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  • in reply to: Frustrated with nursing home regarding blood tests #74613

    We just got out of the oncologist office, my mom is being hooked up for the second round of chemo now. The doctor informed us that the nursing home did not do the CA 19-9 and he said he is not happy at all about it. (he’s such a nice guy.) aargh! I’m so angry. The nurse from the oncologist called the nursing home on Monday and they said they would do it. More phone calls for me now! Yay. (not)

    Oh, and now the fire alarm is blaring in my ear.

    Thanks again for letting me vent. I don’t want my mom to see me grumpy right now. :)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!

    in reply to: Hello. 2 people I know with bile duct cancer. #74512

    Thank you, everyone!

    in reply to: Frustrated with nursing home regarding blood tests #74612

    Thanks Everyone! I was able to leave a message for the oncologist’s nurse and she called the nursing home and straightened it out. The nurse at the nursing home made it sound like they would be doing a favor to do the blood teat on Monday. Sheesh!

    My mom has been there for a long time now. This isn’t the first time we are having trouble with this place. It is a county run home, very large facility. It used to be an old county run hospital, now they do rehab and people live there. They even have a section where children live. Recently, the director got fired. There was a lot of community outrage for some of the issues that became public. Our family is well known at this place because we make a lot of noise. My sister-in-law is not shy to call and complain. The director didn’t like her one bit because she called so often to complain. They used to give my mom the strangest meals. Sometimes they would just put one small piece of fish on a plate. Nothing else. Sometimes I wonder if that was the directors doing, or the kitchen staff were just that incompetent.

    Lainy, I am so sorry to hear what your family had to go through. That is just so terrible and sad.

    in reply to: Acronyms? #74616

    I’ll start a list. It seems just about every post has some kind of acronym specific to this forum. (I know all the basic stuff Asa I have been on many other different forums for a long time-cakes, crafts, sewing, homeschooling, etc.)


    in reply to: Hello. 2 people I know with bile duct cancer. #74507
    Lainy wrote:
    You are our first Secret Agent (love it)

    Thanks! I use that name a lot. My daughter had a spy party for her 8th birthday. All the kids chose a Secret Agent name. I made ID badges for them that looked very realistic, as well as t-shirts. My name was Secret Agent Cake Baker. My daughter even made a phone message for our answering machine to go with the theme when kids called to RSVP. We kept that message for 3 years because people really thought they were calling the Secret Agent Training Academy and the telemarketers would just hang up!

    My daughter is 11 now. My mom has only ever been able to attend 2 of her birthday parties.

    in reply to: Hello. 2 people I know with bile duct cancer. #74506

    Thank you, Lainy!

    Lainy wrote:
    What is amazing is that it sounds like she still has a sense of humor and she must be one heck of a strong lady.

    I think so!

    I am the silly one and goof off around her to make her laugh and my wonderful sister-in-law does all the mushy stuff, hold her hand, crying with her, etc. That’s not for me. I rarely cry. Haven’t yet. My mom is an emotional person so they get along well.

    My mom’s doctor is in Rochester, NY. I think he is connected somehow with Wilmot, but not sure. She sees him and gets her chemo at a different hospital, but it is all under the University of Rochester.

    I thought about asking people to take my daughter to violin, but it is 30 minutes away. I have been asking people to watch her a lot so I can take everyone to their doctor appointments. I don’t like to being my daughter into medical facilities if I can help it. She has a lot of anxiety and even sees a therapist for it. When I told her about my mom, her first questions was, “can I catch it?” she is actually happy to take a little break. She’s been doing Irish dance this year and the physical activity has been good for her emotionally. Also, many of the people I know are dealing with serious issues themselves, so I don’t want to bother them.

    As for me, my doc wants me to see a gastroenterologist. He said something about an esophageal ultrasound. Sounds terrifying! I’m a big baby. I had an abdominal CT last year, but even with Ativan, I freaked out and wouldn’t let them give me the IV to administer the contrast. So, this will be a very interesting year!

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