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  • in reply to: Update from new patient visit at U of M #66659

    Hi Darla,

    U of M does do liver transplants. Lots of them. My daughter and son-in-law have been in on some of them. It’s just that many people with this cancer don’t qualify for them. Lauren doesn’t qualify for one because of tumor placements and questionable lymph nodes. From what I have been told by the liver surgeon is that taking anti rejection drugs after transplant could cause even one cancer cell to multiply rapidly and fill a person with cancer. So we have pretty much scratched a transplant off our list, but are still hopeful for a resection one day. Take care.


    in reply to: Grieving Daughter! #66662

    Dear shraddhs,

    I am very sorry to hear about your Mom after going through the resection and all. Try to enjoy the time you spend with her. I try not to think about the day my daughter might not be here with us. It is just too painful and it does nothing but bring me down. You have to reach deep down and find your strength. I always thought bad things would never happen to our family because I was just too weak to deal with it. I have since learned that I am very strong because that is my only acceptable option. My daughter needs me to be strong for her. Your Mom needs you and your family to be strong for her. I know it is so difficult. Please come back and let us know how things are going. We are all here to help.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: need some advice on chemo treatments #66648

    Hi Mandy,

    I think Gem/Cis is a common regime to be on with this cancer. My daughter, Lauren was on Gem/Cis and 5-FU all at once for 6 months. She lost her hair, felt like she got run over by a truck for a few days, then felt ok after that. She had a few times where she wasn’t able to have chemo because her platelets would go too low from the Cisplatin. She did not have much if any nausea. She got anti nausea meds before infusion. The drug was called Aloxi. It worked really well for her. She also has a prescription for Compazine, which helped a lot if she got queasy. She is now on a different chemo and takes Compazine before she takes her oral chemo, Xeloda, and feels better. She was waiting to take the Compazine when she got nauseous and sometimes she would just throw it up. So now taking it before she gets nauseous helps immensely. Maybe you could try that with your Gem/Cis. Then chemo might not be so bad. I can’t imagine how awful it must be to feel so nauseous. That is the worst feeling. My heart goes out to you. I’m sorry I don’t know about the meaning of your margins. I am sure one of our brainiacs will be along to answer that. Hang in there, Mandy. We are all here for you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update from new patient visit at U of M #66655

    Hi Darla,

    I am Lauren’s Mom. I know you are friends with her on Facebook. I am sorry you are disappointed after your visit to U of M. I understand you weren’t disappointed by your care, just by what you were told. We have been there before too. You get your hopes up so much about a procedure, surgery, or tumor shrinkage and when it doesn’t go how you had hoped it knocks you down for awhile. You have to pick yourself back up and fight, hope, and pray. I am glad you got to meet Dr. Zalupski today. He is such a dear man. Are you going to be seeing him from now on or was it a 2nd opinion? I know he will do everything he can to help you. It is too bad we didn’t get to meet you today. Lauren had an appointment today, but it was cancelled because of her allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin and she is just taking oral chemo at home until her CT scan Dec. 4th. I am happy for you that your tumors have shrunk. That is a good thing. I hope your tumors continue to shrink and one day surgery is possible. Take care and and wishing you all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Really,Artificial Liver? #66629

    I agree, Marion. Thank you, Eli.

    in reply to: Natural History Of Advance CCA In A Long Term Study. #66633

    Thanks, Marion. Great to know. I feel better now.

    in reply to: Not the best update #66423

    Hi Tiff,

    How are you doing on your new chemo? I know I talked to you on FB the day after you had your first treatment and you were ok. Did you feel ok the whole time or did side effects creep in? I hope you get to have your treatment today. Always praying for you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My husband Jack is having stents put in today #66453

    Hi bluebird,

    I am sorry I don’t know anything about stents and drains other than what I have read on this site. I hope whatever you and Jack decide makes him comfortable and pain free. I am sorry you both have to go through this hard time and I am praying for both of you.

    Hugs and love, -Pam

    in reply to: Natural History Of Advance CCA In A Long Term Study. #66631

    Hi Percy,

    This article is very depressing. :(

    in reply to: So glad that I found you! #66603

    Hi Rena,

    Welcome to this site. I am really sorry to hear about your Dad. Your Mom and Dad sound like such a sweet couple. What part of Ohio are they from? Where is your Dad being seen? My daughter is the one with cancer. We are from Ohio and travel to Michigan for her treatment. Your Dad will have to make the decision on chemo. Did his doctor say what he thought about chemo? My daughter chose chemo before it was even offered to her. It is rough, but she is young and strong. I think it would be harder deciding when a person is older. I am just sorry about your whole situation and I am hoping for the best.

    Sending hugs and love,

    in reply to: Really,Artificial Liver? #66624

    I don’t understand. Why would the artifical liver cartridges be packed with cancerous cells to filter toxins and synthesize proteins in plasma. The cancerous cells are what I don’t get. Am I reading this wrong?

    in reply to: rough night for george… #66601

    Woop! Woop!! Thank you dear Lainy and sweet Gavin!! I was thrilled to be asked and hope I can live up to all of you wonderful Moderators!! It is a great honor and I just love everyone on this site, but really hate the cancer that this site is about. Hoping and praying for the cure.


    in reply to: 9 months ago #66586


    It sounds like you had a very nice relationship with your Dad. I’m sure it will be difficult getting through the holidays without him this year. I know he is very proud of you. Come here and vent whenever you need to. I don’t really feel as if you were venting though, just telling your story. It is just so sad that so many good people have to get this bad cancer. I am hoping you get through the holidays ok, but if you break down, that is ok too. I can tell you loved your Dad very much and miss him. All the best to you.


    in reply to: A visit from dad today #66582

    Hi inmemoryofdad,

    I’m a believer also. We see little white butterflies in the summer when we are outside and have always thought they were my Grandma Millie. She was a little lady with really white hair. We don’t see her in the winter and I figure that as in life, she got cold easily and likes to be in Florida.


    in reply to: Introduction for caregiver #66578

    Hi Shannon,

    I am glad you found us, but sorry you had to. I’m sorry your Dad didn’t have a good outcome with Gem/Cis. Hopefully, the new doctor will have something that will work. We are all here for you, so please come back and let us know how your Dad is doing. Best wishes,


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