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  • in reply to: New to the Site #73630
    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70598

    Hi, ladies,
    Since I feel a bit stronger today( energy wise). And I love hot Mexican food.
    Ted’s Italy restaurant is of course 4 stars, but Chinese restaurants are famous in cutting price and give out free egg rolls which just cause a dime to make.
    If not enough, I will add a couple fortune cookies , how’ s that.
    Thanks for praying for me. And give me big hugs.
    It was tough the last few days, lack of energy ,a bit shortness of breath,but no pain and no N/V.

    God bless.

    in reply to: Stay the course. Update from our consult visit. #73687

    If I am a fish man, I will sell you the fish I caught.
    If I am an oncologist , I will tell you what I know the best and skip the things that I am not sure . Do you think they have time for another field of medicine.
    When I went to ASCO, most people attending the seminars are researchers, well known doctors in their own field and presenting paper; and I can say more than half of them are foreigners, Chinese,Japanese,eastern Europeans and Indians from the far east. students, sales rep etc.So may be just a few of the doctors who practice oncology will be there. I think most of them get info from the tumor board of their hospital,discussion and journals they subscribed.
    Have you talk to one immunologist and see what will be the case.?

    God bless.

    in reply to: Chemo Question #73680

    In my opinion, I am only a patient as Kris and your dad, iam no doctor.

    As a rule of thrumb,chemotherapy of the same will continue until”disease progress or intolerable side effects occur” that is included partial response (PD)and stable response(SD) of the tumor.((Ie: tumor getting small(=PD) or no change in the tumor=(SD).

    For more info on drugs used in treating cancer,the following link will be of some value. And remember, one drug works miracle for one, it does not apply to every one. And be careful, some doctor would like you to join clinical studies he or she is involved, that adds another layer of concern if disease is PD or SD.

    God bless.


    Hi, Gavin, not a bad article at al.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to the Site #73626

    Dr. Fong is a good surgeon specialized in larproscopy( robotic liver surgery)) , according to the fellow I talked to who is working with him.
    He also one of the most experienced doctor to prescribe the FUDR pump to deliver the 5FU analog drug directly to the cancer site. The only problem is at times, it may leak at the site of incision. So check and clean the site daily.

    One question, is it the primary tumor in the lung is different than cholangiocarcinoma , if not why they don’t want just use RFA or microwave to burn it off.? Get a 2nd opinion of interventional radiologist and talk about.

    So far, what is your husband age. 61 just like me I am 63? And when is the date you discover you husband have CC. WHen did .Dr Fong start the 5fu pump and for how long now ( June 24till when,till now? But do have any chemotherapy before that?If they change would they aim at the lung CA or still focus on CCA as the primary cancer for treatment. If they use GEM/CIS orGEMOX OR FOLINOX then mostly is still treating the CCA as the primary.
    Get your husband to drink more protein shake, soy milk to increase to protein and therefore the albumin ,so less chance for ascites.
    Keep a positive attitude, always seek 2nd or third opinion on surgery after chemotherapy for a there month periodic to see the resection will be ther, also on interventional radiologist( this is the fastest moving field to help us at this point) and chemotherapy, don’ t just say yes, ask why. GEM/CIS have kidney side effects ;GEMOXhas neuropathy,other targeted therapy, TARCEVA, Sorafenib have their problem too. As and compare. It is your husband’s life , hie is not a guinapig.
    My fiend, what I say may not be of any value since I am ,like your husband, is a patient for thesis disease for 52months, and I am no doctor.

    God bless.


    Thanks Marion.
    Go bless


    Hi, Gavin,
    You know I am a pt as well as a caregiver of this CCA.
    Most of the time,they will get what a bystander or nurse they know and just follow the path to minimum successful path.
    Unlike some of us, he went for five opinions for his wife and planning ahead even beyound, this king of caregiver is God’s gift and they use their enggy wisely. Even as the last menu on the table that day, he will be exhaust, by they know ,they have try their best for their love one, esP those who always look under full control of them delve . I ,as a patient will salute to all those caregivers no matter how tough,and still come througheven the dinner outcome is not the best way . To those who cannot forget their passing and still count the dates and month the love one die.i prose an other message board to just honor the na me s the date they die and one sentence ( I mean ) one sentence to remenory and promised never use any message board for the subject. An no one will comment on it. If every year you will donate 10-20, we will matain your site. NO body on this board suggest this for me except,if by doing so, you got what you want and we got we we want the most is more time answer more questions for those who just join. Sorry for the suggestion .
    God bless.

    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70595

    Hi, Lainy,

    I can tell my body is not as strong and cannot tolerate the medicine as when I was young.
    I just hope that during my life time ,things can improve such that at least we ,as chemotherapy patient can suffer less. Thru better treatment.
    I will honestly say, if coming down to the last choice, I will sure I will open a Chinese restaurant to compete with you Ted’s Italy ones.
    God bless

    in reply to: Imaging ‘promises pinpoint cancer treatment’ #72512

    Hi, everyone
    Interventional radiology among other radiation advancement, I am one of the proof .three weeks ago, I was told my 3 rd recurrence of CC is unresectable, well you know what kind of sinking feelings you have at that time.
    But I got a consult and the doctor say yes, it can be remove my 2tumoror with microwave ,I got 2more consult on the lymph node and got three opinion, so, I had two chemo for the two liver tumor< 2cm each,PEI for the lymph node and will redo it in a couple for sure. Yesterday, I spent a couple hour for the RFA and go home this noon.
    Seeking knowledge is the key but sometime when
    He calls, you have to go.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Upcoming July Webinars #73559

    Hi, Gavin ,
    I wll be there.God bless,
    I think my finger do not follow my commend a lot to day,

    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70593

    Base on your lasts report, the best treatment is you can joint is the ” TIL trial at NIH in WashingtonDC area. And it is free.


    I think your mother had go thru a lot of the chemotherapy, her body might take a bog toll already,unless she still want to fight to the last battle without realizing their are always limits in everything including medical treatinment. Quality iof life is some sometimes Better than quantity.
    God bless.

    in reply to: hopeful! #73407

    May I ask is your mom’s tumor is in the liver or outside the liver?
    Is surgery possible? If not, why not?
    Did your mom have an interventional radiologist consult to see what the radiologist can do for her?
    How much the tumor shrunk and is it just one tumor or a few more.?
    You should explore the above options–radiology if surgery is not possible.
    The way that you mentioned about the shrinkage ( if>25% overall ) is good;otherwise it may just mean partial response or the tumor is stable .
    The word you used “a littlebit” make me think your mom’s tumor is stable at best. If so ,2nd opinions on oncology and radiation at Emory hospital at Atlanta may not be a bad idea.
    I am a patient of this disease for 49 months now, it is a winding road with twist and turns. No one knows the exact time we will depart, but with knowledge,and good medical consult by doctors who specialized in this disease,will be essential in helping your mom making future decisions.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Bile Duct cancer in patients over the age of 80Are #73405

    If I may, as far as I am concern, chemotherapy agents are toxic in general. For example, 5FU or Gemzar kills cancer by interrupting their cell reproduction cycle, as well as to the healthy cells inside a human.
    I am not a doctor, but I can say the above assumption without a doubt with my professional career experience.
    I agree sometimes” not to be treated” is as good as or better than “to be treated” especial in some cancer patients at the late stage of the game.
    I agree with Eli, chemotherapy is not only tough,but in my point of view, sometimes it is more inhuman than you think both physically and mentally speaking. I can say that because I am also a patient too of this cancer.
    I think the oncologist did your mom a favor by suggesting no to chemotherapy.
    I am not surprised if some doctor will provide your mom treatment knowing that it may actually decrease the quality of life of your mom.
    Therefore your mom’ s oncologist do have a heart for his/her patients.
    God bless.


    Hi, Bruce
    Thanks for the data.
    Mine Ln is located between the liver and the Morsion’s Pouch near the top of the kidney. it is less 1 cm in size, PEI for treatment.
    God bless.

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