My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2

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    Hi Margaret,

    That is great that Tom is taking in these calories, as you say “a calorie is a calorie” I love that line! Hoping like you that he continues to eat well!

    Best wishes to you and Tom,



    Great news, Margaret and Tom. Got to get that strength up as it takes a lot to cheer for those Packers! Now, I don’t want anyone to get jealous but if I know my Teddy he watches the games with Vince Lombardi. Love to you both!


    You crack me up. Of course I remember the timex watch commercials.. I’m almost 60 remember!

    Thank for all the well wishes. Tom is now ingesting between 1920 – 3500 calories a day. Mostly between Boost Plus or Power Bar snacks. But a calorie is a calorie in my mind! Certainly better than around the 700 that we was eating. I”m hoping that he continues to eat well!!

    PS. Go with God and KEEP KICKIN THAT cancer!


    Tom, Margaret prayers always with u never give up


    Hello Zora and welcome to our wonderful family, but sorry you had to join us.
    How old is the patient and are they in good health otherwise? What was the diagnosis? We really need more information in order to give you some advise.
    May I also suggest that you re post your first post on the Discussion Board page under INTRODUCTION. I am afaird it will get lost on this longer thread. I look forward to hearing more about the patient.


    Hi everyone

    Am looking for the most experienced surgeons for bile duct cancer (with liver invasion) in New York City. Has anyone here been operated on who is over 80 and survived?


    Hi Margaret, just want to say, I am naming the pair of you the ‘Timex Watches’
    cause you both take a lick’in and keep on tick’in! Or are you too young to remember that one? I am thinking and praying hard for the 2 of you.


    BENECALORIE is made by Nestles. They have a medical nutrition department.
    This product has 350 calories and 7 grams of protein in 1.5 ounces.
    It comes in a small little tub, individually. It’s not fantastic tasting , but if you mix it in with a small amount of yogurt or applesauce it does the trick.
    Two of these little tubs alone each day would add 750 calories to his intake.
    I have done a lot of research on finding the highest amount of calories and protein in the smallest amount of food. And this is it.
    Their nutrition drinks are even better than anything on the market regarding highest amount of nutrition in the littlest amount of substance.
    They have a general Nestles product site… but they also have a healthcare provider site/section dedicated to Medical Nutrition. It might be their British site.
    It does work, -and they do deliver it pretty fast.



    This is good news. So just keep kickin that cancer. :) Thinking of you both.

    Love & Hugs,


    UPDATE: They decided to NOT put in a feeding tube as he is able to swallow and keep food down, they may release him as early as tomorrow. The gastro guy decided that at this point the feeding tube is being put on the back burner, but Tom has to drink at least 3 boost plus drinks a day (900) calories and some energy bars as snacks (about 210 calories) and as much food as he can tolerate. Basically they want him to try to intake about 2400 calories a day. (currently he is doing about 700) so I have my work cut out to get him to be eating so high calorie foods!

    This is actually much better news than I was anticipating this morning.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN THAT cancer!



    Dear Margaret, you & Tom are in my heart. X


    I’m sorry to hear that Tom is having such a tough time now. You guys are a great inspiration to us all and I hoping for good news from his stay in hospital.

    Take care



    Dearest Margaret, Sorry to hear how tough the roller coaster has gotten for you and Tom. My heart is with both of you. We are not there yet but will be one day and it scares me. I hope those nutrients kick in and that Tom is able to come home again. These men of ours keep surprising us, you just never know. I want you to know Doug and I are here for both of you every step of the way no matter where the path leads. Hugs. Nancy


    Yes Margaret, I agree with Lainy. If this is Tom’s time to move on, you will make it. You will be OK. It has been almost 3 years for me and I had never been alone either, but I am doing OK. It hasn’t always been easy, but we do what we have to do. We have no choice but to deal with whatever we are given. You are a strong lady and whatever the outcome you will deal with it. I too am hoping things will turn around once again for you and Tom, but know that if and when the time comes, we are all here for you.

    With lot’s of love & hugs for you both.


    Margaret, you are one hell of a woman! Let Tom know that if something should happen you will be OK, he needs to hear that. For you, please know that Teddy has a place reserved for Tom at the big Italian Restaurant in the sky when Tom is ready.
    Margaret, do not be afraid. There are a lot of us who have adjusted to our “new normal” and a lot of it has to do with the fact that we can feel our husbands all around us. I know neither of you are giving up so to speak but maybe Tom is now craving peace and no more illness. He will let you know in his own way. We are all here for you, please use us! Give Tom a huge hug for me!

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