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  • in reply to: Back from the oncologist #26677

    Kris – a big round of applause for you, from a couple of SC girls, by way of Atlanta! You can never know how your story has been such an inspiration for Suzanne and me – your attitude and approach to this nasty thing has helped us along on our journey, and will continue to be a source of strength for us.


    in reply to: “Bending the rules” surgery scheduled #26132

    Just wanted to update everyone on Suzanne’s progress – she is still recovering nicely, although the doctor hasn’t mentioned going home as of yet. She hasn’t started on solid food but is getting some vitamins via IV, so she is staying healthy. She completed 5 laps around the floor this morning – woo-hoo! I had to hustle to keep up with her! One major bit of news – pathology reports came back yesterday and all margins are clear! Just writing it in this post makes me teary-eyed – I can’t describe the emotion I felt – that we all felt -when we got the news. The sun just keeps on shining brighter every day!


    in reply to: Today has been a very bad day #26359

    Patsy –

    I know how hard it is to lose your dad – I lost my father in 2000. He did pass away from cancer, although it wasn’t cholangiocarcinoma. I’m not sure if it’s harder on daughters when their fathers pass or what, but what I do know is that I had a terrible time, so you are not alone! I did the same as you, crying out of the blue not matter where I was. I was so sad for so long.

    I finally am able to talk and think about him without crying (at least most of the time) and remember all the fun things and the good things about him, instead of remembering the last days and the funeral, etc.

    I am rambling here, but I just want you to know that time will take care of a lot of your pain – believe me, it will come, but it will take a while. It is just so new right now. Allow yourself to grieve and to cry, and know that it will get better.


    in reply to: “Bending the rules” surgery scheduled #26122

    All –

    I am happy to report that Suzanne’s resection was successful! She is 2 days out of surgery and already sitting in a chair for extended periods and taking walks down the hall. Her doctor is extremely happy with the results, and of course, we are, too!

    Terri (her sister)

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