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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21743

    Dear Darla, Joyce and Pauline,
    We all seem to have been going through a rough patch just lately. I had a really bad day yesterday. I wanted to get all my Christmas cards sent off before I went on holiday, as quite a few people we send cards to dont know Ray has died. So yesterday I spent all day writing cards and by the end of it I was really depressed after explaining about Rays death so many times.
    I just wanted to stop the cards coming addressed to Ray and Sue.
    Anyway it is done now.
    I am looking forward to getting away for a week, I think I need the rest Ijust feel so exhaused all the time.
    I hope you all have a good week, and will catch up with you when I get back.
    Love Sue x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21738

    Dear Joyce, Darla and Patty, Just to say I think you have all done so well over thanksgiving. We are all lucky in having good friends and family to support us, how hard it must be for someone who doesnt have this support.
    Pauline, thanks for letting me know I am not alone in feeling angry – I was beginning to feel a real grump!
    I had my first meal out at some friends last night, it was really strange being there on my own. The table was only set for three and I was very aware I was there on my own, even though my friends husband sat next to me which I thought was a very nice touch, there was still an empty place across the table. I was dreading the evening, but in fact it was very nice, they did talk about Ray a lot and we cried and laughed over some of the things he said and did over the years. However, driving home alone was hard. It was very foggy and it took me 50 minutes to drive home at 30 mph. They asked me to stay but I would have felt uncomfortable doing so.
    I agree that we are all tired, me and the girls feel absolutely exhausted. I am taking my Mum away to Spain on the 6th for a week, a freind has lent us his timeshare so we will just have a quiet time and a good rest. It will do my mum good too, she is 85 and has been so good with me these last few weeks. It would be nice to have some sun, but it will also be a good time just to talk things through.

    Darla, Patty I do hope you can meet up, wouldnt it be wonderful to meet our cyber friends in person!

    I have a dinner dance tonight with our lodge, my mum insisted I went with her. I dont know what to expect but I will put on my glad rags and try to be merry!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
    All my love, Sue

    in reply to: Ray died peacfully on Sunday #23577

    Coleen, thank you for your kind thoughts, it helps to know that people care.
    Barbara, I will take your advice and take one day at a time, it is good to know that you have such a good support, I am also lucky with family and friends, but the hardest time is coming home to an empty house when you have been out. I have pretty much left Rays things as they were, apart from a few personal posessions which the girls wanted. Publishing your journal seems a good idea, it must have been theraputic to write it.
    With love, Sue

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #24338

    Dear Charlene,
    I am so sorry to hear that John lost his fight, I lost Ray 6 weeks ago, and I still cant believe it. The only thing I can say is that it is best just to take one day at a time. You ask how to live without a husband, there are many of us here in the same boat, and the answer is we dont really know, we just do our best to keep the ship afloat. In the days after Ray died I found writing here really helped me, no matter what time of day or night, you can just log on and pour out your feelings knowing you will get a sympathetic reply.
    I imagine you are in the midst of arragements and legalities now, and this will keep you going for a while, but when you pause for breath we will all be here for you.
    Try to be brave, it will help.
    All my love,

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21732

    Hi everyone,
    It has been quite a hard week this week, I have been so bad tempered with everyone, and I feel really angry that Ray was taken away from us. Sam and my two stepdaughters are also finding it hard now, almost harder than it was at first. I suppose you both went through this stage, Darla and Pauline, please tell me it gets a bit easier.
    Pauline I think it is such a nice idea to get everyone together to remember Anthony’s birthday. I think we sometimes forget that friends are grieving as well as family, and it gives everyone chance to talk together.
    Darla and Joyce, I hope thanksgiving is not to bad for you, try to think about the good times you had, and try to laugh with your families.
    Love to all,

    in reply to: Ray died peacfully on Sunday #23574

    Thank you everyone for the kind messages, it has been nearly 6 weeks since Ray died. I miss him every day but try to stay strong for our girls and grandchildren. We gave him a good send off – the church was packed and he is buried in the beautiful Saxon churchyard in our village. Time goes on, we cope, it helps to talk here.
    LOve to you all.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21729

    Dear All,
    I apologise that I have not written for so long, but I have been so busy I have not had time to think! I run a small business from home, and I have neglected it for the past few month, then everything happened at once, my accountant wanted the end of year accounts, and I had “misplaced” several important documents – so I have been almost a week going through every file in my office – I finally found them in completelythe wrong place, I must have put them there while I was in a daze just after Ray died.
    I dont think i am still thinking clearly – I add up the same column six times and get a different answer every time!
    Anyway, it was nice to read through and catch up with you all.
    Pauline, I am glad the councelling is getting a bit better for you, perhaps now you have been a couple of times and they know you a bit more you might get some positive imput from them – in any case if you have the time it is worth doing!
    Darla, Joyce, it might be better to cut your losses with your vehicles if yu have friends who are willing to help you with the auction – at least you wont have to deal personally with buyers!

    I have been reading with some interest your observations about friends, I tend to agree withyou, I think friends seem to think that yu will call them if you need them and “leave you in peace” otherwise. I know even before Ray died he was veryupset that one couple who had been friends for 30 years did not phone for a whole year after he had been diagnosed. The wife was acancer survivor herself so Ray thought she would be different, but perhaps it was a bit too close to home. I did manage to phone them at the end and they came to the hospital but I didnt let Ray know it was me who contacted them. They have asked me over for a meal and I feel so angry as that was theinvitation Ray was waiting a year for. I dont want to go but my daughter, Sam says I shouldnt hold grudges.
    I think that I will have heard the last from several couples we were friendly with – a single woman is an “awkward number” and tends to be overlooked usually. We dont belong to that club any more so we will have to find a new club to belong to – I have started to contact several of my friends who are devorced or widowed, and even though I usually only get to see them once or twice a year, the encouragement I get from them is really touching. But it is hard, we have to make the moves to reachout for new friends, and to find our new place in society. No more soulmate. It is hard.
    I think i must be going through an “angry” stage – I made a list of all the jobs I need to do or have done about the house and garden and I will have enough to keep me busy for the next few years! So I am really angry that Ray didn’t do some of them as they would have been so easy for him to do. I dont blame him for wanting to just go on holidays all the time, and towards the end he was too tired, but some of the jobs he has been putting off for years and now I am stuck with them.
    I feel so sad now, and a bit overwhelmed that I have to do everything myself, it is so hard.
    Thankyou all for being there for me to moan at! If I told anyone else I was angry at Ray they would think I was heartless but I know youprobably have the same frustrations as me.
    What are you all doing about their clothes? I cant bring myself to clear out all his things at the moment, his slippers are still in their place bythe door. i have said to myself that I will try to chose five things every time a charity bag comes through the door but I cant always bring myself to do this.
    The church finally sent Helen the money for AMMF – she is going to put a piece in her newsletter about Ray, that will be so nice for the girls, and it will help them withthe fundraising they want to do.
    Pauline, I am planning to try to go to their summer ball this year, if you are up to it I would really like to meet you there? Give it some thought, it might be nice.
    Joyce, Darla, if you were in the UK I would invite you too but it might be a bit of an expensive trip for you both!
    Anyway, my love to you all and I promise to write more regularly!
    Group hug!
    Sue x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21714

    Ok well that worked so I will type it all out again!
    Today I sold Rays car at the asking price – I took the precaution of taking my car to my friends house as her husband would be ther and I was glad I did, as 4 burly men drove up to buy the car. They were really nice actually but I would have been a bit intimidated on my own. The buyer went to the bank with me to deposit the cash, so that is done and dusted. I was really sorry to see Rays pride and joy go, but I cant drive two cars and the other car has 18 months varranty left so will be a safer bet.
    Then I managed to install the new Fax/Printer/scanner in to my offcie computer. there were hundreds of wires but I just traced back from the original one, and stuck the leads in, at first it didnt work and I nearly gave up and called for help. but I persevered and got it working, so I was quite proud of myself.
    But this evening I went to the local pub quiz with my friends we cannot hide from the fact we come back to an empty house.
    Pauline, all the best for tomorrow, but if you thinkit will help you can always call me on the landline as we are in the same time zone. just let me know.
    Joyce, you CAN sell Butch’s Toyota, if I can do it so can you.
    And Darla, you always have a kind word for everyone, I am sure your son will help you with your truck – I personally think the battery thing is Jims way of teasing you!
    I am going to bed now, all in all today has not been too bad.
    Lots of love to you all!
    Sue x
    PS they ought to make our ramblings into a book!

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21713

    Hi girls, Well after just having wrote a posting saying today was not so bad, the computer shut down again.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21709

    Hi All,
    My computer is behaving a bit better today, but my Fax/printer has given up the ghost so I have ordered another and have no idea how to fix it in!
    Had a better day today, I seem to be getting a few replies to the car advert, and a guy is coming to see it tomorrow. I think I must have put it in the ad at too low a price, as people are prepared to drive 2/3 hours to come and see it, but better sold at a lower price than be on my hands over Christmas and into January.
    I know we can all do these things taht our husbands did, and taken one at a time it is not so bad, but they all seem to come at once and over whelm us!
    Coffee sounds good, maybe one day… If I win the lottery I will treat us all to a coffee together!
    Sue x

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23490

    Hi Joyce,
    Just made such a disjointed posting on the other thread! But I think it did me good. I came here tonight very weepy, but feel more positive after reading all your caring remarks. It was Ray and my second marriage, but I feel he has given me the gift of his family – I am an only child but now I have sisters, brothers, step children and step grandchildren (but to them I am just Grandma Sue, as I was married to their grandad long before they were born). And if anything his death has brought us closer together.
    We must be glad we are loved for ourselves by our neighbours and family – they wouldnt ask us if they were not fond of us for ourselves (not just as a couple).
    My thought are alway with us “Four Muscateers”
    Lots of love Sue

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21705

    PS. Sorry about my bad typing x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21704

    I am going to try to sleep now, good night and god bless. I send a big hug to you all, and thank you so much for being there to listen to my ramblings!
    Love you all,

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21703

    Joyce, I think your idea about a support group having breakfast at Dennys is great – it will do you so much good. I ahve fond memories of Dennys in the 1980s when we first went to the US we always had breakfast in Dennys – I remember the endless questions about how you wanted your eggs, bacon hash browns etc – being from the uk we were never given so many choices before and what about the pickles green tomotoes on the table!!!
    I went out to our local pub last week my myself and it was very hard – Ray was a born entertainer and I really missed his witty remrks there and the fact I had to walk back home myself to an empty house.
    I try not to be too sorry for myself and to be fair, I am not I am just sirry O wont see his smiling face anymore!

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21702

    Pauline, I wish you a belated happy birthday, you mustnt be sad in the future – Ray died on his eldest daughter birthday and I tild her it was his way of always being with her on her birthday – it is life we have to remember the best and take it with us into the future.
    I look at the photo I posted and cant believe it was only a year ago – we did know about Rays illness then but we tried to forget it and make the most of our time together which I think we pretty much did , but when the end came so quickly – which was good for Ray – we were all pretty much in shock and I cant believe I wont ever see his face again.
    I am so glad you are all there for me befor ethe computer cut out I was telling you all taht I cried when I logged on and say all you had to say to me it was not tears of sadness, it was, I dont know, tears of comradship and of comfort knowing you all know what I am going through.

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