Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice

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    Butch never bought me an engagement ring – I didn’t want one. Well, about 4 years ago, he gave me a beautiful citrine ring for Christmas, and I wore it a lot. It turned up missing, and I could not find it – looked everywhere. Last year, between the Mayo Clinic and the University of Pittsburgh, I was weeding in the front flower garden, and it turned up – in the dirt there! I must have pulled my gardening gloves off, and it came off, at some point? Well, I was thrilled , and NOW – I have that ring – the only ring Butch ever bought me. I wear it every day. So – maybe you WILL find that earring some day!

    Love – Joyce


    I have an earring that disappeared into thin air 1 year ago-could it turn up?
    Janet ( I have certainly looked for it!


    Dear Sue
    how lovely to find the bracelet,these things can give a lift and we need that.I too am very tired,I think this whole grieving thing is absolutely exhausting.
    love from Janet



    Another wonderful experience. I truely think that Ray is somehow instrumental in this and is reaching out to you. What a great early birthday present! I have had a few incidents, but nothing that profound. I will keep patiently waiting & hoping. I do still have the light that goes on now & again. Sometimes in the middle of the night.

    I too find myself weary & exhausted most of the time. I think that everything we went through & now going through the grieving process does seem to just drain the life out of you, doesn’t it?

    My son is on a business trip so my daughter-in-law came up to help me with the shop for the day & we then went out for dinner. That was enjoyable. She would have stayed on a while longer, but there is snow predicted, so I urged her to go back before it got too bad. She would have stayed over, but the dog was home alone, so she did need to go back. Here I thought it was spring, but it seems that winter is not ready to let go of us just yet!

    Everyone take care & try to have a nice day tomorrow. I will probably be snow bound, once again! :)

    Love & Hugs,


    Thank you everyone, I will pass your kind messages onto Sam.
    I have had another of those coincidences today which are difficult to expain. I have a bd habit of losing bracelets. Ray bought me a gold necklace one Christmas, then the next year bought me a bracelt to match it. Then nine years ago we were away for the weekend and I noticed that my bracelet was not on my wrist. I assumed I had lost it whilst on holiday. So Ray bought me a similar one, but slightly differenhnt, true to form, I lost that one a couple of years ago and he bought me a third on, a chunky one with a safety chain so I couldnt loose it!
    Anyway today I was taking out some dead flowers and one dropped by the back door and fell between two planters which are there. When I bent to pick up the flower, I noticed something in the gravel behind one of the plant pots and when I picked it up I couldnt believe it it was the first bracelet I had lost all those years ago. I cant understand it because I must have moved those pots every year for the last nine years to replant them and I never saw it!
    It has cleaned up beautifully and is now back on my wrist – I will call it an early birthday present from Ray!
    I dont know about you all but I feel very tired at the moment – I think we all deserve a good restful weekend!
    Sending you all my love,



    Thanks for sharing that wonderful experience with all of us. It truely is a sign that our loved ones are not far from us. A big congratulations to Sam. I am sure that Ray knows and is very proud of her accomplishments.



    What a wonderful thing to happen – I have no doubt that our husbands are watching over us , and, every once in a while, we are blessed to have something happen which tells us that this is true. It hasn’t happened in a while for me now, but – I am waiting.
    Also – hooray for Sam – you go, girl!

    Love – Joyce


    Dear Sue
    What an amazing coincidence for you.Best of luck to Sam-all these experiences will make her a better doctor in the long run
    Love from Janet


    Hello my friends,
    My daughter Sam had her written final exam today this was the first big exam she had taken since her Dad died. Before he died we were always together waiting for her phone call to let us know how she had gone on – beleive it or not when she phoned today I was at Rays grave changing his flowers. so I was able to tell him that she thought she had done OK. It was incredable moving to us both, and, we think, too much of a coincidence for it not to have been meant to be that way – Rays main objective once he had been diagnosed was that he saw Sam qualify as a Doctor, in my way of thinking this was his way of showing us he is still there with us.
    Just wanted to share with you all that there are somethings we cant explain which lifts your heart.
    Goodnight to all and god bless.
    Sue x


    Dear Janet,

    I agree with all that Sue & Joyce have already said. Your post is not at all trivial to us. We do all understand what you are saying. If you are comfortable with your decision and are doing it for you, not for everyone else, go for it. You & your feelings are what is important right now. As you said, it is not on the actual day & you can do something for you on his birthday. Then go to the party as if it is just an “end of summer drinks” event. Your Mom will also be there for support so that is a plus. We will all be hoping that you have a nice time. If I could, I like Joyce would love to go with you! :) You will have to post & let us know all about it afterwards.

    I too am sorry you are approaching winter. Since we have just been through it, we all know how hard it is. Atleast you don’t have to deal with the snow, but I know that doesn’t make it any easier, does it? Just remember that we all got through it together & are all here to help you & cheer you on when you need it.

    This whole grieving thing is so complicated & hard to deal with. We all just keeping going by putting one foot in front of the other and taking things as they come. One day at a time.

    Take care.

    Love & Hugs To All,



    I, too think that is a good decision. Nothing is trivial – we do like to hear about what is going on in each other’s lives, and also what it is like in different parts of the world. As a matter of fact, I would like to go to your Brother’s house with you! Too bad about the winter coming on, though – autumn must be lovely, and Darla and I envy you the “no snow” part. I am with Sue – put on the “Glad Rags” and go – we hope you have a lovely time, or, at minimum, forget about your problems for awhile.

    Love – Joyce


    Hi Janet,
    Your last post didnt seem trivial at all, it is nice to hear about things on the other side of the world.
    I think you will be fine at the party, as I say, you may have a few tears, but you will be among people who love you and who loved your husband. The thing we have all found is that many people dont know how to speak with us and they end up not mentioning our husbands at all, or even worse never getting in touch with us. You can make it easier by mentioning some funny incident about your husband to make them laugh, it will show it is still ok to talk and you will not burst into tears at him name.
    I think if you put on a brave face and try to laugh you will enjoy it, I also think you need help and moral support in caring for your son, it must be so hard for you now.
    So put on a smile with your gladrags and go for it girl!
    We are all thinking of you.
    Love Sue x


    I hope that last post didnt sound a bit trivial I think that really it seems a good idea to get away from here and all the problems for an afternoon


    Dear all I think I will go to my brothers.They have a lot of parties usually daytime affairs as they have little kids.They are rich and have a lovely house in Sydney which is 1hours drive from me,their food and wine is always good and they have a pool.If it was just an end of summer drinks I would like to go-it was just this birthday thing that seemed a bit insensitive and it probably is but they are well meaning people.I think Ill just do some nice thing myself on the actual birthday.
    Just think all you northern hemisphere people I have winter aproaching even though there wont be any snow to deal with its still pretty dreary-the days are short and the sea is to cold to swim.We have lovely autumn weather at the moment
    love from Janet


    Hi Janet,
    I think you should do what you feel is best for you, but I would imagine your sister-in-law is also hurting?
    As it is not actually on your husband’s birthday do you think it would be a little more bearable?
    The thing is if you go, you may have a few tears, but you will have made the effort and can always leave early. I am just worried that if you didnt go, you might sit at home and feel worse?
    But everyone is different, and only you will know how you can cope in such a gathering. In any case, if you decide not to go, perhaps you could do something for your sister-in-laws birthday another time???
    Lots of love,

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