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  • in reply to: SwiTcHing treatment #56226

    you know I am just a patient like you and not a doctor.
    base on the scan info. you mention. can you quote the scan “impression” section of the scan just prior to this one so i can compare? the key word on the quote statement is the word STABLE appeared twice and i want to know what is the wording of the scan prior to the current recently scan.

    BTW,please forgive me if I want to know more about yours and other patients medical reports ,record and questions. I am not trying to be nosy and I am not trying to act like I am a doctor. I am just a patient who love human biology , biochemistry and pharmacology and by major in college I am working in my medical profession for 30 plus years. My interest in that three subjects provided me an additional interest and desire to help me to understand my CCA. and hopefully thru this web site I can at least share what I found and provide a different angle to all of you who seek info. for CCA.
    Back to the message,
    if you lie down for a while will the pain subside as compare to sit up or standing for let say,a couple hours;where are the source of the pain? liver,(lower or upper right abdominal pain near the liver or joint or chest or muscle pain.I want to find out whether the pain is related to the Nexavar or not?
    Are you still as fatique as when you started this 3drugs combo treatment 20 month ago( the same, feels better, or worst or “got use to it “in fatique and pain side effects)
    God bless

    in reply to: XELODA with OXALIPLATIN Chemo TX #56321


    2 things, which you may have known already.
    1. AVOID cold drinks,use of ice cubes;touch of cold materials and housewares like cups.etc.
    2. Felling fatigue is normal unless interfere with daily activities like dinning or reading a book or taking a walk .

    Xeloda is a prodrug of 5Fu which your husband had before;except taken by mouth.
    Oxaliplatin is the third generation of cisplatin (newer with supposed less side effects);but since your husband was on cisplatin before;please REMIND the chemo nurse on the FIRST treatment of oxaliplatin to watch out for anaphylactic reactions(such as difficult in breathing,shortness of breath,rash,itching and hypotension,it can occur within minutes of staring the oxaliplatin the FIRST time of treatment.) and make sure drugs as epinephrine,solu-medrol,antihistamine like benadryl injection are available ON HAND just in case.

    the only other things you have to watch which may not be on the patient information list you got are ,

    1.Make sure the time of oxaliplatin infusion will be around 2hours but NOt longer than 6 hrs to avoid acute toxicities.
    2.Use of an injection port to avoid severe tissue irritation as comparing to each time of sticking a vein and increasing the chance of extravasation .
    3. If the patient is on Lanoxin(digoxin) for heart problem;talk to the doctor to adjust the dose of digoxin if needed.
    4.drug interactions with filgrastim,G-csf etc may occur and you should discuss with the oncologist.
    God bless

    in reply to: Stanford Trials #56313


    It is a potential good approach for intrahepatic tumor for recurrence too big for RFA and after unsuccessful treatment of TACE.

    The side effects that I research on radioembo with Y90 is comparable to chemoembo with cisplatin and Adriamycin+mitomycin.

    Its effectiveness also base on the size , number and location of the tumors and the patients’ health status;
    Fatigue (40-50%) is the major side effect;nausea is second but it may only last for a week or so.The treatment is divided into 2 days.

    1st day is for the assessment of whether you can qualify for the radioembo Tx;MRI/PET/Cat will be performed at the hospital;Lab work will also be done (patients need to fast,not to eat anything the nite before) ; calculation of the radioactive Y90 dose will be done to maximize the benefit of the deliverty of the Y90.;a test run of the radioactive treatment will be done to make sure the Y90 go to the right places in stead of the stomach,lung or the intestine which will become a serious health concern.( all of these can take the whole day to do.)

    In the 2nd day ,the patient will have an angiography and the procedure will be performed by interventional radiologist in a couple hours.and after observation for another couple hours in the hospital,if all goes well,patient can go home and will be seen by the doctor in a week or a month for follow up asessment.

    In my personal opinion, as well as recommended by my 2nd opinion doctor recently, I will try radioembo with Y90 done by an EXPERIENCED interventional radiologist.(this is almost a MUST ) when the need arise;since many hospitals are now trying to have this option available to patients but most if not all,lacking the experienced radiologist to do it.
    According to my knowledge, Northwestern university intervention radiology dept. in Chicago is best known for this treatment and research. Dr. Raid Salem and his team is recommended to me by my consulting doctor too.

    a very general reference may be of help as follows;but I am sure you have already done your research.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Stanford Trials #56311

    thanks, I read it thru,; It adds to my knowledge about radiology.
    However, the other link for your 2nd post about Standford did not work.
    Say hi to your mum for me.
    God bless.

    in reply to: SwiTcHing treatment #56222

    This is a difficult decision.
    abdominal pain is a side effect of Nexavar,but if the Vicodin can give you enough relief of pain; i will rediscuss the treatment plan with Dr. Lenz to see whether he will change back to the Gemzar/Xeloda/Nexavar.
    In my opinion ,which CAN BE WRONG ,I think the three drug regimen will work better. The increase of 1mm in size may or may not be of anything and I think that was the reason that Dr.Lenz wanted to continue the 3drugs combo for another cycle in the first place.But if your pain is unbearable,then you may not have any choice. Good luck, pray hard and let the Holy Spirit guides you.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Asking for prayers #56168


    I will say another prayer tonite for your daughter,Lauren.

    God bless.

    in reply to: Tumor shrinking #56188

    Hi, kris,
    One more thing if I may,can you ask dr.Fong in your next visit this question?
    Is there any possibility that the biloma(the sack of bile ),if not treated,will help spread the cancer cells if it starts to leak or not..?
    Thanks and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Tumor shrinking #56187

    Hi, kris,
    One more thing if I may,can you ask dr.Fong in your next visit this question?
    Is there any possibility that the biloma(the sack of bile ),if not treated,will help spread the cancer cells if it starts to leak or not..?
    Thanks and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Did the lab tests show anything was wrong? #56206

    May I ask how old are you?
    Based on the info you provided,,it seems to me that you had your health problems for about 9 months. And if your GP only ordered the routine test like CMP,CBC,LIPID PANEL or blood or urine cultures, all this standard chemistry or lab tests cannot tell you anything about cancer or benign growth . Ultrasound result is highly depended on the person who performed the scan and therefore the result will not be as complete and accurate as MRI OR CAT SCAN with contrast. The discomfort of your stomach for a month make me worry. I will seek a different GP to reevaluate your health concern.
    All the members commented before me Are caregivers or patients like myself and their suggestions to you to get a scan done and CA19-9 blood drawn(lab)
    are good advices. The easiest and fastest way to get this done is to go to ER and tell the ER doctors you have this ABDOMEN problem offf and on for almost a year;and request a CAT scan( normally without IV contrast for quick result) done in ER. Then if they find out anything,they will refer you to see a GI specialist for further evaluation. It is much better than ultrasound.
    I think this will be the best solution for you at this point and you should do it as soon as possible.
    . We are not doctors,but our suggestions at least will give you ideas from our hearts and minds.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Tumor shrinking #56180

    May I ask how big is the sack of bile (biloma) in your abdomen?
    Is it just a small size<5cm ? Or bigger?How much the biloma shrunk in December?
    Have the doctor ever consider taking it out percutaneously?and why not?
    Have you developed fever and/or chills because of that?Make sure you ask him/her what you should do when you have fever or chills?
    Good luck and
    God bless.

    in reply to: Introduction #56025

    Hi, Cheryl,
    thanks for your info. I have the same type of intrahepatic CCA that you have.
    Is surgery or resection out of the picture.? If not,then why cannot be resectable?
    did they say how big the tumor is?
    and is it pressed against the diaphragm and that is why you have pain.
    I will seed help to check on the esophagus burning problem by a GI specialist to rule out esophageal varcies ( bleeding);It may related to the portal vein blood pressure as the result of the liver tumor growth.
    Taking medications to help the symptoms is normal for chronic diseases like depression and Gi related problems.
    Please tell us how you do after the next scan .
    God bless.

    in reply to: Austin Newly diagnosed (stage 4) #55543

    Hi, the austin Family,
    Thanks for writing back about the age.Below is part of a reprinted message on the experience forum from this web site under “Ultrasound,Cat scan,MRI message.” you can read the entire message if you want to.

    PET Scan allows visualization of CC because of the high glucose uptake(SUV) of the bile duct epithelium(the lining )– the “Hot spots” will light up on the PET scan and show the relative cancer activity of the lesion by the SUVmax value.

    A PET scan therefore can help to tell if the bile duct obstruction is caused by a cancer or benign lesions.PET scan can be useful in determining the cancer may have spread or return after treatment.
    In general SUVmax value>3.9 is an indication of cancer activity of the lesion while value<3.9 may not.But the diagnosis must also be made in conjunction with the size or the volume of the lesion that shows the SUV max activity.(the SUVmax range that I saw so far is between 2.0-36.4 in CC);and PET is more accurate when using in intrahepatic lesions than extrahepatic lesions in cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis..
    there are also some good info on”the Adverse reaction and side effects” experience forum for hiccups;nausea and vomiting.

    I am a patient like your husband ;and I am not a doctor; but with regard to having a 2nd opinion on chemo,I will wait till the next scan(usually 2-3 month after the chemo starts ;ask the oncologist to get a Rx for your husband to have the scan done in case they forget to give him one;) ;the scan will show whether the chemo works or not; and you can make the decision at that point with the oncologist.
    please keep us informed and hopefully we can of help as well.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Recently diagnosed intrahepatic cc #55613

    Hi, Burnburn,
    thanks for your info.
    that Gemzar+Xeloda+Avastin is a good protocol and effective and relatively less side effects except you have to watch the cardiovascular and GI system. You are in good hands with Dr.SAAB.
    Hope your wife can tolerate the side effects ;the avastin is especially good for abdominal and other metastasis .
    God bless.

    in reply to: Introduction #56068

    Gemzae is easy to take, you may not have any side effects,a bit nausea at the most.you are in good hands good luck.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Introduction #56023

    Hi, Cheryl,

    if i may,can you please help me to answer a few questions to help us?
    But I will answer your question first.

    1.Normally,depend on your type of tumor rather than the size and your current health status; 6month to 1 year is the normal;more than 1 year is very common and life time on chemo with breaks in between treatment cycle is not uncommon if the chemo still works for you.. The key is depending on your body’s heath,whether your bone marrow can still produce enough all the blood cells to sustain your body’s daily normal function. the following is my question,

    1. How old are you?
    and the date you started chemo?
    2. where is your tumor located? inside the liver or out side in the bile duct?
    3. can you please find out what chemo you are on? Gemzar+cisplatin?
    there are a few chemo drugs that started with a C;like caboplatin,capcitabine,cisplatin,Camtosar .Can you find out for us?

    God bless.

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