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  • #58727

    We met with Lauren’s oncologist and liver surgeon today. They are both pleased with her progress. They both are on a tumor board that discussed her case Tues. Her surgeon said he would operate on her today if the board was agreeable. They were not, so he and they decided she will continue on chemo, eliminating the cisplatin for now. Lauren has trouble keeping her platelets high enough and they believe the cisplatin is causing this. It is also very hard to tolerate for a long time. If her tumors start growing, they will try oxaliplatin with her Gemzar and 5FU. They also are thinking about radioemolization to try and kill the small tumors on the left side of her liver. The big tumor on the right is what the surgeon wants to take out. He said it would be a huge surgery, but he wants to talk about it again in about 6 months. He has given us new hope. We absolutely love him. We all call him our very own “McDreamy” for those of you that are fans of Grey’s Anatomy. He is very cute with dark, curly hair. But the main thing is that he is an awesome surgeon and really wants to help Lauren. Pray for good things to happen. People aren’t kidding when they say this is a roller coaster ride. Take care everyone.

    Love, -Pam


    Hi Derin,

    Re: the number of cycles

    Several considerations:

    1. ABC-02 trial used 8 cycles to treat nonresectable/metastatic cases. I think it’s logical to conclude that adjuvant chemo should do less than 8 cycles.

    ABC-02 is British Phase III randomized trial that proved Gem/Cis to be superior than Gem alone

    2. Biliary Tract Cancer Treatment Protocols recommend the same protocol as in ABC-02 trial:

    Systemic therapy for nonresectable or metastatic disease

    Selected stage III-IV (T3-4, Any N, M0-1):

    Standard-of-care front-line chemotherapy for patients with good performance status (ECOG score ≤ 2):

    Cisplatin 25 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 plus gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8; then every 21d for up to 24wk or until disease progression

    Up to 24wk = Up to 8 cycles. Again, this is for nonresectable or metastatic cases. Adjuvant chemo should probably do less.

    3. Before my wife started Gem/Cis chemo, our oncologist said he wanted to do 4-6 cycles. I asked him why not 8? (based on the info above). He explained that they usually do adjuvant chemo for up to 6 months, including 5FU/Xeloda chemo done concurrently with radiation. Marina did 5FU chemo-radiation for 2 months. That left her with 4 months to do Gem/Cis chemo. Enough for up to 6 cycles.

    4. As I mentioned in another thread, we were on the fence about continuing adjuvant chemo past the 4th cycle. We met our oncologist last week. We asked him if more cycles is better. He said they don’t have any data to support any particular number of adjuvant cycles. For what it’s worth, we decided to do the 5th cycle. We are scheduled to do CT scan after the 5th cycle. No decision on the 6th cycle at this point. One cycle at a time…

    Hope this helps,


    Yes, I was told that 10-14days is enough to stop Xeloda before radioembolization .
    Do you think the article you read about sirpheres and the phase one trial in cases with ICC contradicts to each other in the use of Xeloda.?
    I do know that radioembolization can be combined with chemotherapy such as 5FU+OXALIPLATIN,5FU+irinotecan or 5fu alone for HCC,liver mets from colon.BTW, how is your mom doing with regard to the side effects of radioembolization ?. Is fatigue the major problem ,nausea or abdominal pain.keep in touch and
    God bless.


    Hi PCL and Marion,

    Her latest blood report of 7th February before starting 5 fu are

    EDTA found
    Rbc 3.34
    Haemoglobin 9.4
    PVC 30.8

    RBC indices. MTV 92.2. Mch. 28.1 mchc. 30.5
    Total WBC count 7070000000
    Platelet 120000

    Differential counts within limits

    Creatinine 0.8 -has been within the normal range since the start..

    sGPT 47 – within 9-52range since the start of treatment in June l

    CEA 53.8 ca19.9. 990 ca-125 307 latest values as already mentioned

    The latest ct scan report on the liver is

    ‘Again noted are heterogenously. Enhancing mass lesion involving the segment v, viii and vii now measuring 11.1 by 7.8 cm (9.7 by 5.2 cm previously )
    Again noted is another enhancing focal lesion in the segment ii now measuring 1.7 by 1.0 cm(same size since oct 2011). CApsular retraction is noted adjacent to mass. Small peri portal lymph nodes are again noted. The porta hepatitis is normal. The intrahepatic portal venous radicals are normal. No evidence of intrahepatic biliary radicular dilatation. The hepatic veins and intrahepatic portion of inferior venacava are normal.’

    PCl, I did not understand the meaning of ‘ myelosuppression depression’. My mother is tolerating the 2nd cycle of 5fu better . Initially the opinion of the assisting doc was to go for a 3 week cycle in view of her age and that we are now in the third line of treatment but in view of my mother. ‘s reasonable tolerance to chemo by the Grace of GOD, our oncologist insisted on a 2week cycle with the neurogen given right after the 48 hour infusion.

    I don’t know if this is the right forum to ask but I wanted feedback on radioembolization, PDT, cyber knife facilities within India.



    Hi PCL and Marion,

    Her latest blood report of 7th February before starting 5 fu are

    EDTA found
    Rbc 3.34
    Haemoglobin 9.4
    PVC 30.8

    RBC indices. MTV 92.2. Mch. 28.1 mchc. 30.5
    Total WBC count 7070000000
    Platelet 120000

    Differential counts within limits

    Creatinine 0.8 has been within the normal range since the start..

    sGPT 47 within 9-52range since the start of treatment in June l

    CEA 53.8 ca19.9. 990 ca-125 307 latest values as already mentioned

    The latest ct scan report on the liver is

    ‘Again noted are heterogenously. Enhancing mass lesion involving the segment v, viii and vii now measuring 11.1 by 7.8 cm (9.7 by 5.2 cm previously )
    Again noted is another enhancing focal lesion in the segment ii now measuring 1.7 by 1.0 cm(same size since oct 2011). CApsular retraction is noted adjacent to mass. Small peri portal lymph nodes are again noted. The ports hepatitis is normal. The intrahepatic portal venous radicals are normal. No evidence of intrahepatic biliary radicular dilatation. The hepatic veins and intrahepatic portion of inferior venacava are normal.’

    PCl, I did not understand the meaning of ‘ myelosuppression depression’. My mother is tolerating the 2nd cycle of 5fu better . Initially the opinion of the assisting doc was to go for a 3 week cycle in view of her age and that we are now in the third line of treatment but in view of my mother. ‘s reasonable tolerance to chemo by the Grace of GOD, our oncologist insisted on a 2week cycle with the neurogen given right after the 48 hour infusion.

    I don’t know if this is the right forum to ask but I wanted feedback on radioembolization, PDT, cyber knife facilities within India.



    A quick recap before I submit my question:

    1. Marina (my wife) had Whipple surgery in July 2011.

    2. The surgery resulted in microscopically positive margins and positive lymph nodes (2/15).

    3. She completed 6 weeks of 5FU chemo-radiation in September/October.

    4. She had a clean CT scan in December.

    5. She just completed the 4th cycle of Gemcitabine/Cisplatin chemo.

    We are meeting our oncologist on Friday to discuss what to do next. Before chemo started, he said he wanted to do 4-6 cycles. So our options are: stop chemo now or do another 1-2 cycles.

    We are not sure what to do.

    We know there is no right or wrong answer here. There is no evidence to suggest that 5-6 cycles are better than 4. On the other hand… when cancer is down to the mat, you want to keep it down to the mat. So, maybe, more IS better??

    Marina is inclined to stop now. Our CC journey started in April last year. It’s been almost a year. She is exhausted physically and emotionally. As I mentioned in another thread, the last round of chemo has been rough. If Marina makes the call to stop now, I can fully understand.

    My own inclination is to *gently* encourage her to do the 5th cycle. Then re-access our options again.

    Anyone has any opinions about our situation?


    Have your mom had a MRCP done to detect the possibility of CCA or stricture in the common bile duct or the distal portion of it?
    If your mom have already had 2nd opinion by the liver specialist ; the next logical step will be an interventional radiologist consult to see whether radioembolization for the large size liver tumor is appropriate ,radioembo if indicated will have less side effects than 5fu+irinotecan; After the MRCP procedure,if there is stricture in the common bile duct ;then explore the possibility of PDT or cyberknife as well.
    I will do more study on your biopsy report and to see what my histologist friend’s opinion on your mom’s result will be ,by the weekend if possible.
    I still do not understand the change of the regimen away from Gemcitabine and Xeloda. 5FU+irinotecan is tough to take;grade 3 and 4 myelosuppression depression may develope .
    Remember, the treatment triangle for CCA(as well as for most cancers but not all) are surgery,chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
    Did your mom had CBC and CMP lab done and are the liver enzymes within the normal range; Neupogen(filgrastim) or the long acting one is appropriate for the low WBC due to myelosuppression.
    God bless.


    Introduction -is this cc?

    My mother, 65 yrs old was diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the liver last June. She had been complaining of apathy for food particularly intolerance to the smell of cooking, itching and bloated feeling in the stomach for 2-3 months and an ultrasound showed the metastatic deposits in the liver.Colonoscopy and endoscopy did not reveal anything. PET/CT results
    Right lobe lesion 15 by 8.3 cm
    Left lobe lesion 5.7 by 4.8 cm
    – multiple, necrotic fdg avid lesions in both lobes of the liver suggest metastatic
    -FDG avid pre vascular nodes suggest metastatic disease
    -no other FDG avid lesion is seen elsewhere to suggest a possible primary neoplasm

    CEA 19.1 CA19.9 -427 AFP 1.73 CA 125 – 256

    Our oncologist started her on gemcytabine and xeloda 3 cycles of 21 days. She tolerated the chemo very well. A review was done in Aug 2011

    Shrinkage right lobe 9.7 by 5.2 cm left lobe 1.9 by 2.4 cm
    CEA 12.2 ( earlier 19.1)
    CA 19.9 88.9 ( earlier 427)
    CA 125 56.6 ( earlier 256)

    The same chemo gemcytabine 1600 mg and xeloda 4 tabs daily was continued for 3 more cycles of 21 days and review PET CT done in End of Oct 2011-

    Right lobe lesion stayed the same at 9.7 by 5.2 cm
    Left lobe lesion reduced to 1.7 by. 1 cm( last scan 1.9 by 2.4 cm)

    CA 19.9 – 125( earlier 89.9)
    CEA 14.2( earlier 12.1)
    CA 125 70.8. ( earlier 96.8)

    She was given about 45 days of rest from chemo . Her appetite improved and she felt her symptoms had disappeared.

    In December 2011 she was started on gemcytabine and oxitan for 4 cycles each of 15 days. But from15 Dec onwards she felt the same symptoms . so a mid term review was done in Feb 2012. CT scan results

    Right lobe lesion increased to 11.1 by 7.8( earlier 9.7 by 5.2 cm)
    Left lobe 1.7 by 1 cm same as before

    CEA 53.8( earlier 14.2 cm)
    CA 19.9 990 ( earlier 125)
    CA 125 -305( earlier 70.8)

    No new sites

    Doctor feels it could be cc and not pancreatic but says treatment options are the same he advises.

    Now she has been started on 48hour IV of 5fu, 750 mg -9 hrs each
    Irrinotican 240 mg -2hrs
    Calciumleucorin 300mg -2hours

    1st cycle completed had a neutrophil boosting injection felt very weak had mouth sores, throat infection.
    Was treated on antibiotics and improved

    2nd cycle over. Much better tolerance.

    She has no diabetes, hypertension but has been asthmatic for years but no other known illness.

    has been tolerating chemo well except the 1st dose of 5 fu which gave her a fever and she felt weak for 2days.

    Sorry for all these details. But just wanted to find out if anyone had a similar experience – metastaitic adenocarcinoma of liver with unknown primary and can suggest what options are available for her.



    Hi, for the new members who just have registered in the past weekend or so; below are the little map that may help you to get the info you need faster for your specific needs.
    1. Below are the most common chemotherapy agents and targeted therapy agents used both under traditional and in clinical trials settings.
    2.for the chemotherapy REGIMENS,please read the message under the discussion forum of chemotherapy title”systemic chemotherapy” to get the complete idea of the treatment and studies results pertaining to that regimen.
    3. for side effects of a chemo,please read the message under the forum discussion title “Adverse reaction and side effects.” type in the word suggestion for nausea or suggestion for pain in the search box above. and you will find some answers as well as the experiences of the other members.
    4.for radiation options,which now are pretty much a very hot and useful treatment option;check out this web site under discussion forum “radiation treatment etc”.
    5. for the understanding of how CAT scan ,MRI and PET scan works;please read the message re-print just a few messages about this one. Thanks.

    Here is the list of chemo agents that mostly used for CCA that I can find at this point. most of them are used in combination to get the best results (synergy) out of the combo that used in the regimen.

    Taken by Mouth:(not necessary FDA approval indications for CCA but doctors can use them out of protocol)
    1.Xeloda(oral form of 5FU)-see 5Fu below;diarrhea and hand and foot symptoms are the side effects.

    2.erlotinib(Tarceva)—EGFR cell pathway inhibitor(tyrosine kinase inhibitor);
    inhibit angiogensis (cut off blood supply to cancer cells and cause them to die);cause cell death by interrupting the reproduction of cancer cells;smoking will decrease the drug effects by 24% which may result in treatment failure.

    3.sorafenib.(Nexavar)—Multiple cancer cell pathways inhibitor; inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis(cut of blood supply to cancer)
    4. Celecoxib-an antiflammatory agent belongs to the COX2-an enzyme family.but use much less recently.

    Taking as Infusion:
    1. 5FU.—a chemo agent belongs to the Antimetabolite family that inhibits RNA synthesis and function ; may also on DNA synthesis but to the less degree. in doing so,cause cancer cell to die.

    2.Gemzar—a chemo agent belongs to the Antimetabolite family that inhibits the DNA synthesis in the cancer cells;induce tumor cell death (apoptosis);
    some study indicated Gemzar is more effective in treating CCA than 5FU,but both 5FU and Gemzar are FIRST LINE chemotherapy agents of choice to combine with other chemo agents in CCA regimens;other study indicated effectiveness of both agents are more or less the same.

    3.Cisplatin—1st generation of the platinum family, an alkylating agent affects cell DNA replications thus causes cancer cell death(apoptosis);may cause kidney impairment and impairs hearing (ototoxicity);usually use in combination with Gemzar or 5FU to provide the synergic effect of the regimen of GEM/CIS or FOLFOX.
    4.Oxaliplatin— the 3rd. generation of the platinum family;less kidney impairment than cisplatin but more patients experienced peripheral neuropathy
    5.Carboplatin— the 2nd generation for the platinum family;decrease platelet production;much less toxicity on the kidney compare to others in the platinum family; cause less peripheral neuropathy than oxaliplatin.

    6.Avastin(bevacizumab)-a VEGF cell pathway inhibitor— an angiogensis inhibitor to cut of blood supply to tumor cells.and cause cancer to die.

    7.Erbitux(cetuximab)-an EGFR cell pathway inhibitor;blinds to the cancer cells surface receptor of EGFR and block their stimulation;therefore renders the cell pathway useless.

    8.Leucovorin(it is not a chemo drug but used to enhance 5 FU effect)

    9.FUDR(Floxurdine)-it is an analog of 5FU,belongs to the Antimetabolite family. Administered via the hepatic artery(pump);hepatic toxicity is high.

    10.Epirubicin— a chemo agent belongs to the Anthracyclines family which is less used nowadays.
    11.Adriamycin—a chemo agent belongs to the Anthracycline family;interrupt the DNA and RNA synthesis in cancer cells and cause cell death;used in chemoembo in CCA;major BOX warning by FDA is myocardial toxicity ;also neutropenia and leukopenia(75%)

    12.Irinotecan(Camptosar)-inhibits DNA synthesis in tumor cells by inhibiting an enzyme called topoisomerase1 ; useful but tough to take.

    13.Docetaxel-chemo agent belongs to the Taxane family,interrupt the mitosis of the cancers cells cycle to reproduce and cause tumor death.

    14.Mitomycin- a chemo agent belongs to the Alkylating family; inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis and thus cause cancer cell death ;use in chemoembo for CCA and can be combined with 5FU for treating CCA too.

    15.Panitumumab(similar to cetuximab ;but difference from them is that this is the first 100% HUMAN monoclonal antibody direct against EGFR cell pathway; therefore you may expect less allergic reaction from Panitumumab.

    16.paclitaxel-(Taxol) a chemo agent in the Taxane family that primary inhibits the cell cycle during mitosis;thus the tumor cell cannot duplicated and die;Taxol should be given before cisplatin if both drugs are used at the same time for maximum benefit of the combo.;also inhibits angiogenesis but is very tough to take.


    In reply to: CC and 9/11 heros


    Hi, Loretta,
    Are all the info about CT scan are the” exact wording” from the Ct scan reports under the “impression” section. if the answers are yes ,or unless some other diagnosis is involved; you can kindly tell your husband’s that he is actually not in that bad situation as you had mentioned in your first message. I think that is why it is a good thing for all the people who are just lurking on this web site to express their concern for their own special situation on this web site or other site to get at least an idea that is related more to their special situation.
    first of all,Loretta,since I don’t have the medical info I needed from you, all my opinions are suggestions or speculation only.
    1. Ascites is a symptoms only and not a disease,it can be managed by paracentesis as well as Lasix and Aldactone; at home just put up the feet on the table or chair to make him more comfortable.
    2. Pulmonary embolism ,as you mentioned is now managed by Lovenox subcut injection twice a day. So that is good. Just make sure his Lab (INR is >/=2);you did not mention taking Warfarin but I am no doctor so I cannot command on that. Oxygen PRN is good but as you know,it is for asneeded use.
    3. For some unknown reasons, 5FU or capcitabine works better for extra than intra bile duct CCA; therefore the switch may be of benefit to the peritoneal carcinomatosis as well;but as far as i know;at least in my sister-in-law’s situation using Gemzar+xeloda(an oral form of 5FU)+Avastin had an excellent result in decreasing the sizes of the carcinomatosis in the abdomen just after one cycle. Please remember each patient reacts to each regimen differently;so it may or may not apply to your husband’s situation;but at least the more you know ,the better you are in control.5Fu+oxaliplatin+leucovorin is on par with GEM/CIS for effectiveness but less toxic to the kidney,(please read the message about the comparison between 5FU and Gemcitabine ,CCA chemo agents and the systemic chemotherapy on this message board under the forum discussion of chemotherapy.
    4. Base on the last CT scan, decrease dilatation in the liver is a good sign that may mean the blockage of the bile ducts in the liver is decreasing and the bile flows better as well. Decrease size or stable are always good “words” to hear.
    Unless I miss other medical conditions that you have not listed; I really donot think your husband’s situation is as bad as what you had described earlier.
    If you don’t mind, when your husband will have the CT scan tomorrow,and when the CT scan report is out you can quote the “impression” section for me to . If you think is you need privacy,you can email me thru this web site. and I will try to give you what I think. Remember I am no doctor;I am only a patient like your husband for 34 months now. Medical advise and 2nd opinion provided by medical specialists are most important to the wellware of a chronic disease patient but knowledge about the disease helps too.
    Try to get him eats more poultry,soy products and nuts for protein and fruit and vegetable.
    God bless.


    Hi, everyone,

    This may be of interest to read thru first-
    Below is the link like a road map that may help you to start this journey .

    As of 6/3/2014 after the ASCO meeting on New Drug in Oncology, there are no new drugs approved by FDA for cholangiocarcinoma.
    The most promising route for for finding cure or better regimen for treating cancer in general lies in immunotherapy such as:
    21. TIL (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte immunotherapy.) clinical trial@NIH

    and PD-1 and anti PD-L-1 immuno agents (not specific for CCA but in general for cancer.)

    If you just want to know the out look of this disease by the experts without going through each chemotherapy or targeted agents: below is the summary.

    Summary: there is no single chemotherapy agent or combination regimen consistently provides for tumor response or objective shrinkage due to the heterogeneous disease of cholangiocarcinoma(CCA);multiple and different locations compounded the difficulty in understanding the pathology of CCA and thus develop the appropriate or the most effective treatment plans for the patient.-from,October,2013

    In a review of the systemic adjuvant therapy by Horgan AM,etul JCO June1,2012 vol.30 1934-1940. He concluded that :
    1. Chemotherapy is the standard for biliary tract cancers.
    2. The level 1 evidence standard is gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy.
    3. Other combination regimens have activity.
    4. The future of this disease should lie in targeted therapies and there are a lot of targets. These (agents)should be applied wisely.However, these are rare tumors and subdividing them by biomarkers may prove difficult.

    5.Other cytotoxic agents such as 5FU, oxaliplatin, taxanes and irinotecan may or do have efficacy,but we are near the limit of where we will get with cytotoxics(chemotherapy agents like gemcitabine.)
    and finally ,there is no definitive evidence we have ever benefited patients with adjuvant therapy for biliary tract cancers and the role of radiation may vary depending on site of primary.— June,2012,convention ASCO

    The list below include names, indications, side effects of the agents as well as the regimens and the ones that our members have/had been on now or before.p;and the drugs that I was or now on; for a personal experience of them that may be of interest to you.(ie: such as Gemzar, Xeloda and Tarceva.

    Here is the list of chemotherapy agents that mostly used for CCA,most of them are used in combination to get the best results (synergy) in the regimen.And most often,with regard to side effects of the drugs that are listed below,it may be occur as an individual event for an individual patient only and NOT for every patient .
    The following link is very useful in understanding the current trend of using chemotherapy and targeted therapy in treating BTC( biliary tract carcinoma) as of 7/2012. It is for medical professional but it summarized the treatment basis very well. Title: Personalized treatment of advanced biliary tract cancer.

    The one below is easier to read and published Feb. 2013

    I strongly recommend you to read the above one first to understand the current thinking of treating cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) then if you have time and interest ,then read the following links to increase your understanding about the potential treatments of CCA in the future.
    The link below is related to the newest trend of using immunology ( ie: vaccine and adoptive cell therapy like TIL) in treating cancer. ( as of 2/2013).
    and using the anti-PD-1 or PDL-1 immunotherapy for solid tumors.8/27/2013)

    The following link discuss the future of mAbs( ie: Avastin etc) and small molecules ( ie: the TKI such as sorafenib and erlotinib) and the newer approach of using peptide immunology for cancer treatment.( as of 4/2/2013)


    Taken by Mouth:(not necessary FDA approval indications for CCA but doctors can use them out of protocol or for “off-label use”)

    Part I individual chemotherapy and targeted agents

    1.Capecitabine(Xeloda–an oral form of 5FU)-see 5Fu below;diarrhea and hand and foot symptoms are the most common side effects.
    fatigue,back pain, hyperbilirubinema, and constipation too.
    Patient on Coumadin(Warfarin) should decrease the dose and monitor the INR level closely by medical professional for potential bleeding drug-drug interaction of Xeloda and Warfarin.
    Personally, the side effects are not bad for me , I am on it for 16 months and counting — anemia,and fatigue are the two that bother me the most but very tolerable without affecting my quality of life. I take ferrous sulfate 300mg(iron pill) once daily .(info added as of 5/3/2013).and take loperamide(Imodium) 2 tablet ASAP and one every 4hours upto 8tablets(max.dose=16mg)/day.Make sure you drink a lot of fluids to replace the fluids loss in diarrhea;Gatorade or electrolytes supplements suggested by doctor is highly recommended to replace the loss of electrolytes.(ie: potassium, calcium,magnesium,phosphous ) If diarrhea still not under control, call doctor for furthur added( 9/20/2013)

    1a. S1 (tegafur+DDP inhibitor+OPRT inhibitor) similar to Xeloda.widely use in Asia mostly, side effects expected to be similar to capecitabine.

    2.Erlotinib(Tarceva)—EGFR cell pathway inhibitor(tyrosine kinase inhibitor);
    inhibit angiogensis (cut off blood supply to cancer cells and cause them to die);cause cell death by interrupting the reproduction of cancer cells;smoking will decrease the drug effects by 24% which may result in treatment failure.
    I take the Tarceva daily 2 hours after dinner.
    Side effects include rash,diarrhea,anorexia,pruritus,conjunctivitis, pneumonitis,pneumonia ,bronchiolitis,.I use lotion for my dry skin, doxycycline now and then daily for the pimples; itching at eye corners ; color changes on my toes’ s nail bed;I take naps for an hour when I am tired;I have diarrhea once or twice daily or none sometimes,I drink a lot of fluids to replace the loss; after 4 months of taking Tarceva, the drug works as seen by comparing the interval on the PET scans;I also develop leg cramps once or twice daily,mostly due to the imbalance of the electrolytes and the fluids replacement is not enough,I ask doctor to prescribe me potassium , magnesium and neutraphos packets and drink more water and soup or adding electrolytes packets to water; there is some exercise I can do against the wall to stretch the leg muscle to less the chance to develop the leg cramps.
    Drug-drug interaction include proton pump inhibitors like protonix ,H2 blockers like Pepcid and blooding thinning agent like Warfarin,call doctor or pharmacist for advice;stop taking proton pump inhibitor,take H2 blocker 10-12 hour before the Tarceva dose;decrease the dose of Coumadin or use the newer kind of blood thinner are the general rules. But consult your doctor before any changes in drug therapy is a must .

    3.Sorafenib.(Nexavar)—Multiple cancer cell pathways(RAF/MEK/ERK and VEGFR-2/PDGFR) inhibitor; inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis(cut of blood supply to cancer);
    Side effects include: Rash,hand foot and skin reaction,pruritus, diarrhea, cardiac toxicity like QT prolongation and fatigue.
    Durg-drug interaction included: caoboplatin,paclitaxel,methadone,erythromycin and clarithromycin,class Ia and Class III antiarrhythmics,modafinil and Warfarin in general.

    4. Celecoxib-an antiflammatory agent belongs to the COX2 family.–an enzyme family.but use much less recently .
    Side effects: peptic ulcer disease,myocardial infarction,stroke, and GI bleeding.
    Drug-drug interaction: Cidofovir ,cisplatin,methotrexate,ginkgo,ginkgo biloba,Fluconazole and other antifungal agents;pemetrexed.

    I am taking it as 200 mg twice daily ( half of the recommended dose for cancer treatment)for almost 18 months now without any obvious side effect. On the other hand, there are no absolute indicator for me to measure the actual benefit of celecoxib in such use along with the oral chemotherapy agent capecitabine I take twice daily except I am still CT scan clean for that 16 months.

    5. Newer MEK inhibitors targeted agents such as Selumetinib (AZD6244): had 12% response rate (RR) in 28pts in a clinical trial; and for another MEK inhibitor–MEK 162, 8% RR in 26 pts in a phase I study.—2012 ASCO; newer VEGF inhibitor like Cediranib (AZD2171) has been used in clinical trial for cholangiocarcinoma recently.

    Taking as Intravenous Infusion:

    1. 5FU.—a chemo agent belongs to the Antimetabolite family that inhibits RNA synthesis and function ; may also on DNA synthesis but to the less degree. in doing so,cause cancer cell to die.
    Overall response rate(OR) is 0-34%;Higher OR in using infusional 5FU pump or continuous IV infusion; and leucovorin-modulated 5FU day 1-5,every 3-4 weeks OR=32%.
    Side effects include: Cardiotoxicity such as ST-segment elevation, angina.
    Neurotoxicity such as headache,visual disturbances;
    GI toxicity:stomatitis,esophagitis,mucositis,diarrhea;nausea/vomiting (30%)
    Hematological toxicity=Neutropenia,anemia and leucopenia and thrombocytopenia Skin=Photosensitivity(cover up body &/or use sunscreen lotion with PF>15).
    Drug-drug interaction: with anticoagulants like warfarin,vaccines, antibiotics like Septra or Bactrim and filgrastim.

    Regimens that combine short term infusion pump for 5 FU with leucovorin are better tolerated than bolus injection

    2.Gemcitabine (Gemzar)—a chemo agent belongs to the Antimetabolite family that inhibits the DNA synthesis in the cancer cells;induce tumor cell death (apoptosis);some study indicated Gemzar is more effective in treating CCA than 5FU,but both 5FU and Gemzar are FIRST LINE chemotherapy agents of choice to combine with other chemo agents in CCA regimens;other study indicated effectiveness of both agents are more or less the same.
    Toxicity includes anemia(68-89%),thrombocytopenia(24-85%),elevated hepatic enzymes; neutropenia (61-90%), nausea and vomiting.But as a patient, I tolerated it for 18 months without any serious side effects except nausea and vomiting at the end of the treatment and low platelets count . However, Each individual is different .
    Drug-drug interactions may include filgrastim,nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs(NSAIDS) , salicylates and anticoagulants such as Warfarin.

    3.Cisplatin—1st generation of the platinum family, an alkylating agent affects cell DNA replications thus causes cancer cell death(apoptosis);may cause kidney impairment and impairs hearing (ototoxicity);usually use in combination with Gemzar or 5FU to provide the synergistic effect of the regimen of GEM/CIS or 5FU/cis.
    Black box warning(that means serous contraindications) of cisplatin include bone marrow suppression,hearing impairment,platinum compound hypersensitivity,renal failure and renal impairment.
    Side effects include dose-limiting toxicity like nephrotoxicity; acute renal failure and electrolyte abnormalities esp. in dehydration patients;peripheral neuropathy ;blurred vision.Neutropenia,anemia and thrombocytopenia but is relatively less severe than other antineoplastic agents. Severe nausea and vomiting will occur in almost 100% of the patients if not pre-treated with antiemetics. Cisplatin is one of the MOST potent emetogenic agents used.

    4.Oxaliplatin— the 3rd. generation of the platinum family;less kidney impairment than cisplatin but more patients experienced peripheral neuropathy.(ie:when exposes to cold objects). Unlike cisplatin or carboplatin, oxaliplatin is not associated with significant renal or auditory toxicity.and hematological toxicity(ie:blood cell counts ) is usually mild.
    side effects included anxiety,depression,fatigue,peripheral edema and increase bilirubin and increase in hepatic enzymes; peripheral neuropathy
    ,weight loss ; increase serum creatinine level when use with 5FU(grade 3-4 severity is around 1%)which will affect kidney function. Nausea/vomiting; diarrhea or constipation;abdominal pain;anorexia; stomatitis; flatulence, hiccups and heartburn are the GI adverse reactions

    5.Carboplatin— the 2nd generation for the platinum family;
    Side effects:decrease platelet production;much less toxicity on the kidney compare to others in the platinum family; cause less peripheral neuropathy than oxaliplatin.However mylosuppression (dose-limiting) toxicity is higher but is less emetogenic (ie: nausea & vomiting) than cisplatin.Overall, carboplatin has a more favorable adverse effect profile than cisplatin.

    6.Avastin(bevacizumab)-a VEGF cell pathway inhibitor— an angiogensis inhibitor to cut of blood supply to tumor cells.and cause cancer to die.
    Side effects:Hypertension,colon perforation, abdominal abscesses ,electrolytes imbalance,proteinurea,nephrotic syndrome,congestive heart failure (<1%),GI bleeding,gum bleeding and vaginal bleeding,pulmonary hemorrhage,abdominal pain (50-61%,severe 8%), colitis,anorexia, constipation,diarrhea,dehydration,dyspepsia,gastritis,nausea,oral ulceration and vomiting.
    Drug-drug interaction: Co-administration of bevacizumab(Avastin) with sunitinib is not recommended.

    7.Erbitux(cetuximab)-an EGFR cell pathway inhibitor;blinds to the cancer cells surface receptor of EGFR and block their stimulation;therefore renders the cell pathway useless.
    Neurotoxicity include:Headache(26%),hypomagnesemia(55%),which may lead to severe fatigue,cramps ,confusion,pain,insomnia,anxiety and fever.
    Pulmonary toxicity include: severe infusion reactions like broncho spasm(2.5-20%);pulmonary fibrosis and fatal interstitial lung disease has been reported post-marketing.dyspnea(17-48%),cough(11-29%)
    GI toxicity include: diarrhea (37%);elevated hepatic enzymes, abdominal pain(26-59%),constipation,nausea,vomiting,weight loss,anorexia,stomatitis and xerostomia(11%).
    Dermatologic side effects include: acneiform rash (76%),rash(89%),dry skin and pruritus(11-40%) and nail change/disorder(16%).
    Cardiotoxicity: peripheral edema(10%) cardiopulmonary arrest esp. when patients receiving radiation therapy in combination with cetuximab.

    8.Leucovorin(folinic acid), it is not a chemo drug but used to enhance 5 FU effect.

    9.FUDR(Floxurdine)-it is an analog of 5FU,belongs to the Antimetabolite family. Administered via the hepatic artery(pump);hepatic toxicity is high.
    infections and surgical site complications may be of concern too.Currently there is a clinical trial of FUDR+dexamethasone arterial infusion pumpat Sloan-Kettering at NY.( as of 10/2013).

    10.Epirubicin— a chemo agent belongs to the Anthracyclines family which is less used nowadays.

    11.Adriamycin—a chemo agent belongs to the Anthracycline family;interrupt the DNA and RNA synthesis in cancer cells and cause cell death;used in chemoembolization in CCA;major BOX warning by FDA is myocardial toxicity ;also neutropenia and leukopenia(75%);it is also been used in chemoembolization.

    12.Irinotecan(Camptosar)-inhibits DNA synthesis in tumor cells by inhibiting an enzyme called topoisomerase1 ; useful but tough to take.
    General Adverse Reactions include: asthenia(69%),fever(45%),pain(24%).headache(17%), back pain(14%), chills(14%) and edema(10),weight loss about (30%).
    Hematologic side effects are anemia(60-96%),neutropenia(30-96%),and thrombocytopenia(96%). All adverse drug effects are dose-related and reversible.
    GI toxicity: diarrhea,nausea and vomiting(70-86%), abdominal pain(57-67%),anorexia(43-59%),constipation(30%),mucositis .
    Neurological side effects include: dizziness(15-21%)drowsiness(9%).
    confusion(2.7%), vertigo and syncope.
    Pulmonary side effects include: dyspnea (22%), and cough (17-20%). and pulmonary embolism.(PE)
    Other adverse events include: exfoliative dermatitis,hand skin and foot syndrome(10%) when give with 5FU;hyperbilirubinemia (83%).
    Cardiotoxicity include: angina,thrombosis,stroke,DVT,myocardial infraction. Muscle cramps and paresthesias have been reported in post-marketing reports with irinotecan.—from clinical 12/6/2011

    Drug-drug interaction : severe interaction with St.John’s Wort, Atazanavir.Less severe with anticoagulants ,Sorafenib, anticonvulsive agent llike carbamazepine, phenytoin and primidone.

    13.Docetaxel-chemo agent belongs to the Taxane family,interrupt the mitosis of the cancers cells cycle to reproduce and cause tumor death.
    Additional info: OR=20% in 25pts (Eur J Cancer.2001 Oct;37(15):1833-8.Currently as of 6/2012, Docetaxel is being studied with Oxaliplatin.. Minimal activity for the combination of gemcitabine and docetaxel.

    14.Mitomycin- a chemo agent belongs to the Alkylating family; inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis and thus cause cancer cell death ;use in chemoembolization for CCA and can be combined with 5FU or its oral prodrug capitabine for treating CCA .It had a higher response rate (31 vs 20%) as compare with gemcitabine and mitomycin regimen.

    15.Panitumumab: similar to cetuximab ;but the difference from it is that this is the first 100% HUMAN monoclonal antibody direct against EGFR cell pathway; therefore you may expect less allergic reaction from Panitumumab.side effects similar to cetuximab.

    16.Paclitaxel-(Taxol) a chemo agent in the Taxane family that primary inhibits the cell cycle during mitosis;thus the tumor cell cannot duplicated and die;Taxol should be given before cisplatin if both drugs are used at the same time for maximum benefit of the combo.;also inhibits angiogenesis but is very tough to take.
    “radiation recall reaction”which may occur to patients who have received previous radiation will be a concern that you may have to address to your oncologist. Symptoms included nonproductive cough,dyspnea, and oxygen desatuaration. Radiation pneumonitis,pneumonia has been also reported.
    Apart from that, watch closely about the liver enzymes AST,ALT,alkaline phosphates and total bilirubin level ; dose reduction may be required if bilirubin>1.5 and AST/ALT.>2 times the upper limit of normal.
    Of course by now you know the loss of the body hair is the most common side effects(87-100%); hematologic side effects included neutropenia(90%),
    leukopenia(90%),thrombocytopenia(20%)and anemia(78%). Most of these side effects are more significantly influenced by the duration of infusion (3hr course or 24hour ) versus the dose given.
    Fever (12%) was reported and therefore chances for febrile neutropenia(2-55%) and opportunistic infections(30%) cannot be ignored.
    Other side effects included myalgia and arthralgia(60%), hypotension, peripheral neuropathy, nausea/vomiting(52%),diarrhea(38%),mucositis,visual disturbances and ascites are not uncommon.
    Additional info: 0/15 response rate ,(JCO August 1996 vol.14 no8 2306-2310. Newer agent like Nab-paclitaxel studies will come later.

    Part II The regimens.

    The principles of using combination therapy are to use:
    (1) agents with different pharmacological actions.
    (2) drugs with different organ toxicities.
    (3) agents that are active against the tumor and ideally synergistic when used together.
    (4) agents that do not result in significant drug interactions.
    In general, the more agents used together in a regimen,the development of resistance may be slowed,but increased toxicity may result.

    Most systemic treatment (chemo) for CC are based on experiences in treating pancreatic cancer since the molecular pathogenesis are similar.
    Chemo agents like mitomycin,doxorubicin,docetaxel,oxaliplatin,irinotecan also have been used for treatment of CC in regimens combined with gemcitabine or 5FU.
    According to”systemic therapy for advanced cholangiocarcinoma”in uptodate .com The “overall response rate” (OR) of the regimen
    (which include partial (PR)=tumor shrinkage>30% and complete response (CR)=100% shrinkage;stable (SD)=no change ) examples are as following.

    1.Gemcitabine alone in two studies are 22.6% (2009)and 26.1%(2005).OR 4% in 24 pts (Valencak,et al);30% in 23 pts (Kubicka et al.);36% in 39 pts; (Arroyo,et al).
    One Interesting side effect(ie: low platelets count) is a s follows:
    Gemzar alone: 24%(all grades) will have thrombocytopenia(low platelet count) .for grade 3 and 4 (more serious) ,the % is 4%.
    cisplatin alone: 30%;for grade 3 / 4 ,the %= 3%.
    Combined GEM/CIS regimen when compare to cisplatin alone in one study=85%(all grades) to 13%(all grades).

    1b. Gemcitabine+5FU Overall response 33% in 9pts,(Murad 2003); 9.5% in 42pts,(Jacobson D -ASCO 2003); 19% in 26 pts,(Hsu C,et al-ASCO 2003).
    Side effects: see above for each individual agent in the “single agent” section.

    2.Gemcitabine + cisplatin (GEM/CIS) regimen in five studies are 17.1%(3/2007),27.8%(2009),27.5%(2005),32%(2006),34.5%(3/2006);Additional data; 33% in 24 pts,(Thongprasort,et al GI ASCO); 48% of 42 pts,(Reyes,Vidal,et al GI ASCO the COCCHI trial). Recently in south Korea, a trial was conducted for gemcitabine + weekly low dose cisplatin as different from the 21 day cycle of giving cisplatin on day 1 and gemcitabine on day1,8 ,every 21 days.

    The following link is the famous ABC-02 trial about GEM/CIS is more effective than gemcitabine alone and become the standard treatment for CCA.

    And the other opinion on use such as the first line therapy below.

    this link is to compare GEM/CIS regimen to CAPOX, an alternative regimen .

    2b. Gemcitabine+Carboplatin: one study 30% of 13 pts(at ASCO 2003).

    3.Gemcitabine+ capecitabine (GEMCAP)in 3 studies are 25%.(2008) & 26% in 35 patients,(Knox J,et al. in 2004 GI symposium);31%(2005).grade 3 and 4 toxicities were fatigue , leukopenia and anorexia. Also there were 34-42% of the patients had a stable response.Another study of 56 patients, there were 2 complete and seven partial responses ( 16% OR) and a good number of patients had prolonged periods of stable disease.Again, this regimen works better on extra hepatic CCA than intra hepatic CCA.

    4.Gemcitabine + oxaliplatin(GEMOX) in 2 studies the response rate are 36%(bilirubin<2.5xnormal);22%(bil.>2.5xnormal)-(9/2004.);and 50% -including 1 complete response and 11 partial response in a population of 24 patients(Ann Oncol.2006 Jun17(suppl_7):vii68-vii72. Oxaliplatin is a potentially better-tolerated agent than cisplatin(ie: less kidney toxicity ).
    In some treatment center, this GEMOX regimen is used more often than the GEM/CIS regimen,it is more tolerable .(info. added on 5/3/2013)especially when using in combination with targeted agents.

    5. Erlotinib (Tarceva)-an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor ,does provide good result.According to,in one study,42 patients with advanced biliary cancer,57% of whom had received prior chemotherapy,received erlotinib(Tarceva)150mg daily.There were 3 partial responses and 7 additional pts remained progression-free at six months(stable response). Further experience with this drug is needed, particularly combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy.
    Additional info: Single phase II trial in 42 pts with 7% moderest benefit of response rate and 17% were progression-free at 6 months.
    However use in combination with GEMOX with” pulsed erlotinib” between doses of GEMOX in a phase I study with both pancreas and biliary pts . 4 out of 9 pts(44%) had partial response,and 75% progression-free at 6 months

    Side effects: facial and body rash are common,tiredness and nail color change.(added 9/20/2013).

    6.ECF regimen consist of epirubicin, cisplatin and infusional continuous 5-FU pump; in a small trial of 32pt including 7 liver cancer pt;the objective response rate was 40%;and associated with less acute toxicity. However using Xeloda to substitute for 5FU continuous treatment,similar result of 40 % was also achieved but the grade 3 and 4 neutropenia(serious low WBC count) and mucositis were the major side effects;Additional phase III trial,however indicated a lower OR around 19% but associated with less toxicity.

    7.Capecitabine+mitomycin regimen had a higher response rate than gemcitabine+mitomycin (31% vs 20%).

    8. Infusional 5FU +cisplatinone study of 25 patients,PD=24%;a second study of 29 patients, the OR is 34%.

    9. Gemcitabine+ irinotecan regimen: pt pop=16 with only 6 were CCA and the rest were gallbladder;there were 2 complete response and 6 stable response;grade 3-4 myelosuppression(50%) and thrombocytopenia(low platelet count)(28% of the patient population)

    10.Capecitbine+oxaliplatin regimen(CAPOX);had overall 16 % response rate and a large number of patients had stable reponse;in another study(CCA patient pop=65;) In EXTRAhepatic CCA(ECCA) there were 2 complete and 8 partial responses as compare to NO complete or partial responses for the INTRAhepatic CCA(ICCA)patients;grade 3-4 peripheral neuropathy and 2 had allergic reaction to oxaliplatin.Somehow, for unknown reasons capecitabine works better for ECCA than ICCA and has a higher overall response rate for gallbladder cancer than cholangiocarcinoma.

    see link below for comparison of this CAPOX regimen to GEN/CIS regimen;

    11.Erlotinib+bevacizumab regimen:(pt pop=53,43 had CCA the rest were gallbaladder);9 had partial response and 51 patients had stable responses.
    grade 3-4 cerebral thrombosis or low blood flow(ischemia)and rash.

    12.GEMOX+bevacizumab(Avastin) regimen:(pt pop=35;CCA=25 and 10 were gallbladder)41% had partial responses ;grade 3-4 toxicity was hypertension,proteinuria ,thrombosis(blood clot) cardiac ischemia and not relate to this study but later FDA gives a black box warning of 2% chance for developing of colon perforation from Avastin.

    13.GEMOX+cetuximab regimen:(pt pop=30 with 27 CCA patient and 3 gallbladder)19 patients had objective responses (63% of the pop);3 had complete response(tumor was gone) and 9 patients of the study had enough shrinkage to permit resection later.BUT the review board since long term outcome of this study was not known ,therefore further study of this combination is warranted. Update: during the ASCO poster session in June,2012 the poster presenter of the final analysis of a randomized phase II “Bingle trial” indicated that GEMOX+cetuximab is NO more effective than GEMOX regimen alone.

    14. 5FU continuous infusion daily for 5 days+cisplatin regimen:(pop=25 pt)
    24 % had partial responses ;another study(pop-29pt) indicated there were 34% partial response.

    15.Gemcitabine+ irinotecan + Panitumumab (7 Kras mutant pts) had a 34% response rate and OS(overall survival)=12.7months (Gruenbergere,et al. The Lancet Oncology vol 11, issue 12, Pages 1142-1148.)-from 6/2012 ASCO.

    16.GEMOX + erlotinib in 268 patients studied using erlotinib 100mg daily,the OR is 30% vs 16 % who are only on GEMOX regimen ; grade 3 and 4 toxicities were uncommon in both groups. But more patients needed dose adjustment for toxicities in the erlotinib group.. (64 vs 43%)

    17.Other regimens like
    Gemcitabine+Xeloda+Avastin; GEMOX+panitumumab
    or sorafenib; FOLFOX6+bevacizumab
    are under clinical studies and at this time they have not been reviewed by the literature review version 19.3:Jan.2012

    18. FOLFIRINOX=5FU+leucovorin+irinotecan+oxaliplatin.

    18b. FOLFIRI=5FU+leucovarian+irinotecan

    For both of 18&18b,please also take a look on the above single agent description about irinotecan.(#12)

    19.Trastuzumab (Herceptin)+paclitaxel (1 patient.)study for metastatic CCA who has HER2/neu amplification by FISH analysis ; patient experienced dramatic response after 9 weeks of treatment.Patient had not responded to GEM/CIS; GEMCAP and GEMOX prior to the new regimen.
    (Lisa Y. Law http//

    20. clinical trial on FOLFIRI+Cetuximab
    (still on trial,results may not have been reported please check the links below). Below, separately, it may helps to understand the trial a bit more.

    21. EGFR/VEGF ( panitumumab+ bevacizumab ; erlotinib+ bevacizumab. And Sorafenib + Erlotinib )
    A recent case report of dual therapy with panitumumab and bevacizumab in a patient with widely metastatic GBC unfit for any cytotoxic therapy demonstrated a significant PR and improvement in performance status for 7 months (Riley and Carloss, 2011). A phase II study of 49 evaluable patients with chemotherapy-naïve aBTC investigated EGFR/VEGF inhibition with erlotinib and bevacizumab (Lubner et al., 2010). Six confirmed PRs were noted with a median duration of response being 8.4 months in those patients. Overall mTTP was 4.4 months and mOS was 9.9 months. Exploratory analysis of EGFR mutational status showed that those with EGFR truncation variant III or those with KRAS mutation suggested a less likely response to erlotinib; serum VEGF expression was not noted to change from baseline between responders and nonresponders. Recently, the SWOG 0941 trial enrolled 30 evaluable patients to receive first-line therapy with daily sorafenib and erlotinib with primary endpoint to improve PFS from 4 to 8 months (El-Khoueiry et al., 2012b). Two patients had a PR and 8 had SD as their best response, but there were 3 deaths while on study with one possibly related to treatment. The mPFS/OS was 2 and 6 months and the trial was stopped early due to a weak efficacy signal. Further studies are required to assess whether there may be benefit in certain subsets of patients.

    21. GTX. (Gemcitabine+Taxotere+Xeloda)

    Celgene took an interesting approach when it used Bristol Myers-Squibb’s drug, Taxol in a nanoparticle formulation with albumin (this Taxol formulation is known as Abraxane) in combination with gemcitabine to improve upon the survival rates of gemcitabine alone. In those trials, where the gemcitabine-Abraxane combination was compared head to head with gemcitabine alone, Celgene only saw an increase of 1.8 months in median survival time and about a 58% increase in the one-year survival rate for patients treated with the combination of Abraxane plus gemcitabine when compared to gemcitabine alone.

    23. Gemcitabine+cetuximab:

    24. Taxol+Zolinza(veronistat)
    for Taxol ,please refer to above “single Agent” item # 16.
    veronistat is a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Side effects included hyperglycemia(5%);Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis total(5%)

    Additional chemotherapy and radiation treatment that members of this board had been used.(Jan2011-Dec.2013)
    1.Gemzar750mg/m2+Capecitabline 1120/m2+erlotinib 150mg daily.
    2.GEMOX+panitumumab for 18 cycles+radioembolization.
    3.Gemzar+Xeloda+Avastin (clinical trial)
    4.Capecitabline mono oral therapy.
    6.IMRT + Xeloda +Gemzar after radiation.(for ECC)
    7. Radioembolization (for ICC)
    8.GEMOX+ temsirolimus.
    9. Chemoembolization with cisplatin,mitomycin , Adriamycin with/ or without RFA or microwave ablation.
    11. Gemcitabine+5FU continous pump infusion with or without targeted agents like sorfenib or erlotinib
    12. Xeloda as maintenance therapy.
    13. clinical trial on Folfiri+cetuximab
    14. GEMOX+cetuximab+radioembolization.
    15. Gemzar, clinical on MK2206
    16.clinical trial on Crizotinib
    17. cyberknife(IMRT)
    18. PDT(photo dynamic therapy)
    19 clinical trial on RFA using in extrahepatic CCA.
    20.Chemoembolization(TACE)+RFA in intrahepatic CCA.

    21. TIL (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte immunotherapy.) clinical trial@NIH
    22. GTX (gemcitabine+ taxotere and Xeloda) clinical trial.
    23. DCA for extra hepatic CCA.
    24. IRE (irreversible electroporation)-nanoknife.
    25 cryoablation to lymph node.
    26. Taxol+verinostat
    27. FOLFIRINOX=(5FU+irinotecan and oxaliplatin)
    28. LY2801653
    29. Afinitor( everolimus)
    30. FOLFIRIN+ Tarceva.
    31. Clinical trial of MEK/ Pazopanib
    32. ALPPS
    33. Liver transplant
    34. Cabozanitib clinical trial

    Other treatment options besides Chemotherapy

    Surgery(liver resection) and orthotopic liver transplantation provide the only possibility for a cure but not absolutely and among patients who undergo potentially curative resection,long term outcomes vary according to location and stage of the primary lesion,extent of surgery,associated comorbidities(other health problems like diabetes),and treatment-related complications. Recurrence is very common(>75% for ICCA & around 50% for ECCA). Below is the link of my intrahepatic CCA history if interested,as of 12/20/2013 ,I had 3 resections ,so the odds are high for recurrence.

    Other” treatment options for locally and/or advanced unsectable cholangiocarcinoma” include radiation therapy like chemoradiotherpy,EBRT, IMRT,SBRT,PDT,cyberknife(a form of IMRT); interventional radiology(IR) like Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) ,Macrowave ablation, cryoablation, Radioembolization and c;chemoembolization and IRE; orthotopic liver transplantation.

    IRE is the newest tool used by interventional radiologist, the main advantage is the procedure produce no heat and therefore can be used in areas that RFA or microwave ablation cannot be fully employed(ie: lymph node and tumor abut blood vessel in the liver;same as for cryoablation but for smaller tumor.)

    Clinical trials approved by NIH is another option for advanced cholangiocarcinoma. ( ie: the TIL trial by NIH is an immunotherapy, one of our member qualified for the treatment and free of the disease for 12 month now —this entry is on 7/28/2013)

    I hope the above updates help to give you a general idea fo some of the regimens used in the cholangiocarcinoma chemotherapy; and since chemotherapy is only one side of the CCA treatment triangle; so please don’t forget the radiation oncology (including interventional radiology) and the surgical oncology of the treatment triangle.

    Additional study from ASCO 2012 convention;

    Additional web site such as the one below is worthiness to look at too.

    Additional links for abstracts related to systemic adjuvant chemotherapy:

    God bless.

    PS. Most of the information comes from; . and section 16.,chapter 85,” Cancer Chemotherapy and Treatment” by Dianne Brundage.,Pharmacotherapy-principles & practice,2007 edition ; and poster and oral presentation sessions at ASCO, (American Society of Clinical Oncology) convention,June 1-5,2012 and ASCO in June,2013 in Chicago.


    In reply to: Pain patch


    Thank you to all of you. I will start thr patch tonight. I do get many anti nausea medications with chemo, but this the worst I’ve been. I get decadron, kytril, aloxi, emmend, and Ativan. I also have others for the days after. This was my fourth cycle of the new chemo, 5fu/oxiliplatin. I had a scan on Tuesday and liver and lung rumors are stable. Slight growth in peritenium , and dr. Lenz feels this is causing the pain. My markers ans cea all look good. We will comNtine on with this chemo. A little better today, but still very nauseous. This is difficult as I’m continuing to drop weight and have to put some back on. Thank you for your support and prayers.
    In Christ,


    while you’re on the search for info re. use of 5FU-based protocols for treatment of CCA –

    am i looking in the wrong place for any studies describing the use of FOLFIRINOX/FOLFOX/FOLFIRI for CCA? can’t find anything other than pancreatic CA studies.


    Hi, everyone,
    If it is of interest to you,please read.

    Current available literature from indicated:
    1. 5FU alone and older 5FU- based combination therapies- the objective response rates(OR ) is between 0-34%. Higher responses rate(OR=32%) are reported when using either infusional 5FU or 5FU with leucovorin(ie:using continuous infusion pump for 48 hrs);For unclear reasons,capecitabine as a single agent is LESS effective against CCA than for gallbladder(GB) cancer;(thus ,in my opinion and not from any other sources, Xeloda is more effective in extrahepatic CCA than intrahepatic CCA due to the physiological location of the extrahepatic bile ducts are closer to the GB than the intrahepatic bile ducts that originated from the inside of the liver for the intrahepatic CCA..

    2.Gemcitabine ALONE-The Objective responses rate is around 7-27%; for Gemzar+cisplatin combination ,a pooled analysis of 104 trails of a variety of chemotherapy regimens in advanced biliary cancer (dose not included the famous ABC trial which total pt. pop=410,CCA pt=242;gallbladder=148;ampullary=20 that means this famous ABC02 trials is not exclusively for CCA either) concluded that the GEM/CIS regimen offered the highest rates of objective response and tumor control compared to either gemcitabine-free or cisplatin-free regimens.,however,this did not translate into significant benefit in terms of either time to progression(ie:the time from the last scan that shows no tumor growth or stable to the time the new scan shows tumor is growing or new lesion is discovered) ; median overall survival (ie; is the middle number in months of all the patients who if have 100 patient in a study,and the MEDIAN overall survival is 20 months;that means 50 patients will survive less than 20 months and the other 50 patients will be live longer than 20 months); therefore the Gem/Cis regimen in their view(the uptodate literature review panel) should be considered a standard option,but NOT the definitive REFERENCE standard for treatment of advanced CCA.
    God bless.



    CS/CR test cannot rely on blood testing. It requires a fresh tumor sample.

    I agree with you that, for most CC patients, it’s hard to take advantage of chemo-sensitivity testing. Patients undergoing resection are very unlikely to have the information about the test. If and when they learn about the test, their resected tumor is no longer fresh, so it can’t be tested. Patients not eligible for resection face the difficulty of obtaining biopsy that meets testing requirements.

    That said, a small minority of CC patients might be able to undergo the test.

    You are right we only have a few protocols to choose from. But, we do have a choice…

    gemcitabine + cisplatin
    gemcitabine + oxaliplatin
    5FU or capecitabine + cisplatin
    5FU or capecitabine + oxaliplatin

    … and a few others, less common ones. Today, there is no way to tell which protocol is the best for the given patient.

    My wife is doing Gem/Cis chemo. Is it the best protocol for her? We don’t know. Is it possible that Gem/Ox would be a better choice? Or 5FU/Cisplatin? Yes, it’s possible. We have no way to find out.

    CS/CR testing promises to change that. The sales pitch is extremely appealing. Can they deliver on their promise? I don’t know.

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