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  • in reply to: My Mum x #87233

    Hello again.

    So I was wrong on the reason for the 88, but still pretty close in age. I know you are probably overwhelmed with information, but I though a recent thread on first day of chemo may be helpful if you hadn’t seen it yet. Your mum is still recovering from surgery so please know that you can speak up to have them adjust treatments or meds if she has any discomfort.


    Wishing you the best,

    in reply to: My Mum x #87231

    Dear Catherine,

    Welcome. I saw the “88” and right away thought of my daughter who was born in 1988. My mother was diagnosed in Oct. 2013, so she has been adjusting to her beloved grandma having this disease. I am truly sorry that you are facing this, and especially while your mother is young.

    Unlike your mum, my mother was not able to have surgery. After opening her up, they saw the tumor was in a place that made it inoperable. So, it is very true that they can not see all until they are in there. We were given a very grim prognosis (about a year), but at 18 months, Mom is feeling great and we’ll be going on a vacation in April. The statistics do not tell how everyone will do. They are also behind in that they are looking at people who were diagnosed years back. What I learned is to appreciate each day with my parents, but not because they won’t be around long, but because I love them so much.

    That your mum had surgery is so encouraging. I do agree with Lainy that most seem to have scans every 3 months. I would question that, and also would suggest getting a second opinion at a hospital that is very familiar with CC.

    We care and please let us know how you and your mum are,

    in reply to: First Chemo not Gem/Cis? #86700

    Dear Bob,

    Welcome to the group. I’m sorry your family is affected by CC and you had to join us. My mother had the Gem/Cis as her first line. I also am curious on why the Abraxane, and I would ask the oncologist why they chose it rather than Cisplatin.

    Where is you mother-in-law being treated? Do they have experience with CC?

    I hope the response is good to the treatment. If you get the opportunity, you may post under the introduction section as well.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Positive energy requested #86880

    Hi. I tested the upload for pictures under members cafe. Works great! Thanks Rick.

    in reply to: My One Year Mayo Clinic Report #87190

    Vicki, So glad to see you posting. Hope that means you’re feeling well again.

    in reply to: My Brother Diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma #87183

    Dear Henrietta,

    Welcome to the CC board. From your introduction, I can see how much you have done to help Paul maneuver through this journey. We always recommend second or even third opinions, and it appears you made sure to get those.

    I’m glad to read that he is feeling better recently. I admire not only Paul, but the wonderful attitude you have as well. It is scary for both the patients and caregivers, and I’m sure your “Sunshine” means the world to your brother.

    Take care,


    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86915

    Dear Kevin,

    We have not had the testing, but from posts of others, I assumed that when the results came back, they not only include which mutations were present, but which drugs may work based on the mutations.

    I hope others who have received results can chime in.

    Very happy that the testing is moving forward- I would have been very nervous with the FedEx as well.


    in reply to: TACE /Chemo only once…. then CRBT ? #87172

    Hi Judy,

    Welcome to the board. I’m sorry I can’t answer about the TACE, but if you use the search function at the top of the forum, TACE should come back with many hits that may help you out.

    My mother had SIRT (radioactive spheres) in conjunction with xeloda. She did have nausea for a few days and then fatigue for 6 week, but so far results seem to have made the procedure well worthwhile.

    I did not see CBRT on homepage. Is it a variation of SBRT?

    Treatment Options: http://cholangiocarcinoma.org/the-disea … t-options/

    Good luck,

    in reply to: My One Year Mayo Clinic Report #87187


    So wonderful to hear- I love reading the Good News stories and this one was exceptionally great!

    Take care and enjoy those babies,


    in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #83929

    Dear Stevie,

    Welcome to the group; we are always here to listen. I’m glad that you have seen on this board, that not all outcomes are as dire or hopeless as some statistics (or even doctors) may lead you to believe.

    I hope that come 3/10, you will come away from the appointment with a plan on how to move forward. I think we all agree waiting is lousy (scan anxiety is a good example). Please let us know how you make out.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78758


    We are all so happy for you and your family! Your compassion for all the others fighting this disease speaks so much to the person you are. I appreciate how much you do to give visibility to CC and hope to so many.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: GREAT NEWS – MERCK DRUG (Keytruda) is WORKING!! #84674

    Dear Colleen,

    Thank you for letting everyone know how well your Mom is going. We are so happy for you and Looking forward to many more positive reports in the future!

    Take care,

    in reply to: helpful suggestions for my mom first day of chemo (gem/cis) #87000

    One quick note on Emend- for the first cycle, to take home the drugs (I think it was 6 pills) had a co-pay of a few hundred dollars. Once we mentioned it to her doctor, they gave the larger dose by IV on chemo day. Seemed to work as well or better and we had to lay nothing out of pocket.

    in reply to: helpful suggestions for my mom first day of chemo (gem/cis) #86999


    The dexmethesone was added to my mother’s second treatment routine after she had a very rough time with the first one. Also added to her second treatment was a liter of IV fluids prior to chemo. It seems each doctor may have different protocols. What ended up working for Mom was-

    Zofran 16 mg by mouth
    Dexamethasone 12 mg by mouth
    Reglan 10 mg by mouth
    EMEND 150 mg IV over 30 minutes

    Prehydration- 1 liter normal saline over 1 hour

    after chemo (Gem IV- 30 min/ Cis IV – 1 hour) there was another 1 hour liter of fluids with a few things added in it to help flush out chemo.

    At home, on days 2-4, takes the steroid (Dexamenthasone).
    Reglan- every 8 hours, Zofran every 6 hours.

    They were long days, but we got into a routine and they always gave us a large cubicle since it seemed all the kids would stop in at some point during the day. Mom also did so well after they adjusted hospital meds and added steroid, that last few treatments she didn’t need the Reglan or Zofran at home.

    I hope the vest keeps her warm!


    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86909

    Dear Kevin.

    Although newer, one thing we will ask about is genetic testing through a blood test. The oncologist said that there is always some of the tumor from a biopsy frozen and saved, so we may be able to use that from last year, but if not may look at the blood testing route. There were some here on the board that used that method, and when I contacted a US company, they were very responsive and were willing to work with us to make sure insurance covered the whole cost. Since we went for the SIRT, still haven’t had it completed the testing, but hope to bring it up at our next appointment.

    I’m assuming it’s less costly than a biopsy, so if available in the UK, may ask about it as well. You can search on Guardant on the boards.


    It would be great to know if any doctors discussed benefits of having a biopsy rather than blood test.

    Best of luck,


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