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  • in reply to: Blood counts dropping/Hospital/transfusions #93539


    I’m getting ready for work, but quick note to say you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lots of love and hugs coming your way-


    in reply to: We are a team and must fight together #48835

    Dear Bob,

    I agree with Lainy; great results and lots of hope. I wish you continued success, and many great future reports too.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Hi From Puerto Rico #93686


    It’s so sad to hear of another young mother diagnosed with CC. However, I’m glad that your wife took the initiative and got started on a treatment plan rather than wait.

    I wish for the chemo to have great success and that she tolerates it well.

    Let us know how she does and keep in touch,


    in reply to: Diagnosed with IHCC at 29-years-old #93662

    Dear April,

    I am so sorry you were diagnosed with CC, but as others have said, you are having good results already and it is apparent that you have a husband who is there to support you.

    The good news is that over the last few years we have seen many advances in treating CC. My mother was also inoperable, but doing well 3 years after diagnosis. I looked forward to hearing about your continued success.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93361


    Thank you for sharing. Being home for Christmas is wonderful news.

    If there are any positives that have come out of having loved ones with cancer, it may be that we treasure each holiday with family even more.

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas,

    in reply to: Blood counts dropping/Hospital/transfusions #93518

    Dear Julie,

    This is really lousy and my heart breaks for you. I’m sorry you’ll have to, but I know by Tuesday you will have done your homework and have your boxing gloves on and ready to fight.

    Thought s and prayers are with you,

    in reply to: The passing of a great mom #93472

    Dear Nancy,

    I am very sorry for your loss. You were a wonderful supporter and investigated every avenue to help her fight against the disease.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,


    in reply to: Blood counts dropping/Hospital/transfusions #93525

    Dear Julie,

    I am so sorry you have to face this after you’ve been through more than your share of Yuck. Fingers are crossed that you get to Mayo tomorrow and they can fix you up.

    Lots of hugs coming your way,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93351

    Hello again.

    In case you’re not monitoring all posts, I just posted this “helpful hints for chemo” to another new member


    Good luck

    in reply to: Another 36-year-old newly diagnosed #93485

    Dear Danielle,

    I am glad you found us but truly hate when someone so young is diagnosed with this disease. However, my mom who was 73 at the time was able to tolerate the Gem/Cis, so I’m hoping it will be a piece of cake for you. The first cycle was the hardest, but then they adjusted her fluids and meds (added steroids) and she was able to go without anti-nausea meds at home.

    There is a chemo therapy topic on the discussion board, and you might also find the below conversation of help; it’s pointers for first day of chemo.


    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93352

    Dear Joe,

    In 2013 we celebrated what we thought would be my mother’s last holidays with us . Although her treatments thus far have only been “palliative”, she is still with us and feeling fine. I wish for your mother the same success.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93263

    Hi Carla,

    I am so happy to hear your report. I think we’re in the same place. My mother also has some dead/necrotic tumor, but the ONC no longer reports the size (it was originally 4×6 cm) since CT and PET show no viable tumor. After the first Y-90 treatment, it did shrink, but the CT and PET still showed viable tumor. We then went for a second Y-90 and although there is still a mass, it appears dead- the CT shows no uptake at PET showed no evidence of disease. It has been 2 years since last treatment. My understanding is that it will take a long time for the dead tumor to dissolve in the body. If it comes back (I used to say when- but now have hope it may not), we will look for a second opinion since there have been many advances However, as our ONC and IR tells us, there is nothing to treat at this time, and nothing to biopsy for genetic testing, so we are not going for second opinion until there would be something for them to evaluate.

    We’re at 6 month scans now, with next coming up in Jan.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Hello/ Story of Husband Diagnosed November 2015 #23103

    Dear Teresa,

    Welcome and thank you for sharing Steve’s story. It will help others and reinforces the importance of being treated at a center that sees many CC patients.

    My fingers are crossed for positive scan results.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Husbands visit at MD Anderson -not any options-what to expect? #22867


    I hope for options to be presented on Monday that give a plan for if not a cure, a way forward. With this cancer, we are told that there is no sure besides surgery, but there are more who are starting to survive with CC as a chronic disease.

    My Dad’s lung cancer has spread to his pancreas. He is too weak for chemo, so we met with hospice last night. It was a meeting we were dreading, but made us feel better. They will ease into it with a nurse visiting once a week, and they may have a chaplain visit. Also, Mom seemed open to a volunteer maybe sitting with Dad for an hour a week so she can take a walk. They said they try to match the volunteers for respite care with the patient, so Dad will probably get a vet to come visit. It will give them 24/7 access his team. Being on hospice doesn’t mean they can’t leave the house and can even take a vacation if Dad feels up to it.

    I hope Monday goes well and will be thinking of you.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #46508

    Kathy and Billy,
    Welcome to our group. I look forward to hearing about a successful surgery in the future for you Kathy.

    We still regret not getting Mom’s port sooner. Even now that she has been 2 years with No Evidence of Disease (NED), she keeps it for the periodic blood work and for the contrast when she has scans. One of the side effects of chemo is brittle veins. And, you can discuss with them where they are going to place it.

    Our concern for traveling by air was the risk of catching something while on the plane. It seems like we often “catch” something that manifests itself a few days after a flight, and with their immune systems compromised, it was a risk we didn’t want to take. However, wearing a mask probably could negate the risk. If ONC oks the trip, I would suggest getting a wheelchair at the airport. The airport can be a lot of walking and better to save your energy for the fun part of the trip. There may be a difference between being able to walk, and being able to walk the length of an airport on both ends and then feel well enough to do anything else. And, a perk is that you get through security that much quicker too.

    Best wishes to both of you-

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