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  • in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21665

    Hi Darla,
    I have just had a few crazy days with all the paperwork and legal stuff! I have been having better days this week, I have some lovely friend, one of them calls round for a coffee every evening on her way home from work in case I need company!
    I am trying to start to get myself into a routine, there did not seem any plan to my days at first it did not matter whether I ate or not – no one was there to cook for. I have decide to get myself healthy for Sam, my stepdaughters and grandchildren. I have to last as long as I can for them now.
    I have taken to walking, like you and Pauline have. If it is a nice day it really clears your head. Our poor old dog doesn’t know what has hit her!
    I am starting to talk to myslef too (or talk to Ray really) I dont know if he hears or not but you are right, it is comfirting!
    I will say goodnight now, I hope you have a good day today.
    Lots of love,

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23462

    Dear Joyce,
    I am so sorry to read of your pain just now, I symapathise with you so much. I too have a dog a littel Cavalier Kind Charles Spaniel whid is nearly 13 years old. Ray bought her for our daugther Sam when we moved to this house and she was missing her old friends. he claimed not to like the dog but when no one was watchingused to stroke her and pet her and she was devoted to him.She is so quiet and has such sad eyes I could cry every time I see her.
    I have just told Darla and Puline I had a bad moment tonight when I went to bed, I laid on Rays pillow and couldnt smell him any more for the first time simce he died I really cried. I have been putting off changing the beeding even though he died over a week ago – I suppose hygiene will win in the end!
    I have actually moved Rays pictures to the windowsilll so I dont catch sight of him whan I am unprepared – It upsets me too much.
    I know we all go through the same feelings on the same timescale so it is so important for us to all talk together and comfort each other.
    Ray only died 3 days after your husband so I guess we are pretty close in our feelings.
    Lots of love and hugs,

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma without symptoms or pain. #23528

    Dear Lisa,
    I hope and pray you will stay well. I have just been on your website, what a lovely smiling face you have. I am just looking for a suitable picture to put here once I find out where Ray filed all the pictures!
    Love Sue

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21663

    Well, the funeral is over and I am feeling strangly calm. I cant cry, my mind feels empty and my days dont seem to have any structure. I have a couple of good friends who phone occassionally but apart from that everyone is leaving me alone. I suppose they think I am greaving but I just feel numb.
    There were probably 200 people at the service and about 150 came back to the village hall where we had put on a buffet and put up lots of pictures of Ray through his life. There were a few upsets, sisters, brothers neices etc insited on calling to the house before the funeral when we really only wanted me and the three girls, but I suppose they only wanted to show respect. As the coffin was going into the church, some latecomers followed it in! So we had to shout to let the undertaker know they were not family or part of the procession. At the reception/party (whatever you call it) a friend who only new us recently stood up to toast Ray and mentioned me and Sam and completely ignored my stepdaughters. Also at one point I sat down with my dear friend and she said something that set me off in uncontrollable laughter – I dont know what people thought! But on the whole I think we gave Ray the best send off we coud. Sam managed to say her peom beutifully, her eldest sister also stood up and said a lovely tribute to her Dad, the two eldest grandchildren also read our a letter to their grandad and one of them also read out the prayer of St Fransis of Assisi which was lovely. The vicar managed to find a place in the gravyard for Ray next to one of his friends who died of cancer two years ago, and lots of people came back to the village Hall, including 12 freinds of Sam from uni who had taken the day off and travelled over from Hull. Afterwards, the younger ones collected the remnants of the buffet and drinks and came back to our home, which was quite nice as I wasnt alone. My the time they went I was so tired I didnt have time to think, I just fell into bed.
    Now starts the paperwork, probate and endless telephone calls to put thinks in my name. Also Ray was a wonderful man but often didnt finish what he started, so I have three half decorated roomes, two cars a caravan and a motorbike to sell, not to mention all the things accumulated in the garage, hut, and loft.
    Am I a hard woman for not crying? I loved Ray so much but cannot be sad at his passing as it was so much easier than it could have been.
    As I live alone and work part time from home, I think when things have settled down I will need to get a part time job in an office or somewhere where I have contact with other people, also it will give me a reason to get up in the morning and will help financially.
    Everyone tells me it will hit me later, but at the moment I am quite happy to stay in my bubble until I feel strong enoug to deal with the grief.
    Pauline, thank you for the poem it was beautiful. I would like to e-mail you personally, could you e-mail me and I will reply?
    I have already e-mailed Darla.
    You two and this site has already helped me so much, and I think I may need more help in the future.
    All my love,

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21660

    Dear Pauline and Darla,
    The funeral is tomorrow 17th at 11am UK time. Please say a little prayer for Ray to send him on his way.
    Love Sue x

    in reply to: Butch passed away on October 9th, at peace and at home #23452

    Dear Joyce,
    I know exactly what you mean about your last few moments being beautiful, I felt the same with Ray on Sunday. It is all we can ever hope for at the end. Take strength in knowing we are all going through the same thing. Love Sue

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21656

    Thank you so much Marion, I will tell Sam you think this will be a nice tribute to her Dad.
    Good night and God bless.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21654

    My two dear friends, I have a favour ta ask from my daughter Sam. She has re-read the poem that Rays Mum wrote and thinks is not so appropriate for a daugter to read about her Father. She has adapted a poem she found about a daughter writing about her Mum to suit what she would like to say about her Dad. She has asked me to ask your opinion of which peom she should read. I know this is a bit trivaul but means a lot to her. Please if anyone else is reading our posts I would like your help and opinion. It will be difficult for Sam to read but she really wants to try.
    When we first saw you going,
    Our hearts were almost broken,
    We wanted you back
    But when we saw you sleeping,
    So peaceful, free from pain,
    How could we wish you back with us,
    To go through that again
    It broke our hearts to lose you,
    But you did not go alone,
    For part of us went with you,
    The day God took you home
    If Roses grow in Heaven,
    Lord please pick a bunch for us,
    Place them in my Dad’s arm
    and tell him they are from us
    Tell him we love him and miss him
    and when he turns to smile,
    place a kiss upon his cheek
    and hold him a while.
    Because remembering him is easy,
    We do it everyday,
    But there’s an ache within my heart
    that will never go away.
    Don’t think of him as gone away
    His journey’s just begun,
    Life has so many facets
    This earth is only one
    And think of him as living
    In the hearts of those he touched
    For nothing loved is ever lost
    And he is loved so much.
    Please everybody let her know what you think
    Allmy love.

    in reply to: Ray died peacfully on Sunday #23569

    Oh thank you so much everybody, it is so wonderful to receive your well wishes from all over the world. I am sure Ray hears all your replies and is pleased for me to have such a support group!
    I will send you all a report on Rays party.
    Darla, I did think of sending our donations to the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation but my daugther Sam says they are doing so little here in the Uk we ought to try to promote some work with the universities here as well. I am sure a two pronged attack would be beneficial. Lets try to get them in a position to beat this disease!
    My love and thanks to you all.

    in reply to: Ray died peacfully on Sunday #23564

    Thank you so much, Marion. Here in the Uk it is early morning and still dark, it is so reassuring to think someone is there and caring.
    Some time ago I started chatting to Helen Moremont who lost her husband Alan to CC in 2000. She set up a registered charity fo fund research here in the UK and they do all types of fundraising. The girls and I have agreed that we will ask for donations to her charity AMMF instead of flowers. Being such a small personal organisation it will mean more to to her than sending the money to Cancer research. I just though anyone in the Uk might like to know about it if they didnt already.
    I would like to ask anyone if they know the origins of a poem we found written out by Rays Mum many years ago. We are not sure if she copied it out from somewher of if she wrote it herself. In any case we came across it when we were looking through Rays papers and it seems so appropriate to read it at his funeral. It is called Sweet Sorrow and goes:

    We had been talking on the telephone
    And it was time to part
    I felt no sadness when you said “Goodnight”
    Only a sudden lifting of the heart
    A quiet happiness
    For in your gentle tone
    Was all the sweetness of a warm caress
    Though out of sight
    I felt you close to me
    Felt too the look fo love
    I could not see
    It made of parting a resplendent thing
    A poem for the hearts remembering.

    Sue x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21653

    Dear Pauline and Darla,
    Ray died in hospital on Sunday. It came quickly and he was pain free right until the end. He only had a could of injections to calm him down on the last day when he became uncomfortable because of his poor swollen tummy and legs. We managed to get all his family to see him before he died. He was in St James hospital in Leeds. After his operation to put in the stent he just stopped passing water and went into hospital in Weds with multiple organ failure. The staff at the hospital were wonderful, they found us a side ward and let us stay with him as much as we wanted. I even got the vicar to visit as we live in a small village and he wanted to be buried in the village church and he wanted reassurance that that would be possible as we are not regular church goers. The vicar was wonderful and has arranged everything just as Ray wanted, even to the fact that he will be buried next to his friend who died of cancer two years ago. I am sat here in his dressing gown unable to sleep an just feeling numb. I am sure people think we are all mad because we just keep laughing and are so happy, but I think it is because we are just so relieved that he didnt suffer any pain. He simply went to sleep, he had said his goodbyes to everyone and his two eldest daugthers has just left to take his grandaughter home. I was so pleased that I was able to let everyone have some private time with him so he could tell everyone he loved them and we loved him. At the end Sam and I sat holding his hand. He was jsut so peacful. We didnt know if he could hear us and he couldnt talk, so we just chatted to him and held his hand. He just struggled with his breathing for about twenty minutes and then just tsopped breathing. We couldnt believe that he had died, he was still warm and just looked asleep. If I say his death was a goood one and we have such good memories of it I am sure you will both understand, but anyone who hasnt been through it wouldnt.
    I have told Rays daughters about this site, I am sure that they will find it helpful once the grief hits us.
    We are planning a party after his funeral, we have been looking through some old papers and we found a sheet of paper which his mother has written many years ago, on it she had written out St Francis of Assis’s prayer and a poem which is so appropriate that we have decided for Sam to read it out at his funerla. I dont know where it came from, but I think she must have written it during the war when her first fiance and the love of her life was killed in action. I am sure she would want us to use it and that it is her way of saying that she will be looking after him. Ray was always her favorite out of the five children and he was the only one who didnt get to make it to see her before she died.
    Thank you for being there for me. no doubt I will need you both in the coming months.
    Love Sue

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21647

    Hi Pauline,
    I am sorry I didnt answer to your message of yesterday. You dont know how much it means to be able to speak to you and Darla here, or I suppose you do know.
    I havent been able to sleep and it is such a comfort to be able to write down my feelings, somehow it is more theraputic than speaking with someone it is as if by writing it you purge yourself of a bit of the grief. I am in limbo now. I know in the coming week or so I will have a big funeral to organise. We live in a village and everyone knewand loved Ray for his sense of humour. He wants a burial in the village church so as well as family and friends there will be half the village there. I dont know how to approach the subject with Ray, I know that when my Dad was in the hospice the doctor there told him there was no hope and he didnt want to hear it even though he knew. I think Ray is like my Dad in that respect so I guess I will leave it up to him to open the can of worms. We have talked enough in the past for me to know what he would want. I feel awful talking about his funeral and he hasnt died yet but I cant help it. It is dawn now, the hospital and doctors have been very good they say we can go whenever we want and stay as long as we want. I hope Ray stays lucid enough to talk to everyone who will be visiting him today, especially as his three grandchildren want to come this evening. Sam has told me that when the kidney fails it causes confusion and he may go into a coma. The main thing is that there is no pain for him just now. The hospital want to discuss pain relief today and I have to sign a form to say if his heart stops we dont want him revived. It is all coming a bit too fast, even though we have known about this for 20 months, we still didnt expect things to go so fast, I know it is a blessing in disguise but it is still difficult to think that only two weeks ago, Ray was cutting the grass and enjoying the sunshine.
    Well my friends I better get dressed and face the day. Thank you for being there for me,
    Love Sue x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21643

    Dear Darla,
    Ray is in hospital and the doctors have told us he is in the final stages of multiple organ failure. He is not in any pain just very sleepy. I have sent for his sister in Spain and have told all his relations they can come and see him for half an hour but to tell him jokes and not cry. I am sure Ray knows that he wont come out but he wont want to hear it from anyone it is much easier on everyone to maintain the pretence. I am OK my Mum is with me bless her, Sam has also come home. We are very sad obvoiuosly but Ray wasreally scared that he would be in pain for months and waste away and lose his hair etc and he has done none of these things.
    I will keep you informed how things go.
    Thanks for being there for me,
    All my love,

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21640

    Dear Darla,
    It isnt good news the consultant has jsut phoned and he is taking Ray back into hospital I think his kidneys are also failing now as well as his liver – my daughter says it is something called Type 11 HRS (Hepatorenal Syndrome) which is brought on by liver failure – in other words he is shuttinjg down. At the moment he is in no pain, just sleeps a lot. I am frightened he will not come hope again. You are the first I have told of this – I am trying to compose myself to phone my daughters and his sisters and brothers.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21637

    Pauline are you OK? We seem to have taken over your posting. Let us know how you are going on.
    Darla, we are just waiting for Rays blood results, the consultant will be phoning us to let us know if there is anything more he can do. Ray has ascites and odema and spend much of his time sleeping. His three daughters are all coming round to try to keep his spirits up – they can bully him without him shouting at them – so they are a real blessing. I hope you have close family to help you through the bad times.
    Thinking of you, Sue.

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