I have a concern also…

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    Amy….then this may just be the exception I was wondering about. Great news. Thanks so much for posting this, Amy. More then anything I am happy to hear that your Mom is feeling much better and that all the other symptoms have disappeared. What else can we ask for?


    Hi again,

    Thanks for the responses!

    Marion, Mom and I just talked about the stent, and she said that she is going to talk to the dr about whether her stent disolved, or is still in there. They are supposed to call as soon as they have the results from the cultures. Funny thing is that all of her symptoms; dark urine, light stool, itching are all gone.

    We will stay on top of this though.

    Thanks again!



    I too am glad that your Mom is feeling a lot better. I do think you need to keep on top of the situation tho’ and I don’t know that you want to wait that long, but I guess that is up to your Mom. I am hoping for continued improvement for her.



    Amy…from what I have been told and from what we have seen, on this board, yes, the stents need to be replaced due to clogging unless of course, it is a metal stent. Metal stent clog also however, they can be cleaned out but, plastic stents have been replaced every 3 to 6 months (rarely, 9 months) as they appear to be a major contributor to infections. I would definitely have an infection ruled out due to a clogged stent. There is always something to be learned with this cancer and your Mom may just be the exception. Amy, this is what I know. Others may have more to add to this. Stay vigilant, and you may want to consider consulting with another physician. I am thrilled though, to hear that your Mom is feeling tons better already and I am wishing for her to continue to stay on this path.


    Hi everyone,

    Marion, Mom hasn’t had a stent replaced at all yet. She isn’t even sure if she still has one in there. Do they normally have to be replaced? The oncologist called one of the radiologist down to look at the scans with her while Mom was there. Mom will go back in about 4 weeks. Hopefully she will notice a huge improvement and we can go from there. They took 4 viles of blood yesterday to find out more about the infection and what needs to be done next. My thoughts were that they need to know where to route an ERCP to before they can do anything, don’t they? Mom is just content waiting for a little while and seeing how the antibiotic does. She is feeling about 100% better today.



    Amy…..I am skeptical also. This is one of those times where the second (third) opinion is warranted. I don’t recall when your Mom has had her stent replaced however, it seems to have been quite some time back. The physician does not recommend it? Amy, it does not take much to have someone else to look at the records.
    Hugs coming your way,


    I have never heard that about B.R. before! That’s interesting but a little strange. As long as you are keeping a close watch that’s what matter most.
    Teddy has had a few of those nasty infections that go with the territory, but, they never increased his B.R. The one thing we all know here, is that we must be so alert. Good thing too as the world needs more lerts!


    Sounds “good”…I know not really considering your mom fell and has an infection. but the alternatives arent as good.

    Hope the antibiotics work.



    Hi everyone,

    So, here is what they came up with yesterday….. Mom fell a couple of weeks ago and ended up with an awful black eye. The dr said that her bilirubin is high because when the blood distributes back into the body it can bother the bilirubin because of her previous condition. They also put her on an antibiotic for an infection in her liver. We think that she has probably had the infection since she was in the hospital in February. She has been feeling crummy since then. So, we will watch things over the next few days and see what goes on.

    Have a nice day!


    Amy….on this board no information is too much information so please, don’t hold back. Count on a million good vibes coming your way.
    I am wishing a nice weekend for you also.


    Hi everyone,

    Mom is getting her cat scan right now and will meet with the oncologist following the scan…. please send her lots of healthy vibes!

    She is still itching some. Funny thing is that she had me come and look at her urine because I am always asking a million questions. I was shocked, it is much lighter than mine ever is. It is a pale yellow, sorry, way too much information ;). The dr said that her bilirubin is up just a very small amount. Her stool is lighter also though. So, something is going, I just pray that it isn’t too much!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a nice weekend,


    I guess my best layman’s guess would be that something maybe is blocking the flow in the new bile ducts? Please keep us posted and play some nice music for the baby!


    Tiffany, They did check the bilirubin was something that they checked yesterday, and it was normal.

    Lainy, I guess that I am just grasping at straws hoping that it could be a blockage from something besides cancer. When the dr calls I think that should be one of Mom’s first questions, huh?

    Thanks again for all of the responses. As you all know it just seems like we are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. This baby in my tummy is in knots too ;(.

    Love, Amy


    Can cancer come back into the bile duct? The surgeon told us originally that it wouldn’t come back because she has all new bile ducts.

    WOW! That’s a good question. The one thing we know about CC is that we know nothing for sure. I know it can come back, but have not ever heard if it can come back in to new parts. I would say you should ask the doctor.


    Her itching and dark urine is probably due to a build up bile in her liver. I would have her bilirubin checked and if it higher then normal make sure they do something right away. My doctors waited until I was at 14 norm is (1.4-1.8) I did not get toxic but my liver would have shut down in days if they waited any longer.


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