Dear Positivity,
This is certainly a topic we all think about!
I am a CCA patient in the group with no risk or predictive factors. No relevant family history. I was diagnosed just after I had completed a very thorough physical involving my GP and three specialists, with the usual range of cancer screening tests, and had been told I was in excellent health. Cancer was found incidentally four months later because I sought treatment for a sore shoulder after I spent an afternoon moving boxes.
Only med is a statin. Otherwise, nothing remarkable relative to your list of questions, e.g., reasonable diet but not a vegetarian, moderate exercise but not an athlete.
This is one of the negative features of this cancer, it can get way out of hand before there is any awareness of its presence, and being a rare cancer, no one is even looking for it I am still amazed that I had a 9cm mass with no symptoms and normal liver counts.
Regards, Mary