Sis –
Medicare can be quite frustrating and quite often the system works backwards from what it should. Each state is handled differently so what Medicare will pay for in one state is not necessarily what you will get in another. Just as Medicare reimbursement rates are different from state to state…..Medicare actually punishes states that use their Medicare dollars wisely by giving them less money and states that don’t manage get more. They also won’t pay for a lot of preventative stuff that would save millions of dollars in the long run……an example is a quadraplegic who has an extremely high risk of pressure ulcers, they will not pay for a pressure relieving mattress until the person has bed sores. So let’s close the barn door after then horse ran off.
It very frustrating and I battle it every day. One thing I will say though, is if you are denied something because it is not covered in your state then contact your Representatives and Senators, that can sometimes get those rulings changed.