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  • in reply to: My Poem TO Teddy #45346

    lainy, just read your poem. beautiful. thoughts and prayers are with you

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42794

    update on dad. he is as yellow as a banana. his liver enz. r 12.5. still refuses the surgery for stents in PA. He says he’ll go to the hospital when he gets sick. He is still walking and eating. his bp is totally normal and pulse is 68. He weights 127. lost 3 lbs. His enzs. up from a 0.07 to 12.5 in a month. i know this is bad. please pray for him and our family. i feel death is knocking on our door . may u all have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42791

    been a while since ive been on here dad is still going strong. he looks like hes turning a little yellow again. took him to the drs. his heart rate is slowly going down. blood presure normal other than this yellow tint and this pain meds he is doing fine the dr said he is the toughest man he nos thanks for all the prayers and i wish everyone a merry christmas may this season be a blessing like the last 3 months has for me

    in reply to: Mum passed away today #44141

    sorry to hear about you mum. my prayers are with you and your family

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42790

    update on dad he is walking, talking and has moved back to wva., on his mountain. he still is sick but he seems to be getting better. Is this possible? This man was on deaths door ,now he has surprised us all. Is this a normal part of cc? My sisters and I are at a loss. dont get me wrong ,im so thankful for this change and miracle. More time with him! We are just dumbfounded. IT COULD BE ALL THE PRAYERS EVERYONE SAID FOR HIM. and thank you all. I just came from his house. He seems better. Please someone tell us whats going on?

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42789

    dad heart rate went to 59. he became alert and wanted biscuits and gravy Praise be! He ate a few bite and then vomited. He talked a little. was such good news. The nurse said that he would do that. He’s still fighting. I think its us that dont want to let go. The vomiting takes its spells, sometime real thick sometimes just yellow. the nurse gave him an enmea today. he hadnt used the bathroom for about 2 weeks. But then he hardley ate. he sleeps all the time. wonder what tomorrow brings? every time we think its time to give up., he surprises us with about an hour of good time(memories and to get our hopes up again) Its like a roller coaster ride. but at least we still have him for a while. I would do the roller coaster thing for another 20 years.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42785

    dad’s not doing good. his heart rate is down to 46. he is just here. they say that his heart will make him go before the cc. I think hes tired of fighting. maybe 2 days to a week left. they say most likely he’ll go in his sleep. He runs a fever and then chills. he woke up ,only to throw up, and then back to sleep. hes weak. oh ,so weak. no smile, nothing. My sister says he started talking about his dad, my mom and uncle ren. All, now in Gods arms. He did this Friday. He had been in a lot of pain. but now he just sleeps. He has a funny sound coming from his throat. they said it wasnt from his lungs. He sleeps with his eyes open and only the whites showing. they have took all his blood pressure pills away. His blood pressure is so low. We feel that the end is very near. please pray for him. thank you

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42781

    been a while since ive been on here. dad is about the same. instead of good days and bad days, its now good hours and bad. hes in alot of pain. have him on metadone and breakthur meds. Pittsburg wants to do another ercp on him he says no. his choice. but he is still hanging in there.. He had the cather took out. still hard for him to use the potty chair. God bless my sisters. pray for them and my dad.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42780

    txs michelle, this site helps me vent my feelings. i read so much on here. You wouldn’t beleive how much i have learnt I pass the info on to m sisters. txs again

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42778

    my sisters are angels

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42777

    s pend the weekend with dad. He was so weak. Then today he walked a little Talked a little. Now its like he cant hardley moved again. Normal ? i dont know. Hospice has started to help now. He has pain patches and then breakthur meds. hospital bed, potty seat , wheelchair, walkers, the list goes on. I pray my sisters can handle it all. Dad’s eyes are now rolling to the back of his head, when he sleeps. Its so scary. The reason I’m writing this is to keep people, like myself, informed at what might happen. I know nothing of this awful cc. Both my sisters are younger then me and both have had breast cancer. THEY’ve had chemo and all that. Dad had postrate cancer a while back. So cancer is “normal” in our family. But this, is, by far ,more scarier. My Beautiful Mom passed this Jan. of COPD. This is still Worse. Will it ever get better? Txs for listening.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42774

    dad was send home. he was not dehyrated nor under fed. Just the cc. put him on antibotics(to keep pnem. away) Hospice is coming today. They are sending for all this medical records from Pittsburg. CC is such a rare cancer that most Drs don’t know what to do. His jaundices is still there. Not bad, just a little yellow. Still weak can’t walk or sit . Txs again.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42772

    Dad has been admitted to the hospital in NC. He has jaundices again. They are going to do the stents again. He has agreed to a feeding tube . He has some broken ribs.(from falling or the Drs. says it could be the cc. He needs fluids. I’m in WVA so please pray for my sisters and my dad. Will keep you informed. I just want to say txs just for listening

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42771

    also need to let you know he had stents(metal) , for the jaundices. he says no more. so far they are working good. what are the chances that they won’t work.? He had a feeding tube when he had the stroke. he doesnt want another one. Can we have one put in regardless of what he wants?. Im afraid he is straving. he does get some food down. a little at a time. we feed him constant. he can drink. he just chokes a little. any suggestions.

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42770

    txs all, dad is very weak. his cc is in the last stages. he is now in north carolina with my sister. he needs constant care. he can’t even walk. he is refusing any hospital care. he is a mountain man and thinks he can still do anything. it’s so sad. dad had a stroke about 5 years ago and he can’t hardley talk. his left arm is paralizied, but he still tries. when dad tries to eat it comes back up. not nausing, just can’t swallow. a little pain, not alot. weakness is his main problem. dad knows its his last days. Its so hard on him. hospice will be call. just needs to know now what.? please pray for him and my sisters.

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