My beloved Barry passed away.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion My beloved Barry passed away.

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    I am so so sorry for you and your children. They will get you through this terrible time. Barry is in a better place now and will always be your angel. I pray that God lifts you up and gives you peace.


    Melanie – I am sitting and reading your posts with tears in my eyes. You are right that it is comforting to have all these people on this site to turn to and to understand what you are going through right now. It doesn’t make it easier, but it makes it somewhat bearable. Please come back often when you need our support or, should you ever need to chat privately, I welcome your email ( My heart is aching for you and your little ones right now. I hope you have a lot of family and friends around to support you. The next few months will be a blur. All my sympathies – Nancy


    Deat Melanie, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. His passing was so sudden. I pray for you and your children to have comfort. Take care of yourself and come back to this site to help you heal in the future. Best Wishes, Pam


    Melanie, I am so very sorry to hear about Barry. You were a wonderful wife and advocate to walk this terrible journey with him and he is now at Peace and whole again. Please accept my prayers and sympathies.

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, my Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eyes a tear.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,


    Dearest Melanie – I am so sorry for your loss. I know the sorrow of losing your husband and soulmate. My prayers are with you and your young children. What a difficult pain to bear. My heart is with you and I send you a hug through these pages. May this prayer bring you some comfort:

    We thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
    We thought about you yesterday, and the day before that too.
    We think of you with silence, and we often speak your name.
    All we have now are memories and a picture in a frame.
    Your memories are our keepsakes with which we’ll never part.
    God has you in safe keeping; we have you in our hearts.
    It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
    A part of us went with you the day God called you home.

    Your loving family.

    I do not know who to credit for this poem, but a friend of mine shared it with me and I share it with you.

    God be with you and bring you comfort and peace.



    Only a week after discontinuing treatment, the love of my life went to be with the Lord. It was very sudden and unexpected, and I believe his heart gave out as he had fluid around it that was ever increasing and making it difficult to breathe.

    Thank you to everyone here. You are all going through your own struggle, but yet still go out of your way to comfort others. That makes for a very special group of people and I’m grateful to have found you.

    Please pray if you will for me and our two children, ages 6 and 4, that we will find a way to cope with a loss that’s too great for words.


    Wife of Barry, diagnosed with CC 11/5/10, in heaven 3/10/11.

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