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  • in reply to: Hello #68141

    Hi willow,
    My sister is still on Gem Cis every 3 weeks. The Dr calls it maintenance chemo. She gets the full dose but less often. Did 2 weeks on 1 week off for 6 months. So far she is doing this point this is the only treatment available to her. Has mets in lungs , momentum,ovary, and liver. She has had good shrinkage and no pain. Fatigue is her worst side effect from chemo. Next CAT scan June 4 so keeping our fingers crossed. Used to have low platelets but her blood work is pretty good now. RBC stable and platelets haven’t been low in months. She’s had some transfusions but has been about 6 months since she’s needed one . Gets Neulasta shot after each treatment for white count. I am so sorry you and your sis and her family have to go through this. You will all be in my prayers

    in reply to: New member #71455

    Hi Martha
    So sorry you and your family are going through such a difficult time. My sister ha s stage 4 ICC and is also be treated at Atlanta Cancer Care. She has been on Chemo for 14 months and doing quite well. Good tumor shrinkage and she feels pretty good after about 4 days after chemo. She goes every 3 weeks now. She’s not a candidate for surgery. We are very pleased with her care at ACC. Dr Steis has experience with rare cancers. All the best to you and your husband. I love WDW. Hope you guys get to go soon!!! And have some fun and laugh!!!


    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery #70160

    The best news ever!! Keeping her in my prayers!!! Suz

    in reply to: Surgery day is almost here! #70035

    Pam, my prayers are with Lauren and your family today that surgery will go very well and that Lauren will have a speedy recovery.


    Dear Exoaria, I am a Christian too. And I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. My sister was told 8 months but its been 13 months now and her blood work is very good and getting maintenance chemo now every 3 weeks and her Onc. Is amazed. We are now treating her ICC as a chronic illness. Don’t ever give up hope. I do believe it is very helpful to have someone to talk to and be on this walk with you and your Mom. A trusted person from church to pray with is very comforting. Come back here often and get support.

    Love and prayers,

    in reply to: Hello #68140

    Hi everyone, just wanted to give an update on my sister. She has been on the every 3 week maintenance dose of chemo since sept. after 6 months on Gem- Cis 2 weeks on 1 week off. Well the Onc. told us that her CA 19-9 is rising each month now. Went from 19 to 26. Still within normal limits but definitely on the move. She will have CAT scan on Feb. 18 to see what’s happening in there. He mentioned if cancer growing would have to increase Chemo back to more frequent schedule. I wonder how effective chemo really is once the tumors start growing. Anyone have that experience? You are all in my thoughts and prayers every day!! Suz

    in reply to: Gingers CT – Scan Results. #68196

    Gerardo, sending you my prayers as well! You are the sweetest couple . And so brave. Suz

    in reply to: Hello #68133

    Hi Marion. Yes my sister has had 1 CAT scan since reduced regimen of chemo and she did have some more shrinkage of tumors. The Dr said some of them looked dead. So the next scan will be in February sometime. Thanks for caring . It really helps to connect with others who know just how you feel! It’s so hard to watch someone you love have to deal with such an awful diagnosis and not knowing when it will be back with a vengeance . But for today all is well!!! Suz

    in reply to: Hello #68131

    Thank you for your replys! Just a little more info on my sister.She is 67 years old. Started Gem Cis 2weeks on then one week off for about 6 months. Considerable shrinkage of most tumors. Since Sept has been on what the Dr calls a maintenance dose of once every 3 weeks. She gets the same dosage of each medicine as before. The onc. said she would get a CAT scan every 3-4 months and he hoped the tumors would be kept at bay. Eventually they would start to grow back. She also gets a shot of Neulasta after each chemo. She is a fighter. Best wishes to all on this board. I feel like I know you all . Been such a wealth of info for me for almost a year now. Suz

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