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  • in reply to: Shakes and Tremors since Ressection #68974

    Hi Lisa,

    I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for how bad your Mom is feeling. I hope the doctor can come up with a plan to help her feel better. I wish your whole family all the best.


    in reply to: Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for. #68826


    Thank you for such a wonderful, heartfelt post. You made my day. I will be sure to read it to Lauren. We feel so blessed to have you and all the other wonderful members of this site behind us.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New Member #68946

    Hi Jim,

    I would like to welcome you to this site, but I am very sorry that you had to join. I enjoyed reading your post and loved the lessons you have learned. My daughter, Lauren has CC, and she has learned most of the same lessons!! Great minds think alike, right? I am glad you are not having too much trouble with your chemo. It took my daughter a long time to finally be diagnosed after seeing local doctors. We took her to a large hospital in Michigan where she was diagnosed quickly and put on chemo immediately. She has been on chemo since Sept. 2011. We advise to get a 2nd opinion if you are not happy with your current doctor or your doctor is not very experienced treating CC. Once we went to Michigan, we have never felt the need for a 2nd opinion. Lauren’s oncologist is top notch as is her surgeon. She was told at first that she could not have surgery, so she continued with chemo. She has just been told she can have a resection now. We are thrilled and hope this will give her a chance at a longer life. As for chemo not working, in Lauren’s case, her doctor changes her chemo when one seems to become less effective. I’m sorry I don’t know the answer for surgical options. I’m sure your doctor will know best about that. I wish you all the best on your journey. Take care and I hope to hear from you again.


    in reply to: Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for. #68824

    Thank you, Darla. You and Lauren may be recovering from surgery about the same time!! We travel to U of M on Wed. and hopefully will find out when they plan on doing her first surgery. All the best to you.


    in reply to: Capsule supplements any good ? #68943


    I am praying for you and your Mother.



    Dear Darla,

    I am so happy to hear that a surgery date has been set and I am sure everything else will fall into place for you. Sending positive vibes, strength, love, and hugs your way.


    in reply to: HI #68843

    Hi Patti,

    Ah, yes the dreaded scaxiety. I think everyone gets it and it is the most gut-wrenching, frightening feeling. It’s because such a big part of our future depends on the scans. This is how we handle it: If it is good, that is awesome and we celebrate. If it is bad, we dig deeper for more strength and fight it. We have had bad scans with Lauren, and we are devastated for about a couple hours, cry and get it out of our system. We talk to her oncologist and come up with a new plan. I remember I told him once, please don’t ever tell us there is nothing more you can do. So far, he has not! I hope so much that your scan does not show progression. Take care and please let us know.


    in reply to: Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for. #68821

    Thank you so much, Mandy, Lauren, and Gavin. Your words are so kind. I agree with you, Lauren. It is a great name!! Love to all,


    in reply to: Lauren is finally getting what we have hoped and prayed for. #68816

    Thank you all so much for your lovely responses. Lauren will fight like mad to become a success story. Much love to all of you. You are the best support we could ask for!!


    in reply to: Introduction (almost farewell …) #68902

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Marcos. They mean a great deal to me. Bless you.


    in reply to: New Member #68918

    Hi Cathy,

    I would like to welcome you to this site as well. You sure have been through a lot and I hope more than anything that yours will be a success story. You seem to be very strong and I think that is a great thing!! Can you tell us more such as family, career. I like to know about the person because I don’t like anyone to be defined just by their cancer. Please continue to join in conversations since you have taken the plunge and joined this site. You will find that we are family here and really do care. All the best.


    in reply to: Touching base with LIFe recipient Suebpong Tanasanvimon, MD #68913

    I will also be watching for the web presentation. Thanks, Gavin!


    Thank you, Marion!!

    in reply to: Introduction (almost farewell …) #68900

    Hi Marcos,

    I would like to welcome you to this site and tell you that I am very sorry to hear about your dear Mother. It seems as though you are doing everything possible to help her. I am very sorry, but I do not know much about stents since my daughter does not have any. I think the most important thing you can do is make sure your Mom is not in pain and is resting comfortably. I will pray that the doctors will be able to help her and she becomes stronger. Best wishes.



    Hi Marion,

    Could you please tell me in a nutshell, what this means? Sometimes I feel like such a dumb bunny when I read these!!


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