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  • in reply to: CAT Scan Results #75772

    Thinking of you and hoping for good news from the tumor board.


    in reply to: Rough couple of days #76803

    Fluffernutter is the name for a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich made with “Fluff”. It’s like marshmallow but not sure it is the real thing. Fluff is a bright white color and lots of sugar. A fluffernutter is a peanut butter and fluff sandwich.

    Here is the link:

    And teaberry is a fruit from teaberry plants. A teaberry milkshake has a bright pink color and a sweet – almost peppermint like – taste.

    Both are products of the Northeast. Doesn’t it make you want to live here?


    in reply to: Rough couple of days #76799

    OK. Now you are bringing up the good ole days. Fluffernutter sandwiches were such a part of growing up in our area of Eastern PA. I tried one a few years ago and all I could think about was how my tastes have changed – or I’ve gotten old. Must be the first option.


    in reply to: Rough couple of days #76796

    Teaberry is my favorite. You can’t get a teaberry milkshakes at many places……

    Good news. Keep up your spirits and your strength.


    in reply to: Rough couple of days #76791

    Hi Kris,

    I wish I could say something magical. But the reality of this disease gets in the way.

    You have been a terrific caregiver. The challenge of the caregiver is having to face all the same issues as the patient as well as then trying to stay on top of all that is happening so you can help/protect/support/guide/counsel/communicate/empathize and LOVE the person you are trying to help. You’ve done that and more.

    It is so very hard when someone you are trying to help lashes out at you in a way that is more hurtful than they can ever know. While easy to say….please don’t take it personally. i.e. please let it go. What was said was most likely said in a mode of personal stress, guilt and probably even concern. It just doesn’t come out that way.

    Stay strong. Your husband needs your ongoing support. And you clearly have the fortitude to help guide him along this very challenging path.

    If you would like to talk more – or just vent – please reach out to me via email.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Just of Concern About the Ways to Find Treatment. #76480


    Great job with starting to develop a “roadmap”. I know we will make this happen.


    in reply to: Weight Loss/Appetite & Fever #76666

    Sorry to hear about your mom’s condition.

    With respect to appetite, even if she does not want to eat a lot, she needs to get protein and “good” calories, We have found a drink named Orgain. It has more value, including protein, with less sugar than most other drinks like Boost and Ensure. We can get it at a local Wegman’s store but it can also be ordered online.

    Good luck,

    in reply to: Update – Need Help #75660

    Hi Milennz,

    I am not familiar with the Canadian protocol as to how, but I suggest you start looking for a new Onc, at the very least to get a true second opinion.

    And if that is not an option, please ask the Onc to get a new CT scan to verify the situation.

    All the symptoms you described, my wife has. And she, too, has moved to be a vegetarian – not fully but most of her diet is now veggies, fruits, nuts, and beans. And her CT scans have shown improvement while going through this change. She, too, has lost 15 pounds. Actually more.

    However, she does add protein with chicken (organic) or salmon (wild only). Even if you mom is completely vegetarian, the real topic is making sure she gets her protein. And that could be in supplements.

    Also, every person with this disease who cannot have surgery is – please others correct me if I am stating this wrongly – in palliative care. We are. And that’s OK. Palliative care means, in my opinion. at this point in time, the cancer is not curable but it can be managed. You know what, I am good with that.

    Hope that helps,

    in reply to: Miracle cancer cures? Ask for evidence #75529

    Not sure I said there was a magic cure, just that there could be other options beyond the chemical world which has not proven itsefl after many years.

    Sorry if your were offended. I’ll post no more on this toic.

    in reply to: Miracle cancer cures? Ask for evidence #75526

    I feel differently.

    So far the medical world has failed miserably to find actual cures. And then, funded by Pharma, they tell you to pick your poison – chemo or radiation – both killing fields. And then they say “Trust me”. I have heard those exact words and yet I can no more trust them with care for Lynn as I would an aardvark. Not sure why I picked an aardvark but at least I know they won’t reply.

    Who decided the terrible poison called chemo was the answer. Oh Pharma that’s right.

    Who decided what is important for a trial? Oh Pharma that’s right.

    Yes the Internet is full of hoaxes. But please tell me how many of you on this forum have tried to find something more than your onc has offered. Don’t rule these out just because Pharma has not funded a trial.


    in reply to: Medical Advisory Counsil Update #75501

    Well said Regina. I agree. I would love to be able to submit my wife’s information, CT scans, etc. to this board as a “tumor board” approach whereby they could confirm existing care and treatment as well as suggest next steps. e.g. We have been told to 1) stay on maintenance chemo for up to one year. We have also been told to 2) start radioembolization within 3 months. Finally, we have been told 3) be patient. Let’s see what the next CT scan shows before we talk about next steps.

    That’s a very broad range of opinions (which is all they are). I’d love to be able to get an evaluation/assessment from a REAL Cholangiocarcinoma Tumor Board, which we appear to have.


    in reply to: Curcumin Study #55417


    As always, thanks for taking time to research and respond. Something tells me there is value with curcumin. Lynn is adding turmeric to her daily diet, i.e. no supplements, but adding curcumin to her daily diet. Even a little each day seems like it will add value.

    I hope you are doing well my friend. You have such great insight.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Help Please #74771


    I cannot add anything relative to the Remicade, but please know we are wishing all the best for you and hoping the new drug does help.


    in reply to: Curcumin Study #55415

    Two sources which promote the cancer fighting value of curcumin.

    The next is a podcast from Johns Hopkins, not specific to ICC.



    Garlic is a winner. It is classified as a superfood. Maybe saute the artichokes with the garlic – no garlic butter.

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