My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2

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    Dear Margaret, that was a really good report! I am so glad you and Tom have finally had some down time from your kick’in. Everyone needs some time to rest. I would sure want you kick’in for me in my corner!


    Margaret……Your food campaign surely is benefitting Tom. Everything sounds great. Good luck on the stent exchange but, as you have mentioned we expect Tom to sail right through it.
    All my best wishes,


    Wow, almost two weeks with no ‘new’ developments! Tom goes in for his scheduled tube exchange tomorrow morning at 7am.

    Since the episode with the high blood sugars, I have been on a campaign to get Tom’s diet changed. Only whole wheat bread and pasta now gets through the door! Diabetic candy, sugar free jam and jelly, wheat flour, wheat pancake mix, wheat waffles, diabetic syrup just to name a few! (Boy it IS expensive to eat healthy)

    And I also am monitoring his daily blood sugars and managing his insulin. He has been feeling a lot better but will take another week or so to get those numbers back to where they should be. They are slowing upping his morning insulin. He was at 15 units a day and today he started taking 23 units (every three days he goes up 3 units) and I’m thinking that once he gets to 25 units a day we will be where he should be. Then he’ll only have to take his ‘fast acting’ insulin one or two times a week (and probably only when he eats something he shouldn’t be eating, when I’m not watching him!).

    At first he was so worried that he would not be able to eat anything! I laughed at him and did a ton of reseach and came up with lots of things that he CAN eat and still keep his blood sugars at a more normal level.

    He has taken this all in stride (amazing isn’t it?) and now asks me “Can I have a snack?” – between meals or at night, and depending on those blood sugars, then I give him some options. Apple with peanut butter (he needs the calories), 4 peach slices in light syrup, 2 cups air popped popcorn, just to name a few.

    I’m certain that his tube exchange will be nothing but normal. The interventional radiologist has exchanged Tom’s tube at least 15 times so far and I think he has it down pat by now and could do it with his eyes closed!

    Hugs to everyone!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!



    Margaret – So glad to hear you and Tom are home!! Even in the frustration that new developments can cause, there is always light.Somehow, it takes a “little jolt” to make us aware, again, of how wonderful time at home with our loved ones is. There is a special peace at home. Enjoy !!


    Margaret – So glad you got home and you will both get some rest. Things seem to be under control…..P.S. We can never leave men too their own devices! LOL…..have a great night.


    Yay! Just got my man home from the hospital. His blood sugars came down quite nicely and he was on the insulin drip all night and most of the day today. I think his doc really wanted him to stay one more night, but it didn’t make any sense to me or Tom, so we requested that he be able to come home, and the Doc complied with the understanding that I would be monitoring his blood sugar levels closely.

    I will be keeping my ‘eagle’ eye on his insulin intake and his blood sugar levels – see what happens when I leave it up to him? (Kick in the behind for me, I SHOULD have known better!)

    Doc also put him on some medication for his pancreas – just to ‘help’ it do the job that it’s supposed to be doing! He’s on Pancrelipase (Creon 12,000 units oral delayed release capsule) which is a combination of three enzymes (Lipase, protease and amylase) These enzymes are normally produced by the pancreas and are important in the digestion of fats, proteins and sugars Pancrelipase is used to replace these enzymes when the body does not have enough of its own.

    I was there when his doc came in today and he was not concerned about the ‘red’ hands… I guess we won’t worry about it either! But I will keep an eye on them!

    Thanks again to everyone!




    Hi Margaret,

    Sorry to hear that Tom is back in the hospital again. I hope last night you managed to get some sleep and I hope that today is a much better day for you and Tom.

    My best to you both,



    Good Morning Sunshine~Margaret! Wait, you live in Greenbay, Sunshine may have been too strong a word! I just want to say that red palms sounds like an allergic reaction to something. I got that once from an anti biotic. Wishing you and Tom a much better day today!



    I hope you are getting the much need sleep and that things will be looking better for Tom today. Thinking of you both.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Margaret….may Tom’s blood sugar continue to move in the downward direction. I am hoping for tomorrow to be a better day. The red hands are a puzzle. I can’t remember anyone ever mentioning it. But, by now I have come to accept that this disease tends to throw new symptoms at us at. I am thinking of you and am sending all my best wishes your way.



    Thank you for your support – and I mean that from the bottom of my heart!

    I just got home from the hospital – O what a day this has been! Tom is in ICU and holding his own. They got an insulin drip started and his blood sugars were down to about 275 when I left. At this point, I don’t know much more than that. I’m certain they will be running some more tests tomorrow to see what caused his blood sugars to get so out of whack, and I’m hoping it is not the pancreas causing all the issues. Funny thing, the palms of his hands are bright red?? I did mention it to his ICU nurse and they will have the doc check it out tomorrow.

    This lil momma has got to get to bed for some much needed shut eye! Love all you guys!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!!


    PS: Lainy I like your comment about Herb! He sure could have made some more brownie points with Cheryl if he HAD told her that, eh? Maybe he can use that ‘next’ time but hopefully there won’t be a next time!!


    Cheryl, I am loving Herb! He has that Teddy attitude and to know Teddy was to love him! Tell Herb I am surprised he didn’t tell you ‘he was falling for you!” Hope he is AOK!


    Margaret: I empathize totally with your frustration! Two weeks ago, Herb and I were leaving an appt. with the surgeon (who decided that Herbs second external drain into the gallbladder should remain in .. as surgery would be life threatening)we walked out of the hospital and Herb slipped and fell. Off we went to Emerg and sure enough … he broke his arm near the shoulder “through and through”. You have to wonder, when is enough enough? Hoping you hear very soon and both you and Tom will get the immediate attention you need. Thinking of you both and wishing Tom the best.
    P.S. Herb is, in his usual manner, coping well ..his attitude is .. at least I didn’t break my hip!


    Gosh, Margaret, stop spreading the news when you are on a good roll as the CC elf I guess doesn’t want to hear it. Good gravy girl, enough already! With that little rant aside, I am sending my prayers, and a special hug!


    Good luck, Margaret. Both you and Tom are being send good wishes………..

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