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  • in reply to: Mom Having Trouble Forming Thoughts #47098

    Thank you all for the support and advice. We ended up taking her to the Oncologist who sent her to the ER since her blood pressure was low and her temp was 103. In addition to the CC, she is anemic. We think it may have been a combination of not eating enough and low hemoglobin levels. They kept her overnight and gave her fluids and a tranfusion and have been giving her potassium and magneseum. This morning she seems to be doing better, but they have been running several tests to ensure it is not any other underlying issue.

    in reply to: Mom Recently Diagnosed #45872

    Thank you all for your responses. My mom is currently taking a nausea medicication but no appetite stimulant. She has been having trouble keeping some things down lately, but she really seems to enjoy fruits, fruit juices, Pellegrino water, yogurt and milk. Having trouble getting a lot of protein in her, but we are working on it. We have started trying Carnation Instant Breakfast (since Ensure and Boost do not set well on her stomach), and that has been working so far. Definately been tough on her and an emotional roller coaster for all of us.

    We are all keeping the positive thoughts flowing and the information and inspirational stories on these message boards have really been helping!

    in reply to: Alternatives to Ensure and Boost #45934

    Thank you all for the great recommendations. We just bought some Carnation Instant Breakfast yesterday and I am hoping that does the trick. We are also going to try some smoothie combinations. Thanks again!

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