin being so high. Also, I think I look a little more yellow today than yesterday but I’m not calling the doctor because I don’t want to be in the hospital on Mother’s Day. I’m hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to go out with me daughter. I can’t wait for Monday to come and get that last treatment in. I’m so afraid they’re going to tell me they can’t do it if the bilirubin is higher on Monday. I’m trying to stay positive!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day to you Lainy and thanks for all the words of encouragement.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71415

    Thanks Lisa. I look forward to hearing from Betsy.

    Had my fourth SBRT treatment yesterday and am doing ok. Bilirubin was up to 17.1 but they let me go home with a warning to watch things carefully and call them if anything changes – like vomiting, feeling itchy, etc. Fifth treatment is on Monday then I see the IR doc on Wednesday regarding stent or drain. I think that will be done rather quickly because of the bilirubin continuing to rise and the dark urine.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71413

    Thanks Marion and Lainy. I’m not so worried about the procedure so much but rather the external drain limiting my activity and causing me stress caring for it.

    But I guess like Marion said, I have to pick the lesser of two uncomfortable situations. I’m just confused why they keep saying drain as if the stent is t a possibility. I have a call into my med onc asking that.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71410

    Thanks everyone. I’m continuing with the SBRT treatment – having fourth one tomorrow and final one on Monday. After treatment yesterday, I met with my radiation oncologist and then my medial oncologist and they both said the same thing. After they discussed my situation with the gastro dr, I need to have a stent or drain (catheter) put in to open the bile duct because the bilirubin continues to go up and they don’t believe the SBRT is going to work quickly enough to get it down. Bilirubin was 6.2 on 5/2, 11.1 on 5/6 and 13.7 on 5/8. Also, they both said it would probably be the drain (catheter) which is what I don’t want because it’s external and takes a lot of care. Have to be careful sleeping with it and taking showers. It scares me. They said they would try the stent first but if they can’t get the “wire” to go through the bile duct where the tumor is then the stent wouldn’t work and then would have to go with the drain (catheter). I’m waiting to hear about an appt with the interventional radiologist for a consult next week since that a the dr that does the stents and drains.

    Right now I’m feeling ok but not eating much. I just vomited and feel better but no appetite. I just want to get through the five SBRT treatments with the hope they will help. I feel like I’m going down hill very quickly and it’s scary.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71403

    Just wanted to thank everyone for your support during this very difficult time for me. I am home tonight. The doctors have decided to let me try and finish the SBRT – third treatment is tomorrow – but they will watch my bilirubin closely and if it goes any higher I’ll have to re-visit the possibility of a stent or catheter.

    My hope is to get through the five SBRT treatments and that it shrinks the tumor enough to open the bile duct for drainage and the bilirubin goes down.

    Upward and onward!!! Please keep those prayers coming!!!


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