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  • in reply to: Proof of concept — Experience sharing wiki #78376


    Thank you so much for taking the time to compile this info in one place. It is very helpful and so kind of you to do this while taking care of your wife going through this.

    Peace, Love & Hugs to you and Andrea.


    in reply to: Karen passed to heaven today #78479

    Dear Gail,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister, Karen. It’s never easy to lose those we love, especially to this horrific disease. You sound very strong and I hope, in time, beautiful memories of Karen, can bring a smile to your face and somewhat ease your pain.

    Please know I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.


    in reply to: Question for folks who have done Gem/Cis #78465

    Hi Mary,

    I just finished up six gem/cis treatments and then was scanned this past Tuesday, 1/7. I’ll get the results tomorrow, Friday, 1/10 and am hoping for good news.

    I had major swelling of my feet and legs – all the way up to my thighs. My stomach became very distended also. Between the both issues, I was very, very uncomfortable. I also had extreme fatigue but was able to deal with that.

    Just today, 1/9 I went to see a physical therapist at Memorial Sloan regarding lymphedema therapy to help relieve the swelling in the feet and legs. Today was the consult so no therapy was actually done. But I was told that I am a candidate for leg wrapping which they do to help the lymphatic system drain and bring relief of the swelling. I’m going to Florida 1/15 – 1/25 so they’ll start that when I return. In the meantime the therapist gave me good advice on what to do while traveling. I will see her again the day before I leave for Florida and she will show me some kind of massage I can to do for relief while I’m away and until I see her for the leg wrapping when I return the end of January.

    So long story short…my two major issues with the gem/cis was feet and leg swelling, distended stomach and fatigue. Oh and also my hemoglobin went very low a few times which required blood transfusions but did not stop me from getting the gem/cis.

    Hope this helps and I hope your husband and the whole family enjoy your trip to Mardi Gras!!!


    in reply to: My sister #78105

    Dear Suz,

    I’m so sorry to hear of the death of your sister to this horrible disease. Your loss is so raw right now but I hope in time sweet, happy memories can bring a smile to your face when you think of your beloved sister.

    I wish you peace.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: I am 28 #78091

    Hi Lisa,

    This is great news!!! I am so thrilled for you. Ask Dave to start those prayers for me. CT scan is scheduled for 1/7 and I really want to hear the word shrinkage!!!

    Merry Christmas to both of you and the boys!!!

    Peace,Hugs & Love,

    in reply to: 4 year Whipple-versary #77898

    Hi Randi,

    Great anniversary for you – you deserve continued best success!!! You are a beautiful person and I thank you for always uplifting us!!!

    Peace & Love,

    in reply to: Blood work on December 17th #77927

    Hi Lisa,

    I will be thinking of you on 12/17 and hoping for good news!!! You are always in my prayers!!!

    Peace, Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Proton therapy #77869

    Hi All,

    Personally I don’t know about Proton therapy but am aware of a place in New Jersey called ProCure – – that specializes in Proton therapy. It’s located in Somerset, NJ and also has offices inOklahoma, Seattle and Illinois. If I remember correctly, when I checked it out many months ago, I was not eligible because I had Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).

    A lot of the radiation oncologists that staff the NJ location have done residencies at Memorial Sloan, Mass General and other well known cancer hospitals.

    Back in March 2013, I spoke to a surgeon at Memorial Sloan about Proton therapy and he told me it is a step up from radiations such as SBRT – much more precise in targeting the tumors. Memorial Sloan is suppose to be either building or acquiring a building in the NY area, by the hospital, to do Proton therapy. I think 2015 was the date he mentioned to me.


    in reply to: Dad #77719


    I hope you had a day of great memories of your beloved Dad.

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: ASCO Annual Clinical Advances Report 2013 #77840


    I just want to thank you for your tireless work on behalf of those of us dealing with this beast of a disease.

    I send blessings your way with hugs and my most profound gratitude for you and the other moderators.

    Love & Peace,


    Hi Gavin & Percy,

    Thanks once again for the valuable info you pass on to us!!!

    Stay well.

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: Experience with Gem/Cis chemotherapy #77659


    Thank you so much for this post. I am on Cis/Gem and just finished my third treatment on Friday, 11/29. This is my week off then I’m back on for two Fridays starting 12/13. I am hoping to be able to get enough of this treatment in me to shrink the tumors.

    My main side effects are swollen feet, ankles and legs. Even though I’m careful to elevate my legs the first two days after treatment, the swelling doesn’t seem to ever go away completely. It doesn’t hurt me but can be a little tender when I touch my feet or legs. I feel I can deal with it as long as the chemo is working. I am urinating ok so I don’t think it’s a kidney issue.

    The other issue is my stomach being so bloated. That is very uncomfortable and makes it impossible to zip/button pants. I have been on a laxative/stool softener regimen for awhile due to constipation issues. The doctor did mention that my tumors that grew significantly are pressing against other organs in my abdomen area and can cause swelling. But it seems the bloating got worse after I started Gem/Cis 11/8. Again, I will deal with it if it helps the tumors shrink.

    And then the fatigue – it can be overwhelming. But I will deal with all of this if the chemo helps me!

    Some background info…I am 58 yrs old. I was 56 when I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma unknown primary in 8/11. I had a tumor wrapped around my hepatic/celiac arteries and a tumor running along my portal vein. I had a few different chemos and traditional radiation. But then in February 2013, after my scheduled PET scan and MRI, the diagnosis changed to cholangiocarcinoma stage IV, because of the tumor found in my liver. So in March I met with a radiation oncologist at Sloan Kettering in NYC and in May started Stereostatic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). At that time I became jaundiced but they let me finish the five SBRT treatments and after that a metal stent (May 2013) was put in the bile duct in my liver and thankfully it worked to bring down my bilirubin and continues to do so as of today!!! So I was able to start chemo – Paclitaxel until it became ineffective last month (November 2013). That’s when I was told the tumors had grown significantly and there are two new, small tumors – one in my abdomen and one in my liver. So now I am on the Gem/Cis and hoping it helps.

    Sorry for rambling on but I thought the background info would be helpful.

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: December ct scan #77638

    Hey Kris,

    I’m so happy for your good news!!! Stay positive and continue to ask God to bless you!!! Stable is such a great word!!!

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: Celebrating the Caregiver #77285

    Thanks for this link Gavin. I shared it with my daughter who is my caregiver. I don’t know what I would do without her.

    Peace & Love,

    in reply to: The Cholangiocarcinoma Newletter #77553

    Hi Marion,

    Thanks for sharing the newsletter. I believe I read some it before but never tire of hearing the stories and accomplishments of the Foundation. Thank you so much for all you, and the other members, do for all of us afflicted with this terrible disease.

    Peace & Love,

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