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  • in reply to: Hi, I’m a new member #29027

    Hello everyone, I’ve been keeping up with my reading of this wonderful website while my dad was receiving his radation. He finished about 2 weeks ago & went thru it with no real problems. He has been tired & making himself keep up his eating. I think he has only lost a few pounds. He had 28 treatments. He had his 84th birthday on Sept 1. We went to see the surgeon who did his operation & the surgeon is vey happy with the outcome. We went to the chemo Dr. last week & he wants to start him on his chemo treatments: Gemzar 5 FU. 6 months at once a week for 3 weeks & a week off. I am on the website now trying to learn about this treatment. I am hoping I can get some feedback from other members who have gone thru this type of treatment who are older like my dad. My brothers & I have told him this is his decision. The Dr. says if you want to fight & hope for a longer life, than go for it. If you have lived a full life & don’t want to fight, don’t do it. I just wonder how much more time it will give him if her goes thru it or will it bring down his quality of life too much. The Dr. said he can always quit if he doesn’t want to finish it, if he thinks it’s too bad. He will go for a CAT scan in the 1st part of Nov.
    Take care & God bless.

    in reply to: Hi, I’m a new member #29020

    Hi everyone, thank you all for your kinds words & information. I wanted to wait until my dad saw the chemo Dr for the 2nd visit, which was on June 11. Dad is going really good, he feels he’s 60% back to what he was. The chemo Dr was encouraging him to start his radation & not wait the 3 months for the next cat scan. The Dr says he’s ahead of the game now with the clear cat scan in May and if he waits till Aug. he may not be so lucky with a clear scan. The Dr feels that if he gets through the radiation ok that he may want to think about chemo, but that is a long way ahead still. I asked him what stage dad is in & he thinks maybe stage 1 or 2, probably 2. We feel dad is very lucky. My brothers & I are worried about the side effects of the radation & hope he can make it through the whole process. We are all trying to keep positive thoughts.
    We also saw his surgeon that did the operation & is amazed how well he is now doing & how good he looks. One of my brothers walk with dad every morning & I have him over for dinner most nights & his appetite has come back.
    Dad said we will call the radation dr next week. Dad has a long road ahead of him, so please keep him in all your prayers.
    May God bless you all.

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