Search Results for 'gemcitabine cisplatin'

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  • #84539

    Thank each of you for your responses. I apologize for not getting back here sooner. It was a busy week in Houston and then I had to fly back and throw my 3 year old a birthday party! It was good times all around.

    My dad’s time at MD Anderson went good. I’ll be honest, I was a little taken back when we first got there. There are A LOT of sick individuals fighting their battles there. After the shock, we relaxed a little and focused on the appointment and my dad.

    Dr. Javle and his team were absolutely amazing and wonderful and so very caring. Dr. Javle would have sat in the room all day and answered our questions. (at least that is how he made us feel). He confirmed the my dad does indeed have CC. It is stage 4 (I think stage 4a). He was positive for CK 7 and weakly positive for CK 20. Negative for PSA, TTF-1 and CDX -2. I am still learning what all of that means too.

    My dad is only 66 and otherwise pretty healthy. He did not present with any pain. He lost some weight quickly and was tired. Went for a physical and discovered that his calcium levels were elevated. That is how this all started. What a silent enemy!!!

    He starts chemo tomorrow, Gemcitabine and Cisplatin and will repeat every 14 days. We will then go back to MD Anderson for re-staging in 3 months.

    Thank you all again for your responses and support. What an awesome way to learn and connect.



    Dear Cazgirl,
    My husband’s tumour is in the bile duct and proceeded downwards wrapping around an artery and left renal vein. During the laparotomy the surgeon marked the tumours just in case. Radiation can be used.
    It is stage III.
    Currently he is on chemo.
    The cisplatin and gemcitabine are being used.
    His platelets seem to tank about 7-10 days after his second round in a cycle.
    The platelets were Low. …22
    We are seeing the oncologist today.
    We remain hopeful and strong that God will show mercy.
    There seems to be three areas the cc can go to.
    I think we are intra.
    Praying for you.


    Dear Cazgirl,
    My husband’s tumour is in the bile duct and proceeded downwards wrapping around an artery and left renal vein. During the laparotomy tge surgeon marked the tumours if radiation may be used.
    It us stage III.
    Currently he is on chemo.
    The cisplatin and gemcitabine are being used.
    His platelets seem to tank about 7-10 days after us second round in a cycle.
    He was at 22. Low.
    We are seeing the oncologist today.
    We remain hopeful and strong that God will show mercy.
    There seems to be three areas the cc can go to.
    I think we are intra.
    Praying for you.


    Gemcitabine Hydrochloride and Cisplatin With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Localized Liver Cancer That Cannot Be Removed By Surgery.


    Gavin – Thanks for the welcome and quick response! My dad was diagnosed with cholangiocarconoma about a month ago, and has started on the standard protocol of gemcitabine plus cisplatin. His re-staging date is mid-august. Anyway, I’ve been trying to come up to speed as fast as possible, and it appears there isn’t as much attention paid to this disease as some of the other cancers, so I’m now generally focused on immunotherapy. I have seen the links above, and I’m extremely happy for Melinda! Since my dad is 78, he falls outside the range for the TIL therapy, but a cancer researcher said you can sometimes appeal this on compassionate care grounds. I haven’t tried that yet, but have really focused on the checkpoint inhibitor drugs. They gotten good result on Melanoma, and I know they are starting to try these drugs on other cancers, but other than the lady at UCSF, who is on an experimental anti PDL-1 drug, I haven’t really seen anyone on this site involved in PD-1 or CTLA-1 trials.

    My dad is currently going to a hospital in Atlanta, and his current doctor doesn’t appear very interested in trials, so I’m trying to get him into MD Anderson. I actually live in Dallas, so MD Anderson is within 4 hrs of my house, and I can move my dad out here and get his treatment there. My backup plan is to get him into Emory in Atlanta.

    By the way, if anyone is interested, I found a couple of links discussing checkpoint drugs … the focus is on Melanoma, but it is being pushed out to other types of cancer:


    Hello everyone

    It’s been sometime since I last posted. I read the posts regularly and find it so sad whenever I see a another person diagnosed with this dreadful disease, but the support and care this site provides is invaluable.

    I am now living back in the UK but miss life in France.

    I have completed 6 months (8 cycles) Chemo – cisplatin/gemcitabine. No major side effects but extremely tired throughout. I did have problems with the steroids and had to stop taking them. Latest scan showed 60% reduction in tumours which was totally unexpected but brilliant news.

    So now looking forward to a summer of fun and tumour stability.



    I know each person’s case tends to be unique, but I am – desperately – reaching out today to ask the many people who have been involved with this disease, what else can I be doing ?

    In brief, we have been battling ICC for 13 months. We made very significant gains while using Gem/Cis for 8 cycles. The tumors (many dispersed plus very large tumor in left lobe) within the liver were reduced and the lymph nodes seemed to disappear. We moved to Gemcitabine alone and the tumors within the liver began to grow,

    At that point we opted for a clinical trial (NCT01285037 – part D) which had shown good results in the initial phase. However, shortly after starting that trial, my wife had an allergic reaction to the chemo drug (cisplatin) which was a key part of this phase. We tried to go with the Met inhibitor drug alone (no longer paired with cisplatin). However, the tumors grew quickly in AND outside the liver. We are almost back to where we started.

    We just started Folfox as the next chemo regimen. While its too early to determine its effectiveness, my understanding from all I’ve read is since we’ve been through the Gem/Cis – and can’t go back, if the Folfox doesn’t work, there is no other chemo regimen that I can find as the next option.

    If others have gone down a similar road, what options are there beyond this chemo. We cannot do liver directed therapy at this point because the growth in the lymph nodes seems even more aggressive.

    Beyond chemo, the only trial I believe would offer some potential to stem this disease is the trial (NCT01174121) that has shown promise with one of our members. I am not even sure we would qualify, but if the Folfox does not work it makes us more eligible (sadly).

    I am hoping for a path that others have taken which I have not yet found.

    Thanks, in advance, for your help.
    Carl – for Lynn


    In reply to: Nausea and Vomiting


    ABC-03: A randomized phase II trial of cediranib (AZD2171) or placebo in combination with cisplatin/gemcitabine (CisGem) chemotherapy for patients (pts) with advanced biliary tract cancer (ABC).


    Study of CX-4945 in Combination With Gemcitabine and Cisplatin for Frontline Treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma.


    My wife did 12 cycles of Gem/Cis. The entire process took about 4-6 hours depending on how much fluid was required. However, the cisplatin was administered over 1 hour.

    Andrea would come to the treatment as hydrated as possible (lots of liquids beforehand). She would then usually get a bag of fluids. They would then keep track of her urine production. After the bag of fluids and assuming enough urine, she would get the cisplatin over an hour. After that, she would get a second liter of fluid.

    Anyway, getting cisplatin over 1-1.5 hours is consistent with my experience (although the 2 liters of fluids + gemcitabine made the process take a lot longer)



    Phase I trial of everolimus, gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients with solid tumors.


    Hello all, my name is Carolyn and I’m 56 years old, a seven year breast cancer survivor and I was diagnosed August 2013 with gallbladder CA, unresectable, a few liver mets, Stage 4. Prior to diagnosis, I had what I thought were minor, common GI symptoms like GERD, heartburn. Early May, 2013 I had what seemed like a classic gallbladder attack, (a first) and an ER work up was unremarkable. Followed up with my internist, started over-the-counter meds as needed. Had a colonoscopy which was fine in early June. By late June I was feeling worse, had upper abdominal pain, poor appetite and fullness after meals. My internist did more bloodwork, found H. pilori and I took two weeks of antibiotics which made me feel worse. Still feeling bad, I saw her again and she ordered Ultrasound which told us what was going on with my gallbladder. My breast oncologist, affiliated with Sloan Kettering helped us find the group at Sloan and Dr. Abou-Alfa is now my doctor. I started chemo (Gemcitabine and Cisplatin) on September 9, 2013, along with starting a clinical trial of MEK 162. Six months into treatment, I’m doing well. The tumor has shrunk, mets have also shrunk and in general I feel well. My husband has been a wonderful support, as has our only son who is in college. I am so fortunate to have wonderful friends through community involvement and church and I’m getting through the challenges with my faith, family and friends lifting me up as I go. I am finding now that my emotions are more up and down, as the routine continues and I tire more easily. I was very happy to learn about this group because I am ready to get to know others who are in a similar situation. Thanks for listening to my story, and for sharing yours with me. I’m new to discussion boards, have never posted on one, but here I go!



    Hello all, my name is Carolyn and I’m 56 years old, a seven year breast cancer survivor and I was diagnosed August 2013 with gallbladder CA, unresectable, a few liver mets, Stage 4. Prior to diagnosis, I had what I thought were minor, common GI symptoms like GERD, heartburn. Early May, 2013 I had what seemed like a classic gallbladder attack, (a first) and an ER work up was unremarkable. Followed up with my internist, started over-the-counter meds as needed. Had a colonoscopy which was fine in early June. By late June I was feeling worse, had upper abdominal pain, poor appetite and fullness after meals. My internist did more bloodwork, found H. pilori and I took two weeks of antibiotics which made me feel worse. Still feeling bad, I saw her again and she ordered Ultrasound which told us what was going on with my gallbladder. My breast oncologist, affiliated with Sloan Kettering helped us find the group at Sloan and Dr. Abou-Alfa is now my doctor. I started chemo (Gemcitabine and Cisplatin) on September 9, 2013, along with starting a clinical trial of MEK 162. Six months into treatment, I’m doing well. The tumor has shrunk, mets have also shrunk and in general I feel well. My husband has been a wonderful support, as has our only son who is in college. I am so fortunate to have wonderful friends through community involvement and church and I’m getting through the challenges with my faith, family and friends lifting me up as I go. I am finding now that my emotions are more up and down, as the routine continues and I tire more easily. I was very happy to learn about this group because I am ready to get to know others who are in a similar situation. Thanks for listening to my story, and for sharing yours with me. I’m new to discussion boards, have never posted on one, but here I go!


Viewing 15 results - 316 through 330 (of 676 total)