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  • in reply to: Moira and Cholangitis #62382

    Thanks so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. That means so much to us. We’ve been sitting outside in the sun over the last few days which we have both enjoyed. I’ll let you know how Moira gets on. SorryI’ve not participated in other discussions but as you can imagine time seems to be at a premium right now. Simon x

    in reply to: Moira and Cholangitis #62377

    Thankyou all for your support, advice and kind words. Moira is at home, and has finally had to forget even part time working (which was a struggle to get Moira to do in the first place) and is now seeking medical retirement. She uses the saliva spray, which helps, but is v tired and not much energy at all. She has to build up stamina to go anywhere. Moira has contact with a Mac nurse, but the support Moira gets from her is not as good as I would have liked for Moira. Moira does though get a lot of help from her very good Dr at our local Hospice – they are excellent there for her. It is a struggle, but we are carrying on regardless – what else is there? Thanks again everyone. Simon

    in reply to: Moira and Cholangitis #62375

    Thanks so much for your help Lainy & Marion. I will take all your advice. Moira is slowing down a lot, her breathing now is much quicker and her mobility is not brilliant, but we’re battling on – made all the more do-able knowing you guys are there. Thanks so much for your help and good wishes. All best wishes. Simon

    in reply to: Moira and Cholangitis #62370

    Hi Marion. Sorry ages replying, rather busy at the moment. Moira was in there for a while because yes her temp was sky high, 37.8 at one point. Also she was very tired not eating much, feeling very cold and shivering with feeling cold sand her legs were very swollen. She was also extremely constipated. They took her in, and it took them over a week to get her bowels moving, by which time she was in quite a lot of pain and very nauseous. They tried all sorts of different drugs. Moira is now at home but very very tired. Her tummy is distended and she is not eating a great deal – her mouth is constantly extremely dry. Her mobility is poor an both her legs are very swollen. I’m not sure what stage of the illness we’re at but it’s becoming harder and harder for Moira to cope. As ever I am supporting her through all of this and have fantastic support from my employer, family and friends. Best Wishes. Simon

    in reply to: Update on Moira #59483

    Hi everyone, and thanks for sharing your experiences. Moira seems to be cold pretty much most of the time, and yes she is very slight in build, more so since the cancer, her wrists are so tiny. I guess we’ll just need to live with this. M is a fighter but the cold, nausea, no sleep, no energy and general lousy feeling is getting to her. Breaks my heart to hear her talking about having had enough of this CC and it having taken over her body. We’ll get through this I hope. Isn’t this thing so unfair. S

    in reply to: She battled to the end #55518

    Dear BB, my thoughts are with you and your family. S

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52209

    Thanks to you all, it’s great talking to you all. About Moira’s shoulder, they suggested paracetamol, and Quinine (the latter is also used over here to help relieve the pain of cramps). So, it’s amazing how people start owning up on the Estee Lauder. Haha. Shows excellent taste Lainy. Everyone, thanks for your comments, and Byron, thanks for your note, love your signature line, that is good and about the best getting the toughest you’re so right. My mum always says you only get as much as you can cope with. They are such strong mantras aren’t they. Spk to you all soon. VBR Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52205

    Hi Gavin, everyone. Sorry it’s taken me a while to post, but it has been a real struggle getting anyone to do anything in terms of telling us what’s going on with Moira. Finally, yesterday, I managed to get information from the Drs re scan results. Moira’s ONC feels certain there is no lung cancer, but mets from her tumour. Which means we’re over the moon with that, but also concerned that the cancer is progressing, albeit slowly. Outside of results and scans etc, Moira is feeling more tired, her right shoulder is aching most of the time and she is looking thinner and generally more run down. But, we keep going, Moira is still maintaining full time work, and we refuse to give in. Yes we get worn down, but will never give in. Just treated Moira to a top-up of her favourite Estee Lauder makeup, which she uses faithfully everyday. Thanks again for listening, and hope you’re all ok and staying positive. VBR. Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52202

    Hi Nancy, Lainy, and thanks for sharing that with me. Sometimes I feel like I’m going nuts with this. Moira bless her is still trying to come to terms with “why me, I’m only 43”, and feels so bad for what she feels she us putting me through. I try to minimise the effect of this in me with her, purely to maintain the need to “BE STRONG”. I must say though, sometimes I find myself wondering what is the point of all this. Following the news we had last week, and ahead of the appts I knew would be booked for next week with Moira’s ONC, I took Moira for 4 days to Paris (we just got back this evening). That was bitter sweet, that’s a very special place for us, but then Moira is thinking she’ll never see it again. Sorry to ramble, no real point to this note, perhaps it’s my nerves for the appts next week. I’ll let you know how we get on, but more importantly, thanks again for your words and thoughts. Love. Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52199

    Hi all, having a difficult time at the moment. Results of the scan are back from Moira’s GP, and we have just yesterday been told that Moura’s cancer has now spread to her lungs. They have found a nodule in the top of her right lung. Waiting for an appt with Moira’s oncologist, but just trying to keep things together at the moment. M is feeling like she can’t take any more, and has had enough. What a cruel, cruel disease. Trying to do my best in supporting Moira but thus is getting hard. Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52198

    Hi, I took all your advice, and the coughing seems to have eased a little, but not by much. Christie and Moira’s GP have offered no suggestion of what the cause may be – I guess/hope that’s for next week with the results of her scans last week. I will keep you posted. Gavin, in terms of the haggis, no chance – I am English after all!!! Haha. The car run will be good later today – if you’re around Loch Lomond this weekend you may see us – we’re a group of Lamborghinis, Ferrari’s, Porsches and Mercs enjoying the roads – we’ll be staying at Mar Hall. Best wishes to you all, and again thanks for all your help and thoughts. Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52194

    Hi Lainy, thanks for that, never thought of it like that and if that’s right then I just hope I’m doing all I can. In terms of Gumball, it’s a car thing – I’m a member of a group called supercardriver, this w/e there are 30 of us going on a run with a dinner tomorrow (Sat) eve at a lovely hotel in the Scottish Highlands. It’ll be a nice little break for us if we get there – Moira had another non-stop coughing night last night. Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52192

    Hi everyone, since we last spoke, and following your advice, I made appts with Moira’s Dr, MacMillan Nurse, and spoke to the Christie Hospital (England’s specialist cancer hospital). Got scans taken and she is now taking codeine as well as quinine. Just need ro wait for the results, but the cough persists. Just need ro keep plugging away. Can you believe, Moira still wants us to keep to our commitment of doing our planned Gumball event up to Scotland and back this weekend! Where does she get her grit and determination from! Simon

    in reply to: Persistent cough #52190

    Thank you all so much for that – you are so part of my family in my heart. Thank you so much for your thoughts and help. I will try all that, and particularly gonna get on for that scan. I don’t want to leave this. Love and best wishes to you all. Simon (STi)

    in reply to: Life after chemo #48952

    Hi Gavin, that’s really helpful. And regarding Whitby, we have been twice in the last 3 weeks, fish & chips as good as ever. As you say, they go perfectly with the sea air and the sun. We carry on as much as we can doing what we have always enjoyed, and we won’t stop until we really have to. Best wishes to you. Simon

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