My wee dad

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    Dear Carol, thank you for the update on Dad. That was the point my Teddy had reached when I decided to take him from Home Hospice to the in Hospice facility. We are both short and even with the weight he lost he was always so powerfully strong and I just could not move him alone. We had discussed this before and he was ready to go. It sounds like your Dad is “getting his house in order” too. As sad as this is, it is an extremely important part as he is able to take part in how he wants things to be and getting them ready for your Mum. There is that part of him that still says I will still take care of my family. You are a fantastic daughter and have done everything so right. Sending prayers and thoughts your way. You can do this, stay strong. Oh, and how about a huge HUG! { }


    Hi guys
    Dad doing a bit better again. Meds eventually worked and he seems more content. He’s still enjoying watching the tennis and had strawberries and ice cream yesterday!! He enjoyed myself Ian and the kids visiting and hearing our daughters stories to camp as she had been away for a week. We are meeting with dad’s lawyer in the hospice today as he wants to sort some things out, wants to make me power of attorney so I can help my mum when the time comes as dad deals with all the bills etc .
    Dad will be assessed this week in the hospice to see if he’s to get home or not. Mum worried sick as dad can’t walk and it’s a huge job for her to take on, even with the back up carers as dad already had them in 4 times a day but that still wasn’t enough.
    Anyway we will wait and see what the outcome is this week.
    Thanks for all your continued support.



    Hi Carol,

    Take a big hug. And you know that we are always here for you and we so know how you feel and how much you hate this cancer.

    The pain injections that your dad is getting in his tummy are what my dad got as well when he went through hospice and they helped him enormously. He got them as and when he needed them but did not need them too much. Hopefully they will work for your dad as well and there is so much that can be done to control pain.

    I really hope too that hospice can get to grips with the constipation issue as I know that if they can then your dad will feel so much better. My fingers are crossed for this to be done as soon as possible. Like you we are all hoping that your dad can catch a break with everything and from mine and my dads experiences I so know how tough this is for you as well. Thinking of you and your dad right now.




    Wee dad really struggling with this constipation since Sunday. Hospice trying everything but nothing working and they’re giving him injections for pain in his tummy. I can’t help but wonder if cancer has spread to bowel? Horrible seeing dad like this and feeling so helpless!! Hate this illness and just wish he would get a break !!! My best friend and best support has left for 2 week holiday today with her family and I’m already struggling !!! Dealing with this on my own is overwhelming !! Thanks for listening xxx


    Nice and welcome progress, dear Carol. Everyone is on top of the situation and your Dad has achieved the comfort level he deserves.
    Hugs to you,


    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for the update on your dad and great to hear that his spirits are still good. Glad as well to hear that hospice are keeping a close eye on your dad and hope that the meds they gave him do the job. Your dad will have got a good boost today with Murray winning his first game! Hope that the sun and the heat is not too much for him as well.




    Hi guys

    Thanks for your continued support. Dad still pretty good although sore with constipation but hospice sorting it out, potassium levels high as is sodium but they’re giving him meds for that. He’s still on good spirits and enjoying watching the start of Wimbledon.
    Really appreciate all your very kind words.



    Oh I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this as an only child. I am an only child as well and my Father was diagnosed just 2 months ago and so much has happened. In the hospital 3 times and just went home today from the last bout.

    We are here to listen and for support.


    Carol, I agree with everyone else. Such great news to hear and I hope that roller coaster keeps going up.



    Carol, definitely a good news day. I too hope the smoother road continues and it could, ya just never know so we all hope for the best.


    Carol….fantastic, Carol. Agree with the roller coaster statement, it’s best to hold on to seats. Wishing for all good things to continue.


    Brilliant news Carol! Hope you got my email earlier and hoping too that the rollercoaster keeps going up as well! Hope that your dad had a good day today.




    Dad seems to have turned a corner and seems so much better today … More alert and eating/drinking … Couldn’t believe it so here’s hoping it continues!!! This is a hell of an emotional roller coaster ride !!!

    Thanks to you all for your continued support.



    Dear Carol,

    Real sorry to hear about your dad and the latest developments. I hope you got my email yesterday. Please know Carol that we are all here for you and I am thinking of you and your dad right now.




    Carol……so sorry to hear that. Don’t think anyone can wrap his/her head around something coming on within such a short period of time. Hang in there, Carol and accept the help offered by hospice. Know that your Dad is cared for in the most appropriate, caring and kind way and that this bittersweet time allows for nurturing each other through it all.
    Hugs and love,

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