Our Kris.

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Our Kris.

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    Hi, Hans,
    While Kris passed away before I found this site, so I never got to know her, I have read many of her posts in the last almost 3 years.
    It was many of her posts, and her sense of humor, that got me through some of my dark days.
    I wish I had known her, if only because we share the name! lol
    God bless,


    RIP Kris, a great loss to this board but you will be always in our hearts


    Hans…..thanks for letting our star shine through once more.


    Hi Hans,

    Thanks for dropping in. Kris was a shining star on this board and is greatly missed by those of us who got to know her. She is still our shining star and will always be remember.

    Hope all is well with you and yours. Good to hear from you.

    Happy Birthday Kris. :)

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi, Hans,

    The way you remember her is by far the best one I have noticed on this discussion board lately;meaningful to share her joyful spirit with us rather than emotional charges that do not lift up our spirit in a way like you do.
    I am for one that still need the other candle burning till they find a cure or meaningful treatment plans for this disease and in that way, Kris for sure will enjoy the success and smile for all of us.

    I had never directly replied or initiated messages with her since I came in the later part of her journey.But I did read about her messages and made me understand ” anger and sorrow “will do me no good; she is part of the reason,among others,to make me see things differently and along the path to become more positive than negative in view of my disease.
    I did notice that she was always joyful in spirit even in the mist of all those tough decisions and treatment for her disease. Her spirit was as bright as the ” yellow daffodil ” she posted instead of her own picture.
    Thanks for the memory.

    God bless.


    Hi Hans,

    Happy birthday to Kris and I was thinking of her yesterday on her birthday. Every year on Kris’s birthday I always get a Facebook reminder that it is her birthday. And yes, that day will always be special and like Lainy says, we will never ever forget Kris! How could we! I remember her CC cakes that she made for the 1st CC awareness month, they looked good! What a brilliant positive attitude to everything she had, a real shining light and she is sorely missed by us all.

    Thank you Hans and my very best wishes to you,



    Hans, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KRIS. We may forget the date but will NEVER forget Kris. What a breath of fresh air, I wish our newer members had a chance to know her. Kris loved life, flower gardens, scarves and wigs and most of all she loved her Hans. Thank you so very much Hans and it is good knowing you check in on us now and then. Take care and I am so glad you stopped in and reminded us.


    A bump to the thread as usual – this is Kris’ third birthday (actually it was yesterday) since she passed away. She would have been 39. To all of us close to her it’s still of course a very special day. I can’t say I come to this forum much these days, but leafing through it I always notice some old familiar names, and wonder about some I don’t see. Good thoughts for all of you!


    Thanks so much for sharing Kris’ birthday with us. I like what you said about celebrating her birthday rather than the day of her death. You are so right-I never knew anyone more full of life than Kris!! We all loved her so much and truly do miss her sense of humor and smile. It’s funny how our minds can cause all of the “bad” things to fade from our memory and we do remember all of the good things. In my dreams and memories Tom is always strong and healthy….and smiling. He had a great smile and laugh too. I hope you continue to keep in touch and I wish the very best for you. Thank-you for lighting a candle for everyone here. We are lucky to have had so many good friends here over the years! Take care. Love, Mary


    I do miss our Kris! I like to believe I touch her soul each time I wade in the ocean or see her beloved daffodils.

    I think of you both often and hope that you are doing well Hans!…..(the only person on the planet I know as monkeybutt!)

    Hugs and prayers for you always….




    What a lovely post. We all miss her here, too. I never met her in person, but feel like I knew her well. She is greatly missed by so many. Thinking of her and of you too Hans and hope you are doing OK.

    Love & Hugs,


    I still miss her a lot,she was so funny always and so interested in all of us and our families.We both loved swimming in the ocean.
    My kindest regards to you Hans

    ps Lainy,Im not sure if sweet is the right adjective for Kris,she was pretty outrageous really!…and we loved it


    Hans…thanks so much for posting. Kris brought so much joy to this board, she touched the heart of many and she continues to lives on for us.
    Hugs to you,


    Happy Birthday to dear Kris. Thank you so much for lighting a candle for everyone on this site, Hans. I have read many of Kris’s posts and I know I would have loved her. All the best to you, Hans.

    Love, -Pam


    Hi Hans,

    Thank you so much for lighting a candle for all of us. That means so much to us all. And yes, newcomers to the site will read Kris’s posts for sure. You mention Kris’s stranger entries…. her posts and expertise regarding all things poo related are much treasured to this day and always will be! What great humour and a lovely smile our Kris had!

    Happy Birthday Kris! We miss and love you loads.



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