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  • in reply to: MY MOM #52779

    hello again,

    It has been about 2 months since I have visited this site.

    We made it thru the holidays and Mom was feeling very good and excited to see all of her children grandchildren and their families.

    Today I notice she is different. Today I am frightened for her. She seems so sick today. Had to up her pain meds again.
    and the truth be told I am frightened for me

    in reply to: MY MOM #52777

    Mom has been a pallative care which was approved for 60 days. That ends this Friday9 which would have been her 60 wedding anniversary) I have been told that there is no new need so it is hospice or nothing

    I begin my day trying to sort this all out. My first call will be to the interventional radioloigt because I beleive that this is related to the drain. Second call her internist.
    again thanks

    in reply to: MY MOM #52774

    I think the rash is related to the disease. I have no medical background but I just believe it is. The oncologist called and said to bring her to the internist tomorrow.

    This is why I know we should be on hospice. we will have to address the issue again

    as usual thanks for your support.

    in reply to: MY MOM #52771

    mom woke up today with a very red rash all over her body except her face,

    md nit around did not want to got to hospital gave her bendrayl but it is still there

    any ideas

    in reply to: Please help!!! #54607

    I am sorry for your loss.

    Your Mom should be able to collect SS benefits at age 60 because she is a widower. They sometime refer to it as the Widowers pension and it is payable at 60

    in reply to: MY MOM #52769

    thank you all for the support

    i will let you know what I decide to done about Moms Care

    in reply to: MY MOM #52765

    No we have not called Hospice, my sibling think it is a sign of giving up. For as long as possible I will care for my Mom. I have just about given up my job only now working about 3 hours a week from full time.
    Mom is very confused. Not all the time and not all day long but she having trouble remembering, understanding and sometimes her attitude is terrible. Almost always her anger is aimed at me. I guess that is the priviledge of being the care giver. I am not complaining just trying to give you all a understanding of where we are at.
    Today Mom has “noise” that sounds like thunder in her ears.
    anyone have any idea what this is
    again thanks in advance

    in reply to: MY MOM #52762

    It seems like every day brings another problem. Some small and easy to deal with others overwhelming. My sister spent the weekend with my Mom as I went to my new Grandson Baptism. Mom was very quiet the whole time I was gone. On Monday she was very emotional cried and begged to not leave her, I am her care giver and explained I was going no place.

    She is dying each and everyday a piece at a time. This is so hard to watch. I pray that she enjoy the time she has left and be at peace with the wonderful life she has had.
    This may sound cold to many of you, but watching a parent die is brutal.
    We are off to the hospital today because there may be an issue with her drain.
    We just cant seem to have any uneventful days any more.
    As a care giver I am stressed beyond belief. I am also the messager to my sibling who are not dealing well and the saddness in their voices makes this harder
    thanks for the chance to vent………..

    in reply to: MY MOM #52758

    she does not want to go

    i will try again in the am. she has gone to bed already

    thanks for listening

    i feel that I am beginning to fall apart and I cant

    in reply to: MY MOM #52756

    and now a bed sore and bleeding when she urinates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    in reply to: MY MOM #52754

    Mom finally got out of the hospital after 10 days.
    Her liver enzimes are good the bilinary drain is working.
    Now for the not so good, she is bleeding internally someplace most likely her colon. They have to stop her blood thinner because with the bleeding she has already had a few transfusions. She has a history os afib so this is a problem
    Now for the question Moms tongue is bright red. Looks like she just sucked a red lollipop. Does anybody know about this

    in reply to: MY MOM #52747

    just need to vent. Mom had the bilinary drain put in got an infection and was readmitted to hospital Was getting ready to come home today and she has an afib attack., it jsut does not end

    no one offers any advise at the hospital except to take her home and try to get her do things during the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ugh thanks for listening

    in reply to: MY MOM #52746

    thank you for all your heartfelt words. This eveing Mom seems alittle stronger. At this point in a loved one live you try to hold on to everything or anything that seems positive.

    this message board has really helped me

    thank you for all your prayers. To each and everyone that has a loved one living this hell, give them a hug qand kiss today and let them know how much you love them. life is so short.

    in reply to: MY MOM #52742

    Biliary Drainage was performed on Monday. Mom is in much pain. They upped her fentyol patch and she seems so frail

    in reply to: MY MOM #52740

    from my memory the tumor is bigger than 7cm. the stent may not be able to be put in with ercp because the tumor is placement. we may need to see an radiologist for that also

    it just seems like the snow ball is slipping down the mountain and i can not catch it

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