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  • pcl1029

    Hi, kris,
    I do not think it is harmful to take Prilosec(omeprazole) 20mg daily or Protonix 40mg along with vitamin D3 1000 units daily especially if you have GERD or acid reflux problem;The report(the Abstract) said:
    “Omeprazole (OPZ) and tamoxifen (TAM) strengthen the effects of anticancer drugs and dichloroacetate (DCA) inhibits tumor growth. This study assesses the synergistic effects of these drugs. “
    But you donot need to take Tamoxxifen or DCA in order to do so.

    They said OPZ and TAM ” strengthen the effects of anticancer drugs” –;but unless your doctor tell you to do so; I will not take DCA and tamoxifen,

    But Omeprazole does provide relief for acid reflux( I belief acid reflux and/or H.Pylori infection are the risk factors personally for CCA but they are NOT have been proven by the medical community yet.); I will also take vitamin D3 1000units daily since some of the clinical trial and research did provide some hint that it MAY works ( that means still not proven that it works.); but vitamin D3 is OTC medication and it is a vitamin; so I donot think it will be harmful to take them both.
    I myself take both vitamin D3 1000units and Portonix40mg daily for about 6 months now.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60849

    I think your daughter will be fine; just record the temp if develop low grade fever ,abdominal pain, may be nausea or vomiting or flu like symptoms . There are the most common side effected but should be disappeared in a couple weeksz; make a diary on the side effects if possible so it may be of value to other members.
    More rest at home during the first two weeks may be helpful and take everything easy ,activity like outings,for a month. In this way I think it will stabilize the liver reaction to the procedure. As you may know RADIOEMBOLIZATION is not FDA approval procedure yet for. CCA
    God bless.


    Thanks again, I printed all of them out and see which one I need to talk to the presenter at the poster session. I have already read a couple,but did not find the BICAP study; I was told this year ,they will present a few more distinguish posters each day which deem more important. They will only announce the posters each day at 0000 on the web as well as printed newspaper each day.So Iguest I may find the answer there.
    Please ask them will they have their BICAP study post in the ASCO meeting,or in oral session so I will not miss them . If I may ,can Helen what other articls or posters they will present at the coming ASCO.
    I like to know , learn about their research in English.
    Make sure you say hi to you mum for me,I will spend more time in preparing for the ASCO that means I will much less time here till the middle of June.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to the site #60572

    From your message,you wrote”You would never know that I was a hospice nurse…..huh!! Isn’t that irony at it’s best or worst?”

    I think that is the price the medical professionals,like you and me have to pay for caring the general public; Be strong and confidant outside ;comforting patients as required ;helping those in need more than you can;and trying to rewind and taking it easy as time allowed.
    It is especially tough if your are the patient or caregiver to a close relative.
    But I am sure with God’s grace,everything will be ok.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Frequent visitor, first post #60686

    Hi,SandT mom,

    I am truly truly sorry for you and the passing of sandtdad.

    He and I had communicated several times over his treatment plans of GEMCIS+Panitumamab and subsequently gave his permission to release his medical info for other patients to compare result unselfishly.
    He also found and seeked info on radioembolization and discussed the pros and cons of the procedure. I am SHOCK to learn about his passing. I sent him an email about a week ago and just to say hi. with no return mail. Wow, this disease is really unpredictable;I thought he will be the one to tell me all about the success of the radioembo. procedure and let everybody know that his courage to fight can be an example for us to follow. He once said,” I just want to fight because I like to have more time to be with my 2 kids who mean a lot to me.”
    Good night my friend, it is time for rest,thanks for helping out others on this board for their problems;thanks for the courage you display for all of us on this board;and thanks for the knowledge you seek to enrich all of us who seek the same; above all you are a good dad,a good husband and a part of us.
    May the Love of Jesus,The Grace of God,and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family. God bless.


    Thanks ,Gavin,
    I was preparing for the ASCO 2012 convention and came across this article.
    It is a lot of articles to read in preparing for such event. I glanced over the entire ebook they put up on the web; and only a few articles is related to bile ducts ,liver and the pancrease.
    They will release the posters on the web tomorrow and I will do the same to look them over and choose the one that is related to our disease and try to ask the author if I will see them at the convention.
    this year,they change the policy about putting all posters up at the same time;ASCO will put up the “most regarded” or ” important or distinguish” posters each day to increase the attention of those highlighted research article.
    and follow by a discussion sessions.
    I will also attend a session about “the new drugs in oncology”-including Vemurafenab;Crizotinib;Brentuximab;Abiraterone;Ipilimumab and Axitinib.
    I think only one or two will be of great interest to us for CCA;but down the road,they maybe of use to us as well since most of them are for treating solid tumors.
    Be sure to say hi to your mum for me,it is warmer and sunny to-day here in Chicago. and I know the weather is not that inviting;but you got the Prince of Wale to be your weatherman.I am sure his royal touch of the weather will be magical. It should be sunny and bright with a gentle wind blowing from the sea.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Back pain and throwing up bile? #61056

    I am not talking about your fever.

    I am concerning about the throw up of the bile(you did not mention how much)

    I am concernig about your back pain since it may related to the kidneys if you took ABX like ciprofloxin or levofloxin WITHOUT drinking enough water to flush them out of the kidney for the past 10 days. You should always take those kind of ABX with a full glass or 3/4 of (150-240ml) water.

    I am concerning you may develop DVT(deep vein thrombosis) if you stay in bed all those ten days without walking around the house or doing thing.

    God bless.

    in reply to: question about external bag to drain bile #61027

    Hi, for itching
    please read the message from this link.

    A good and experience GI specialist can put in stents under the ERCP procedure but it will be a challenge for the intrahepatic CCA type; I know Mayo Clinics likes to have MRCP done along with the MRI scan;if so it may give additional information to help finding the locations that are most needed to be stented.(ie:the locations where the bile ducts are most dilated in the liver) Of course they can also use the percutaneous method instead of ERCP to provide “external drain” for the bile to flow out of the body.
    It is more difficult for cirrhosis patient to completely recover from all those radiation procedure than just patient without it. But still it is worth it to have the stents done if possibility is allowed.

    God bless.

    in reply to: Back pain and throwing up bile? #61052

    No, I do not think your symptoms are related to antibiotics(ABX).
    And it is more than 24-36hrs after taking the ABXby now ;that means most the drug should be excreted out of your body and their residual effects should be minimum or none.
    My suggestion is to go to ER there they will get you Cat scan;blood work etc and you can have a muchand better picture about your problem.
    Go ASAP and don’t wait for the oncology appt. tomorrow.
    God bless.

    in reply to: New to the site #60570

    Hi, Wilma,
    Below is a reprint and revised message from this forum on 12/6/2011 for another patient.
    Hope after reality sets in, you will become more inform about this disease.
    God bless.


    As patients and caregivers ourselves,we need to be HOPEFUL ; we need to be knowledgeable ; we need to be current and we need to be REALISTIC and PRACTICAL in search of finding the” possible” cure for this disease.
    (we don’t have one right now except surgery;and less than 10% of patients qualified.but even after curative resection,recurrence is high ie:75%)

    It is always my belief that ,as a patient myself, at this moment,because of the time frame is relatively short for us; the best way to help our CURRENT patients,like me and you, is to find and improve the current treatments that are working now(like chemotherapy and radiation treatment)); keep on researching and prepare by choosing the more effective treatments with less adverse reactions for the future in case of the CCA comes back or the current treatment is not working;and keep an eye on the new development of targeted therapy agents like Tarceva ,Nexavar, Avastin and Afinitor as well as radiology treatment options like RFA,Radioembolization and chemboembolization for intrahepatic CCA;,IMRT,(cyberknife),EBRT;SBRT;
    PDT and proton therapy for extrahepatic CCA.

    We should be vigilant and careful about all the info.we read on the internet. Despite all the advancement in treating this relatively silent cancer,We should not have FALSE expectation on treating this disease. One treatment working perfectly for one patient did not mean the same will apply to another patient due to the difference in patient’s health status;the extent of the disease when discover;location,number and size of the tumor.

    Conventional medical treatments are “evident-based “on research as well as clinical experiences; and I think that is why the oncologist said:

    -“Cathy this is so new we have no long term data and even though we believe it was all removed there could be one micro cancer cell lurking, but we believe this is a cure. We need you to keep living to prove us right!!”

    God bless.

    in reply to: Ups and downs #60961

    As you may know by now, I am only a patient like your sister and nothing else.
    If your sister has previous health issues ,the side effects of the chemotherapy may be occur differently than the normal.(ie: appear earlier or later;or at different times);for this part, that is related to your sister’s health status before and/or during the treatment ,I cannot tell you what to expect about this up and down problem.
    However,to answer your question about the swelling I can do that.
    If your sister is on GEMOX; Periphral edema(20%) and edema (13%) are the side effects from gemcitabine and oxaliplatin(10%,15% in that order) .
    Oxaliplatin cause depression in about 9% and anxiety in about 5% of the patient when give with 5FU.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Update on my Hubby Gerry – PCT – Help #60730

    Hi, Phil,
    please check your email for my reply.
    God bless.


    Thanks ,Eli. Thanks for your effort and quick reply, now is the time to spend more time with your wife; hope she regains energy by the day in time for a mother’sday celebration. I forgot, do you have any kids,Eli.?
    Gavin ,don’ worry, I think the list is good enough for the new members who would like to learn about this disease in the condensed quick version.
    God bless, say hi to your mum for me Ok. Take her out on mother day this Sunday,I know you will do so for a good son like you.
    God bless all of you.


    Hi,Gavin and Eli,
    Do you have any links of research articles about RADIATION treatments that I can add to the above message for extrahepatic CCA.
    Thanks both of you,
    God bless.


    Due to copy right laws ,I can only summarize the article for members to use.
    I am sorry.
    God bless.

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