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  • in reply to: My sweet loving soulmate. #62292

    Dear Rendawgswif,

    I am very sorry to hear of your dear husband’s passing. My heart goes out to you. I hope everything you are feeling now will in time be replaced with warm, loving memories. You will be in my prayers.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New member seeking your collective advice #64041

    Hi Julie,

    Welcome to the family!! I am sorry to hear about your Dad. My daughter has CC and is going to be having surgery soon. So I don’t personally know about recurrence and hope we never do!!! There are many people that have had resections and recurrence. One person that comes to mind right away is Lisa. She has had 2 resections and about 5 recurrences. So she is an expert. Hopefully, she will see this and comment. She is a good friend of ours and loves to help. You say your Dad is stubborn and tough. That is a good way to describe my daughter as well. I wish your Dad all the best as he continues his fight.


    in reply to: New member introduction #64018

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Eric. You sound like you have a very positive attitude, which is very important. Lauren has remained positive since being diagnosed. She has been on chemo since Sept. 2011. We have lost count on how many times she has had chemo, but I would guess 40 or more times. She has also had Theraspheres, which is radioembolization. She was inoperable when first diagnosed, but just recently that has changed. She will have 2 surgeries. The first one will be the end of March and the second will be 6 weeks later. This is what we have been hoping for since the beginning. So never say never and don’t ever give up hope. Lauren went on disability fairly soon after being diagnosed. It must be difficult being a business owner. I’m sure along with your cancer, you have many worries with your business. It is nice to hear you have such a supportive staff. That shows you must be a terrific boss! Take care, Eric. Hope to hear from you again.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Going backwards #68393


    Sorry to hear about your Mom’s troubles. I was so happy to hear of her clear PET scan and now this. I am hoping things get better in the future.


    in reply to: Scan showed improvement #65140


    That is great news that tumors are shrinking!! Shrinkage is one of our favorite words around here!! In regards to your question, you can type in something like not eligible for surgery in the Google box located on the right side of the page you come to first for this site. You can try different wording and see what comes up. Hope this helps. Take care.


    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68409

    Sorry you have to wait so long for results, Shel. It is the worst!! I am hoping for the best.


    in reply to: New member introduction #64020

    Hi Eric,

    I would like to welcome you to this site and tell you that I am very sorry to hear you have CC. My daughter, Lauren is the one living with CC. Could you tell us a little more about yourself. Like age, occupation, family. We are like a family here and really are interested in learning about our members. I am sorry the resection could not be completed, but happy chemo has not been too bad on you. I am also pleased to know you have a supportive family. That helps so much in dealing with this cancer. I wish you all the best and hope to hear more about you in the future.



    Yes, I would like to add my 2 cents and say congratulations to Randi for being named our newest Moderator. You will be a great asset to this discussion board!!!!


    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #65869

    Hi Jayne and Ken,

    Welcome to this site, but I am very sorry to hear that Ken has been diagnosed with CC. My brother-in-law is from Gahanna and he and my sister live in Delaware, Ohio. Small world, isn’t it? My daughter, Lauren, is 26 and has CC. She has been on chemo for 16 months and was told she was inoperable when diagnosed. Well, a few weeks ago she was told she now is operable and we are getting ready for her to have her first of two surgeries the end of March!! So don’t give up hope. Miracles do happen. I would not dwell on what the doctor said about how long Ken has. Nobody knows for sure. Enjoy every day and cherish time together. For Lauren, chemo has made her feel much better. For your question about dairy, Lauren doesn’t drink that much milk. Mostly on cereal. She does love cheese and ice cream though and has eaten a fair amount of that. I hope this helps answer some of your questions. Please ask away. We love talking to and meeting new people. I wish both of you all the best.


    in reply to: A quick Mom update #62684

    Dear Christine,

    I think your Mom is just scared and thinks she knows what is best for her. She needs to somehow understand that her doctor is trying to help her. Does she understand that? Bless her heart. She sounds like such a fighter. My daughter’s oncologist has told us that chemo keeps working for a bit after being discontinued. So, hopefully you can make her understand that to get the full effect of the chemo, she needs to back off for a while. You are such a wonderful caretaker. I hope things get better.


    in reply to: Surgery or Chemo #68994

    It is a very difficult decision, Jackson and I believe the patient has to make up his or her mind. Nobody else. Lauren’s surgeon told Lauren that she couldn’t just go lightly into this. She has to have a positive attitude and determination to get through this very difficult surgery. She thought about it for a long time before making her decision to commit wholeheartedly. It is very scary, but just think of the huge reward if it is successful! We see her surgeon tomorrow to find out when the surgeries will be. Best of luck to your friend.


    in reply to: Surgery or Chemo #68999

    Hi Jackson,

    In my daughter, Lauren’s case, surgery was not an option at first and we never thought it would be. 16 months later, surgery is an option. Her surgeon and oncologist are on a tumor board together with other doctors that discuss patient treatment after scans or procedures. Lauren’s cancer has reacted well to her chemo and they feel this is the perfect window of time to operate. I’m sure if the surgeon had said he wanted to do surgery at first, the only way it would have been done is if he was very optimistic and the oncologist agreed. These doctors work as a team and have to be on the same page. I think if I had two doctors telling me two different things, I would have to get a 2nd opinion or I would be too upset and not be able to deal with the decision. Hope this makes sense.


    in reply to: Introduction (almost farewell …) #68905

    Dear Marcos,

    I am praying for you and your dear Mother. My heart goes out to you.


    in reply to: wish I had joined earlier #68986

    Hi Jules,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Dad. It sounds as though he was very special to you and that is why it hurts so much to have lost him. It must be very difficult being disconnected from your Mom and living far away from your sisters. I am glad that you found us because their are many caring people that would love to talk to you and lend a shoulder to cry on. Many have been through what you have and understand how you are feeling. Please come back often and talk to us. We are here to help.


    in reply to: How long can you be on chemo #68425


    I just wanted to let you know that I hope you get good news Friday. I know it is so hard to wait for results. Please know that I care.


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