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  • in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91695

    Thank you so much, Catherine, and Marion. I just visited Carole. She is in a bad place emotional depressed, feeling hopeless. I am happy she is getting a second opinion at University of Penn this week.I talked with her about positive imagery, positive attitude and how she must go into this feeling she has some power. No defeated attitude!
    I am so grateful to all of you. It is so difficult watching a loved one go through this. Patricia

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91692

    Thank you do so much. I have been so very upset, crying, I fear I am going to lose both of them. My aunt who is the family matriach is 87 years old fearing the fate of her two kids. Life is just not fair. Thanks again, I will check in with you. Oh I forgot, she is very depressed! Praying for you also! Patricia

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91690

    Hi Lainy, well she was on the surgical table, the doctor saw the bile duct tumor, and one in her liver. I questioned that many times. Surgeon wanted her to start chemo as soon as possible. They said she needed chemo and the Whipple would hold that up too long. We met with the oncologist Friday. I am a nurse so I check out his crediantals. He trained at University of Penn, and Mass General. He is a specialist in GI cancers. He is at MDAnderson in New Jersey. I had suggested a second opinion. When we met Dr. Morrison and his team, I feel very confident.
    There were no early signs. Some abdominal pain, and very exhausted. Then two weeks before Christmas, she was bright yellow. Her liver enzymes were off the wall. Within two week we know what she had. They went down with endoscope and knew what it was.
    Our family is dealing with her brother who was diagnosed with ALS in August. It has been a very emotional time.
    I am so grateful to have found this group. I am a newbie. I got to you through Cancer Centers of America.I look forward to sharing and getting support from all of you Sweet folks.
    If I left anything out, do not hesitate to ask. May God be with you all. Thank you, Patricia

    My cousin was diagnosed right before Christmas.We are both nurses, neither of us saw any signs of this monster, until she was jaundice, and her liver functions were off the wall. The only thing I can remember is she had been very exhausted for months. There was pain in her abdomen and they treated that as GERD.
    Within a month we have this terrible diagnosis. A Whipple was attempted but she had liver Metz so they did not proceed with surgery.They are starting chemo next week. We are hoping the chemo helps
    This is very upsetting to the family. And if that is not enough to deal, her brother, my cousin, has ALS. The entire family are just unconsolable. Patricia

    in reply to: An Unexpected Prognosis #91263

    Good for you Julie. My cousin, and friend was just diagnosed with this nasty disease right before Christmas. She was to have a Whipple procedure. The surgeon decided not to proceed with surgery. They found a tumor in her liver. She is to start chemo next week. We are hanging on to hope. That is all we can do. God Bless you, and best of luck.

    in reply to: My sweet beautiful daughter passed away November 16, 2015. #91595

    Oh my, I am so so sorry about your daughter. My name is Patricia. I am a nurse also. My cousin, Carole was diagnosed with bilt duct cancer right before Christmas. She was in the hospital for a Whipple. We got the call they decided, not to proceed. They found a small tumor in her liver. This never showed up on all the scans they did. We saw the oncologist on Friday. He tells us there is hope! They are going to start chemo. Needless to say we are terrified. Her brother was diagnosed with ALS, in August.My dear aunt is 87years old. She has two gravely ill kids.
    Our hearts are broken . I felt joining this group could help me.
    It seems as if there were no symptoms until it was too late. I worked Oncology for a long time. When it hits home, it is a whole different thing.

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