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  • in reply to: aloxi #60294

    yes, it provides more control of the side effects of nausea and vomiting.
    you can look it up in the adverse reaction forum under “suggestion for nausea and vomiting”
    God bless.

    in reply to: Weakness #60176

    I do not know how honest that I can be of help to your husband’s case.
    The swelling can be easily be managed by Lasix and Aldactone ; or to relieve discomfort,just put the feets up when sitting down. I assumed the doctor will regularly take care of the fluid build up in the abdominal area by paracentesis.
    At this point,to be honest,there isn’t anything that chemotherapy can really help.
    I am not a doctor,so if the oncologist will say he/she can do something for you,then make sure what that mean.
    I will consider the quality of life over the quantity of life in the process of the decision making.
    God bless.


    Unlike the last time about the Mayo liver transplant paper that I ordered the pre-print copy, this time I will not and therefore I did not have the chance to read the entire article.
    My “false hope” statement is purely guy feeling and not evidence- based.
    I simply use common sense and my biology and disease understanding about CCA to make that assumption .” CURE” is not the word I will use for this disease at this point .
    God bless.

    in reply to: Mommy #60144

    I am sorry to hear the news about the passing of your mother.
    Yes, sometimes CCA patients ,like your mommy and my sister-in-law, are not dying of CCA but the related side effects of the chemotherapy and/or the mets due to the CCA primary.
    Amiodarone(Cordarone) is known for its serious side effects and limited safety margin.
    God bless.


    It sounds too good to be true. I believe the title of the article gives false hope to people who seek them; But the researchers who compiled the info. are from UCSF. you will be the judge.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Going through testing #60117

    UCSanFran is the place for west coast of the disease.

    EUS,ERCP may not be as good as MRCP to show the narrowing of the bile duct(stricture).
    CTscan or MRI(you can do both MRI and MRCP the same time) and PET scan of “the chest, abdomen and pelvis” are some of the scan for determining the status of the findings.(to learn more scans,go to experience forum under” radiation and options” .)
    Atypical cells means you have cells that are abnormal in the area of investigation,and may or may not become cancerous in the future.
    Please take a look on our web site under the” hospital and physicans” experiense forum to fine more choice.
    May I ask how old you are and your health in general? and what symptom prompted you to seek medical help and come to our web site for info.?
    it will help me innhe future to answer your question.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Erlotinib(tarceva) and Docetaxel Phase II trial info #60076

    Hi, Karen,
    Looking forward to meeting you too.
    But who knows, I may get lost at the McComick place-the convention location,it is so big;And because the sessionI attended took so long that I had to missed the dinner gathering for the foundation.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Is that you, Malc2073? #60034

    Hi, Eli
    Thanks,Eli for your suggestion.
    I do not intend to touch the Wikipedia at this point and I will let it go for now ,as you said,there are too many hurdles to overcome in order to achieve a little.
    If people want to find out more;as some members indicated, our site-the cholangiocarcinoma.org is doing much much better ; the problem though,is how we can improve the chances for them to find us. Any thoughts?
    I am doing translation for the two brochures or leaflets for this foundation and I think it will be done soon. Once it is proof read by the doctors;then we can hand them out in the conventions or cross-over to put it on the Sina English/Chinese web site,(the Chinese google). In that way,if it is what this board wants, We can truly be reached globally, then all the efforts you and other spent on this web site will not be in vain.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Erlotinib(tarceva) and Docetaxel Phase II trial info #60074


    Base on the conclusions of that trial.

    “Erlotinib with docetaxel met the 16-week PFS ≥ 30% endpoint, but overall survival was comparable to that seen with single-agent erlotinib. With the limitation of small numbers of patients, grade ≥ 2 rash (in BTC), and negative/low E-cadherin expression (HCC) were associated with higher PFS and OS.”
    Do you think it is still worthwhile to have join that clinical trial in stead of just taking the erlotinib 150mg daily even if the trial is available? Taxol and its derivatives like docetaxel are very tough to take.
    But look at what I have just found an ORAL taxane -tesetaxel is on phase II trial and will report their findings in the upcoming ASCO2012 meeting. I will be there to listen to the findings.

    See below :
    “Genta Incorporated GNTA -12.50% announced today that its lead compound, tesetaxel, will be featured in multiple presentations of new clinical data at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). The meeting will be held June 1-5, 2012, in Chicago, IL.

    At the meeting, results from a confirmatory Phase 2 trial of tesetaxel, the leading oral taxane in clinical development, will be reported for overall response and progression-free survival (PFS) when used as 1st-line therapy for patients with hormone-refractory breast cancer. A second Phase 2 trial — using tesetaxel as 2nd-line therapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer — will report results on overall response and overall survival. A third presentation will report safety, pharmacokinetics, and the maximally tolerable dose (MTD) from a novel, weekly, dosing schedule. A final presentation will report data from a study of tesetaxel plus capecitabine (Xeloda(R); Hoffmann La Roche, Inc.), a drug combination that will be featured in Genta’s late-stage clinical trials.”
    God bless.

    in reply to: Is that you, Malc2073? #60031

    Gavin, thanks for confirming that.

    Eli, I think I saw you did some work on the Wikipedia, but did they accept your work and suggestion about adding a “northern Ontario’ info.
    I am not so smart on computer related tracing work.
    God bless

    in reply to: Getting a diagnosis #59987

    It is a very good idea to get a second opinion on interventional radiology to see what other options you will have.( ie: IMRT+Xeloda forECC).
    OSU participate in a lot of the clinical trials , I hope your mother can be started on the regular commonly used chemo regimen( ie:GEMZAR or plus other agents) before diving into clinical trials. It is also important to weight ” qualify of life” against ” quantity of life” in the decision making process of medical care for your mom.
    Good luck and keep in touch.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Update on me and welcome to Dr. Sonnenday #60021

    Hi, Marion,
    My sister-in-law was one of them– mets to both ovaries.
    God bless.


    Hi, Marion,
    I agree i do not think we will have time to discuss this at the ASCO 2012 conference; I will be very tire after each day and I also need time to prepare for the next day topics;At, least for me,it is in par with running a marathon in energy consumption.
    BTW, i am also working on one Chinese herbal formula,which is also widely use for hundred if not thousand years in Japan too ,for liver and bile duct related problems.
    God bless.


    Hi, Marion,

    I did read it long time ago. Actually that is what I am testing now using herbal extract crystal powder supplied by my Chinese former chair person of The Herbal Medicine of Hongkong Chinese University. ( the advantage here is the quality of the supply rather than anything else ;- the most important part of the effectiveness and consistency of herbal formula products)
    It is much easier to take. Just take the correct amount ( ie: 1-2teaspoonful and add them with hot water in a cup,stir and drink; more or less like taking Alka seltzer ). The hang qui tan formula is on the “relatively cool” side of the property of the herbal medicine spectrum, it is still a very common formula used for abdominal problems like diarrhea . But if a person who is on chemotherapy and takes this for a long time without understanding “the relatively cool” concept , and not now and then adding or taking some ” relatively hot” property of the herbal medicine to counteract the “relatively cool” effects ; then actually may weaken the overall health condition ( the Qi- the inner energy of the patient.)
    That is why now I am testing to add the correct herbals and the correct amounts to improve the situation . It may take a while ,but I will report what I have found and if others would like to try; at least they know I am the first little hamster and not them to use the formula.


    Thanks for the info.
    You know i like biology; It is very interesting to learn about this technique,but I am sure some members may think “it is boring”.
    Briggs will stay as BEARS for a couple more years;that is music in the ears for BEAR fans like you and me. But as you know,don’t bet anything until we can see what kind of the offensive line up will be. I am also worry about our famous middle line backer may be too old next year .
    As always,say hi to your mum for me; I will watch more of the video you sent to me when I have more time. I am currently studying Chinese Herbal medicine formulas for CCA in Chinese. I ordered some herbs and tried it a couple times while on the off week of Xeloda and I got constipation which had the opposite effects of diarrhea when I am on Xeloda.(very interesting indeed).
    The good thing about herbal medicine is the margin of safety is relatively wide ;the bad thing about herbal medicine is,unlike the western medicine practice here in the States and Europe, the unknown of the active ingredient that produces the beneficial effects.
    Thanks again for the video.
    God bless.

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