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  • mcwgoat

    I’ll definitely keep you posted Gavin. I’m on Paclitaxel right now and CT scan last month showed I’m stable. Based on that, I don’t know if I would be eligible for this trial. Overall I’m doing pretty well but always have that fear of what happens when current treatment stops working.

    I will discuss with my ONC. My next CT scan will be the beginning of December and I’m already having fears it will show growth.


    in reply to: Shrinkage!!!! #76218


    That is excellent news!!! I’m so happy for you. I’m sending you a big ((((((((hug))))))))!!!

    When does this trial end? It’s a Phase I right?

    Keep the good news coming!!!

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: We should all be furious #76166

    How many more stories are we going to hear like this before our government officials do what they’re suppose to do – LISTEN AND CARE FOR THEIR CONSTITUENTS!!!???

    On the other hand, how many stories like this are we NOT hearing about? I believe there are many people that are affected by this shutdown – people that were just told they were eligible for a clinical trial but hadnt started it before the shutdown of the government. Now their lives are on hold. I wonder how a Senator or Congressman/woman would feel if it was them or someone they love?

    This is heartbreaking! We all need to write to our representatives and tell them this shutdown needs to end NOW. Peoples lives depend on it ending.

    I’m not a political person but this is just too personal for me to not anything.


    in reply to: Husband’s symptoms #74350


    I’m so sorry what you are going through with your husband. Please don’t ever feel you’ve said too much on your posts. You need to have a place where you can say what you feel and this is the place to do it. There are a lot of caring and knowledgeable people here that are more than willing to listen and help you with advice.

    Please take care of yourself. That is the best way to help your husband.

    You are in my prayers.



    Thanks for this info Gavin. This may be a trial I’m eligible for. I’ll discuss with my ONC on Friday.


    in reply to: operation #76250


    You and Tom are in my prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow.


    in reply to: A year ago today #76204


    I couldn’t agree with you more. We need early diagnosis of CC in order to have a better chance of survival. It is sweet that your husband is doing the run to raise money for this terrible disease. There is no better way to honor your sister.

    Thinking of you.


    in reply to: Another ct scan #76128

    Hi Kris,

    I’ll keep you in my prayers that the CT scan goes well. When will you get the results? I hope the cold symptoms start to subside. Just be careful it doesn’t go to your chest. You don’t want to end up with pneumonia.

    Have fun tonight!


    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75892

    Dear Oceangirl,

    I’m so sorry to hear of your brother’s passing. There have been a few posts recently with the sad news of yet another of our loved ones dying of this horrific disease. I feel for each and every one of you.

    Please know, in your time of mourning, that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It breaks my heart that your little nephew will have to grow up without his Dad.

    Be kind to yourself and take the time to mourn your loss. I hope, in time, happy memories can ease your pain.

    Love & Peace,

    in reply to: Sad news. Our beloved son, Jeff, has passed away. #76177

    Dear Bob & Nancy,

    I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you are remarkable parents. As they say, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and that seems evident in the way Jeff lived his life. He learned from the best.

    Please know that I am thinking of you during this difficult time and will keep you in my prayers.

    Jeff is now in the arms of The Lord. God Bless Jeff!


    in reply to: We should all be furious #76160

    Shame on the US Government! As the Senate and Congress continue to receive their pay, other government workers are losing theirs.

    Sadly, those fighting for their lives (as noted in Marion’s link above) are not able to enter clinical trials because the NIH is forced to put clinical trials on hold while the people we voted for hold us hostage by refusing to negotiate for the good of the people they represent.

    Let’s pray they will come to their senses and end this shutdown soon.


    in reply to: Mom’s hard fought battle is over #76136

    I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. This is a horrible disease and I, personally, thank you for asking for donations to this foundation in memory of your mom. We must bring awareness and funding to cholangiocarcinoma so others don’t have to go through what your mom and family has gone through.

    Peace and comfort to you and your family.


    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75883


    I am so sorry to hear that your brother is not doing well. I’m sure that hospice will provide the comfort he deserves at this time. I hope that you all get to spend some meaningful time with him.

    It’s hard to know what to say at this time. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers.


    in reply to: How Does One Know They are Grieving? #76012

    Hi Lainy,

    It sounds like you need to take care of yourself. You’ve been so busy helping others and being strong for Teddy that you didn’t “feel” your own feelings. It seems you’re doing that now and that’s a god thing. Give yourself time, be kind to yourself and work through the process of grieving. You’ll come out the other side a lot stronger and more at peace. I will be thinking of you and sending warm thoughts to you.

    Take care.

    Hugs & Love,

    in reply to: Organizing a Fundraiser in Memory of My Grandmother #75969

    Hi Elsy,

    I live in Basking Ridge, NJ and would gladly help, if my schedule allows, in organizing your fundraiser. I will definitely attend to help bring awareness to cholangiocarcinoma. It would be such a great tribute to your grandmother and she will be there in spirit, so proud of you.

    Take care,

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