I met with my new onc today. You like those words, Lainy, Marion, Pam???
Her suggestion: a phase 1 clinical trial using no chemo. This drug (LY2801653), as I understand it, is to work with the body to keep the disease stable. I can handle that, as I am not “sick” and was not looking forward to chemo. If we can keep it stable for four months or so, I can revisit radiation!!
I am so excited, but need to read all 27 or so pages.
It looks like there are side effects, but not as bad as chemo. And they will need to do an endoscopic biopsy thru my stomach wall to get to the new node to have a biopsy done. They are also using genetic testing to see how “we” handle the drug…
And if it doesn’t work, the new node is not in that dangerous an area where we need to worry immediately. If it doesn’t work, we go to the evil that we know: chemo. More on the trial as I learn more.