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  • in reply to: I am new also #63139

    Dear DCMAC and all of you who have responded. My husdband of 25 years too was “healthy” and bam! Our diagnosis came in May and we have tried chemo with no luck. More tumors on liver and lungs. Primary cc. I watch him everyday lose more and more of himself, energy not eating. I can’t believe this is happening to “us”. And yet it happens to many.

    Lainy said she was blessed with 16 years more than may have in a life time! I try to think like that to and start to figure out my new norm. It is just so hard to think of life without my buddy!

    in reply to: My husband just started a new clinical trial in NYC #62489

    I think it is helpful to know what stage your husband was diagnosed origninally. We too have stopped chemo but feeling like “did we give up too soon?”.

    Pam, I will look into the search engines. My husband and I visited New Bern last fall. I have a cousin who slips a 41 foot Lagoon Cat there. Nice place.

    To: For my dad,
    Everyone is in such a different place I assume. We too went to U of M and because it is stage four with tumors in liver and lots of spots on lung, they did not have options for us. I would like to think that we are doing what we we can and not missing something. We have stopped chemo due to growth of more tumors on his liver. At a loss!

    To: Margaret
    Thank you for your kind words. We are living the moment. Planning a sailing trip to Chicago in two weeks if he has the energy to do so. We are staying in a lighthouse this weekend for our 25th wedding anniversary, compliments of my board of directors where I work!

    Still a nightmare!

    Wilma, how is it going for you and your husband? We have stopped chem -more tumors appeared on his liver. Met with Hospice yesterday. He is doing ok in fact on our sailboat haing breakfast. He is tired a lot however. His Celebration of Life Party that we had for him was wonderful. Aver 140 people came out to support him. It was not a benefit just a party! Wonderful friends and he felt really loved. Like you said what a roller coaster!

    Thank you all, it is amazing the number of people on this site! In regard to a second option yes we went to U of M and what they said is because it is stage 4 and the tumor on his liver and spots all over his lung he will get the same treatment in Muskegon Michigan or Mayo, or John Hopkins, or…….so.

    Pam, I am so sorry to hear about your family at such a young age! I can’t imagine with young children!

    Lainey, We are from Muskegon MI. I guess that since we found Peters at stage four that we do not have the options you two did. Not sure what a Whipple is …so new to this stuff.
    Planned on sailing to Chicago this summer to see our youngest son, not sure if that will work out. I am the executive director of a small mon profit but will be able to take some time off. Just am so lost in the trees!

    Oh Tiffany stage four also with young children. You are a few months a head of us. Is the father in the picture. I can’t imaging how down my husband is to also be a primary care giver to young children! I only hope you have a good support system there!

    Laing, thank you for your kind words. Wow 5 plus years. All I read is usually 10 months. Can I ask at what stage he was at and where it manifesteded itself? I would love to think of having that time!

    We have two boys ( my step sons -grown), we took family photos this weekend. at his Celebtation of Life party this weekend (you can come) I hired a vidotographer to interviw friends, family and coworkers so our future gandchildren can met grandpa! He will also interview Peter ( husband) what are you proud of, what do you wish you had done, etc.

    His “wake” while he is still here! I can’t believe I am talking like that -like he will be gone soon but that is what I read! true – short from a miracle

    What are your two situations? I assume you both lost you hsbands to this very wild cancer? How fast?

    Thank you, yes have tried all of the above without much sussess. Thinking there is a major obstruction. Thinking of checking with the oncologist on Tuesday.

    Yes bitter sweat party, but a chance to say goodby to friends while he still feels…..fair and looks good. Just wish I knew what to do for him!

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