Scans coming up

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    I can see blood work results right away too, but the scans are not released to the portal for 3 days. That also applies to pathologytype results too.



    BGlass, BJC my hospital and doctors have a portal but they won’t release scans until after you see doctor. I can see my blood works in about 15 minutes, but the rest is released after doctor sees you and I appreciate that, I would make a very word a negative!! LOL!!!


    Julie, Cathy,

    I guess each practice does it differently. I usually get the scan and blood test results through a portal, so I see them before my appointment. And just as usually there is something weird in the scan report that causes mild worry until I see the doctor and am told “oh, that’s nothing.” One time for example my appendix was “prominent.”

    Not sure which system is better. I imagine that my doctors have to divert some of their scarce time answering freaked out emails over some of the odd and unimportant findings that get reported in scans reports.

    Julie, I so appreciate your postings, they contain so much practical and useable information. Thank you for taking the time.

    Regards, Mary


    Thank you, Cathy. It IS nice to have the results the same day as the scans. The anxiety is still there, of course, but just not for as long a period of time between the two. I think, though, that one of the longest periods of time, is between the time the doctor comes in the consult/exam room, asks how you’re doing…..and then says whether the scans look good or not.

    I thought I had it figured out… least with the first Mayo oncologist …he’d come into the room and immediately tell me as he’s walking in that the scans look good. The one time he came in, sat down, and asked, “So, how are you feeling?”…..I knew something was wrong. Since then, I’ve seen three other oncologists at Mayo, and each seems to have a different way of approaching the art of “giving the news.”

    I certainly don’t see myself as inspriring others or giving hope…..but I guess it has been almost 3 and a half years since diagnosis and I’m still here….despite two recurrences and the MDS so if that gives someone hope….I’m glad of it. :)))



    Julie, GREAT news. I for the first time in 9 years of the CC world had my scans and results in the same day for the first time!! LOL!! So nice, no prolonging the anxiety!!
    Keep inspiring and giving HOPE!!


    I know, Marion…..and I try. I had a good cry this morning and my emotions shojuld get better for a while.


    Julie…they can average it out, but no one knows how long you stay in remission. For all we know you will have the same fear 10 years for now. Naturally, recurrence is the biggest fear, but as long as hard facts can’t lead to a definite date, it’s best to try to stay on the positive side of the equation.
    Tons of positive thoughts are heading your way.



    Thank you…it IS great news!!!!

    I started round 6 of the Vidaza for the blood cancer, MDS, today. I really didn’t want to do it, but as long as it continues, it means that things are going well. Saw my local onc for a few minutes in the hallway and shared the Mayo news with him and he responded with a big smile.

    The blood cancer is not going to get any better than it is, unless they come up with a new treatment that is an actual cure. Right now, this Vidaza I’m doing is the only treatment available and the complete remission will not last indefinitely. At some point, it will fail. I’m hoping to squeeze enough time out of the Vidaza that it gives researchers time to come up with something else. I am not eligible for a bone marrow transplant because of having had recent recurrences of the CC.



    Such Great News!!!


    So happy to hear about your scan results! Hope your blood cancer gets better as well. Wishing you all the very best xxx


    Oh Julie, I am so glad to read you finally got a break…allergies to bandage adhesives I thought this poor girl can’t catch a break, wonderful your scan was clean and your blood count is up. May this trend continue, you deserve it dear Julie, my best, Pat



    Glad you got some well need sleep and are feeling so much better today. :)



    Brilliant news Julie! Majorly chuffed for you!!! No sign of cancer, just what we all wanted to hear from you. Kicking that CC butt big time you are!!

    Microwave Ablation 1 CC NIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love it!

    No wonder you feel LOTS better today!

    Big celebratory hug for you as well,




    The reoccurance I had was last July (2016) for which I had a microwave ablation which obliterated the tumor….basically vaporized it.

    Since then, I have been on “watch” and surveillance to see if any more tumors came up. It has been 8 months since the microwave ablation. Three months ago, they were concerned about the lymph node and lung nodules ….and a place along the cut line of the first and second resections (2014 and 2015….tumor came back same area in 2015). But, with seeing the scans this month, nothing is growing, so they have decided that what they saw three months ago was probably not recurrence yet again.

    As for the last recurrence….there is no sign of the tumor after the microwave ablation. That got rid of it….and good riddance to bad rubbish, right? :)

    After a good night’s sleep…..and getting up at 11 a.m……I am feeling lots better today. Onward.




    Just came on and the first thing I saw was this. What great news. I am so happy for you. Now you can relax and enjoy your weekend.


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