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  • in reply to: Hello #68154

    Dear Suz,
    Thinking of you and your dear sister,
    Love Willow

    in reply to: Remembering Lauren #73140

    Pam, sending my love and strength to get through another day. You and Mark are wonderful parents navigating the hardest thing a parent should never have to endure. It is good to hear that you are finding comfort by visiting the cemetary. Grace and peace be with you.

    in reply to: CC and 16 cm liver tumour #72834

    Dear H Tze,
    You are a loving husband and proactive advocate to your wife. How is she doing now ? When was her surgery? What a huge financial sacrifice you have made. I do see now that there is no perfect medical care system, but some are definitely better than others. I sincerely hope your wife will be ok.


    in reply to: MRI results today #73022

    Congrats on he clear MRI!

    in reply to: PET Scan and Blood work #72991

    Wonderful, Lisa!!!!

    in reply to: Dad’s Journey Continues #72709

    Hi Rena,
    My suggestion is not to try taking him yourself. He will be much more comfortable being taken by ambulance to the ER (and insurance should cover it to hospital though not necessarily home from in my experience). After this visit, I highly rec. home hospice (or hospice facility). It takes way too much energy and time to go to ER for every med adjustment, etc.. MUCH easier on your Dad to have them come to him. It doesn’t mean your Dad won’t get treatments like paracentesis, antibiotics etc. if its his desire. There is Much emphasis on comfort and treating anxiety too. It also doesn’t mean he has to stay on hospice if he stabilizes. The decision is in your Dad’s court. It doesnt mean he is being “given up on”. My father got to dreading the ER because it was traumatic physically and mentally (unnecessary IVs and physical manipulations) and exhausting to him. He did not have cancer…it was Alzheimer’s and he was 90. God bless you during this awful and precious time.

    in reply to: PET Scan and Blood work #72982

    Lisa, I will gladly pray for you. For a positive result showing no new cancer and for an answer to your hive mystery and an end to the misery it is causing you. God Bless you, Willow

    in reply to: Ascites and antibiotics #72960

    I don’t understand either unless the Dr believes its from an infection (like peritonitis) causing more fluid.

    in reply to: Stable on trial drug #72937

    That’s fabulous, Kris!


    I really wish they could figure out why intahepatic CC is rapidly on the rise…makes me suspect am environmental cause. Also, and I don’t know if this is a fact, but it seems like the number of people under age 60 diag with CC is also rising.


    Thanks, Gavin. You’re great at digging up info!

    in reply to: Chemo beginning #72681

    Hi Pattymelt,
    My sister had the same issue with Zofran. Try bran cereal, fruit, etc and maybe docusate sodium (stool softener) for periodic constipation if milk of magnesia is too harsh of a laxative. I personally try to use diet and hydration as main tools to prevent constipation. (Easy on the bread, meat, cheese; increase fiber, fruit and veggies plus hydrate).
    Thinking of you and wishing you well as you tackle chemo.

    in reply to: recent diagnosis-to seek a second opinion? #72809

    Thank you for that post. It is such a delicate and heavy responsibility being the bearer of information of this kind. Especially to a loved one. My sister really doesn’t want to hear a prognosis or stage but finally did get that info from her Dr. She is going through all the emotions Randi mentioned. It is so hard to know she is suffering! She has regrets and anger about a lot if things and wants to catch up on all the things she feels she missed out on. The only great thing about having this horrible CC is that she immed quit her jobs and can be a full time mom to her son for the first time (he is 9). Anyhow, Those who have posted responses so far to this topic really are hitting home. Thank you.

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53500

    Wow, that’s wonderful and inspiring..and an honest look at life, living and following through with plans and dreams into the future. Thank you for sharing Bens story.

    in reply to: First scan since trial started #72816

    I will be thinking if you and expecting good news next week right along with you, Kris. Have a peaceful weekend.

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 660 total)