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  • in reply to: Has anyone been to Ohio state university cancer center #65795

    Hi Smferlita,

    I wanted to welcome you to this site and tell you I am sorry your Dad has CC. My daughter is the one with CC. We are from Ohio, near Akron and Canton. I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything about the Columbus area hospitals. We travel to Michigan and my daughter is treated at University of Michigan Hospital. We mainly go there because my daughter and son-in law both work there and feel the care for people with cancer is top notch and we couldn’t agree more. I know you said your Dad doesn’t want to travel, but if he changes his mind I would be more than happy to give you the name of a wonderful liver surgeon that would be more than willing to take a look at your Dad’s scans. I hope whatever your Dad decides, he has a successful surgery and overcomes this cancer. Please keep us updated. We are all here for you.


    in reply to: GTX #66767

    I am glad you are doing well, Tiff. Keep up the great work!! I hope you are having some help with Thanksgiving. Hope you can enjoy your food and keep your hair!!

    Love you,

    in reply to: CT and PET scan results!!!!! #66773

    Yes, we do love you, Kris!!! Your report is awesome! Yay for you and getting to post in the Good News section finally!!!!!!

    in reply to: Tell me your story about your diagnosis #66748

    Hi lostandscared,

    I am very sorry to hear about your boyfriend, but happy you found this site. To answer your question, my daughter, Lauren was the one diagnosed with CC. She is only 26 years old, 25 when diagnosed. She started out having pain in her upper right side. We figured it was gall bladder problems. She had an ultrasound and bloodwork. The doctor never called about the ultrasound so we figured everything was fine. The nurse did call and say her liver enzymes were high, but he wasn’t worried about it. We had no clue what he was even talking about at that time and just forgot about it. About three months later the pain was more constant, she could only eat small amounts of food and would get full really fast, her back hurt, and she lost 40 pounds. She asked me to call and get her in to the doctor because she had a feeling something was really wrong. Luckily, the first doctor she went to was on vacation and she was sent to a different facility to see a young, wonderful doctor who ordered a CT scan immediately. It showed masses in her liver. He sent her to a GI doctor that wanted her to see a specialist because he didn’t know what it was. We went to the University of Michigan and saw a liver surgeon. He ordered a CT, MRI, and PET scan. She also had a liver biopsy. It came back that she had advanced CC. Her largest tumor was 19cm. and various small ones. Had I known what I do now, I would have demanded the ultrasound report from the first doctor and questioned the elevated liver enzymes. But at the time, we had no clue it could be serious and had never heard of CC. It was the last thing we would have thought was wrong. I don’t really know if there is any way to detect it early. That is why so many people are diagnosed late stage. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over this. Your boyfriend had routine ultrasounds. You did everything you were supposed to. It is just a rotten cancer that sneaks up on people without much warning. I am very sorry and I hope your boyfriend finds a treatment that will shrink his tumors and perhaps a transplant or resection can be done. Please let us know how he is doing. All the best.


    in reply to: New Member- hoping for some hope, support and advice. #66746

    Hi Amy,

    Welcome to this site but so sorry you had to find us. I’m sorry your Mom had to go through surgery without the results she had hoped for. I am very happy you will be going to Sloan Kettering. At least you will know you are getting great care with doctors that know a lot about CC. My daughter has CC and has gone through many chemos plus radioembolization. We never give up hope that one day surgery may be possible. I hope to hear from you again and please let us know how things go for your Mom. Take care.


    in reply to: My dad’s condition can anyone help? #66742

    Hi Mark,

    Just my opinion, but I really don’t like when doctors give a timetable of how long someone has to live. If your Dad feels good, that is great. I couldn’t imagine having my daughter’s doctor tell me when she is going to leave us. I would not want that hanging over her head or our family’s. I know about the whole 5 yr. survival thing. I think everyone gets told that. I choose to remain positive and hopeful. Like Lainy said, I think I would get a second opinion with someone that treats a lot of people with CC. I’m sure that your friend that is a doctor has good intentions, but might not be the right person to help your Dad. Wishing you and your Dad all the best.


    in reply to: Hello and Thank you #66716

    Hi Barbara,

    I wanted to welcome you to this site and say I am very sorry about your Dad. I cannot help you with the problems your Dad is having since my daughter has not gone through this. I am hoping the doctors can find the problem and help him to feel comfortable and pain free.


    in reply to: Any experience with xeloda? #66734

    Hi Dina,

    I am sorry to hear about your Mom. My daughter is the one with cancer. I can only tell you about her experience with Xeloda. Every cycle of Xeloda she is on seems different from the last. Sometimes she gets sore, red soles of her feet, sometimes not. Sometimes she feels nauseous, sometimes not. Sometimes she is super tired and sometimes not. What I am trying to say is that there is no set side effect with her on this chemo. It is always different. She is on it right now and is experiencing extreme fatigue. Every time she sits down, she falls asleep. In the past, she has been on Gemzar, Cisplatin, 5-FU, and Oxaliplatin all at different times, some together. She didn’t have any problems with them except for low platelets with Cisplatin and an allergic reaction with Oxaliplatin on the 6th infusion. I don’t know the percentage of effectiveness of Xeloda for this cancer. If you google Xeloda you can probably get the % of side effects. No chemo is easy to take. It is just something we try in hopes of shrinkage and feeling better. I think the decision is your Mom’s. She will know if she wants to keep trying chemo or if she doesn’t. I wish her all the best and you as well. Please let us know how she is doing.

    Love, -Pam


    Thank you, Karen for the wonderful work you are doing and I hope you feel better soon, Lainy. You two are both the best!!!

    in reply to: Our Kris. #48016

    Happy Birthday to dear Kris. Thank you so much for lighting a candle for everyone on this site, Hans. I have read many of Kris’s posts and I know I would have loved her. All the best to you, Hans.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: It will be one year tomorrow… #66696

    Hi Mary!

    It is so good to hear from you. I am glad to hear you are doing better. I can’t believe it has already been a year. I am really happy that you are healing nicely from your knee surgery. I have thought of you every now and then and wondered how you were. I hope you do get out and meet some new friends. You are so sweet, I am sure you will have no trouble. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for the update. I know we had been planning to meet for lunch or dinner sometime and I am still hoping for that one day in the future. Take care and God bless you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: update not a good day #66669

    Hi Lynn,

    My daughter had to have her chemo delayed a few times because of low platelets. The first time we thought it was the end of the world, but later came to realize that it happens to many people and you just have to take it in stride, rest, and they usually come back up. Lauren swears that Gatorade makes her platelets go up, but her doctor always just laughs at her. I think it is purely coincidence, but we won’t tell her that. I hope George is able to have chemo next time. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Referred Pain #63929

    Hi Beth,

    I am happy that Jeff’s pain has gone since the cyberknife. I am sorry to hear that he has now developed rigors and sweats. The trials you have explained sound very interesting. I pray the trial he is going to take part in really helps him. My daughter is doing ok. She had an awful allergic reaction to one of her chemos a few weeks ago. She is still on her oral chemo and will hopefully have a good CT scan in Dec. It is hard to see your loved one trying anything and everything to have a chance at just living. Hoping for a great outcome.

    Hugs and love,

    in reply to: Has anyone been on this regimen? #66684

    Hi Leah,

    I wanted to welcome you to this site. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. The only one of the three my daughter has been on was 5-FU. Hers was given over 48 hours. She wore a little fanny pack that held a pump and her chemo. I have heard of Leucovorin, but don’t know much about it. I had never heard of Camptosar, so I looked it up and it is also called Irinotecan, which I know some people on this site are on. I’m sure others that are familiar with this chemo regime will help you out. With the 5-FU, Lauren had no trouble with it. I learned from a nurse at the hospital how to disconnect it and flush my daughter’s port. It was very easy. That way we didn’t have to make a special trip to the hospital. That would not have been practical since we are 3 1/2 hours away!! I wish your Dad all the best with his new plan. Please keep us informed as to how he is doing.


    in reply to: need some advice on chemo treatments #66652

    Hi Mandy,

    When Lauren was on Gem/Cis, she always had one week on and one week off. She has only done 2 weeks on and one week off with an oral chemo called Xeloda and Oxaliplatin. I have never heard of the Gem/Cis and then Gem and then 2 weeks off. I think everyone does things differently, but there may be a reason why they do it that way. If there is a reason, I’m sorry I don’t know it.


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